Thursday, April 15, 2010


You'll have to double click on this to be able to read it..I can't get it to get any bigger..stupid blogger.
If you would like to leave a message for Merle, or thoughts about T.J. you can go to
The reception was held at Strickly and there was a huge turn out. I didn't go to the service..I just don't do funerals. I did go to the viewing, but only stayed about 45 minutes. Those things depress me.
I made 2 chocolate cream pies, a coconut cream pie, a pecan pie a large pot of beans and a banana cake for the reception at Strickly. When I left there were about 3 pieces of the cake left and the rest was gone. It was really nice but all I could think of was wish T.J. was here to see all the people that came to show their respect. The only 2 that were crying was me and Patsy Patsy Patsy. I hugged her and said 'don't look at me'..she said 'don't look at me'..Of course we looked at each other and started crying. I stayed about 1 1/2 hours and then had to go. I was wore out from all the baking and cooking. Talked to Julio and they are having a cook out at Merle's Sunday and I volunteered(my Daddy told me never to volunteer) to make beans and green beans. Just be burgers and hot dogs. I'm not baking a damn thing..
Merle thinks he is doing ok...but we know that the minute he's there all by himself, it's going to hit him that T.J.'s not coming back and he's going to be a gonner. Well, I'm still pooped..I'm taking the day off...not doing a fucking thing..well, I will vacuum as Dexter is bringing the outdoors indoors as everything attaches to him and he looks like a small bush running around the parking lot. Then he comes in and leaves it all over the carpet, furniture and my bed. I don't even put the vacuum up..just leave it out as I have to clean up after him about 3 times a day.
sigh*....I'm blue.


  1. Warm and sympathetic thoughts go to all of you.

  2. Wishing you heart's ease, YDG (((hug)))

  3. i used to vacuum my faithful german shepherd in the summer. it removed the loose fur and sucked up a few fleas. he loved it.

  4. my happy heart wont allow me to be down for long..but it was helped along by a great phone call from one of my favorite candaderian friends...thanks sweety..
    billy if i got near dex with the vacuum cleaner? he'd removed the large vein in my throat..ha

  5. Oh hon, I am so sorry ((x)). There's little I can say, so I won't, just I wish you weren't hurting so.

    My mutt leaves pools of sand all over the house, from the beach. I could build castles in the corner somedays!

  6. If they lived together, it's going to be particularly difficult for Merle going the first week.
    He's going to need friends around him to spend time with him and do things together to cushion the impact, and most importantly, somebody to talk to...It helps immensely.
    Be there for him.

  7. Oh so sorry you are feeling blue..wish I was there to give you a big hug!

  8. I'm thinking about you today. I know you'll perk back up again soon, it's what makes you YOU. And it's what TJ would want. Be gentle on yourself.

    (I hope your truck didn't get too wet!)

  9. {{{Hugssss}}}

    Seems like a lot dying going on...

    ...and it gives me goosebumps to see someone who has folks lining up to pay their respects for...

    ('ceptin' in the capital building)


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to