Friday, May 06, 2011


there was a thing on facebook and they said the right wing assholes were saying 'Osama wasn't armed, it's against the law to kill someone that was surrendering..who's he going to kill next?'..and what did I have to say?
"Who gives a fuck...I'd have shot him if he was laying in his bed wearing his tighty whities with his remote in one hand and his dick in the other."...enough said...


  1. I wonder if Hitler was a virgin. It might explain a few things.

  2. Somehow I can just visualize 0 getting all those "intelligence" people and spokesmen together and saying something like "next time I'll do the talkin', now shut the fuck up if you can't all get on the same page!"

  3. All those bin Laden ones were hilarious and right on! I especially liked Obama's photo bombing of George W. Bush and his big "Mission Accomplished" banner!

  4. I liked the 'At least I got to see the Royal Wedding' one!
    Happy Friday!

  5. The Obama photobomb of GWB was my favorite too!

  6. Already there's an e-mail going around saying Obama didn't order the hit, that Panetta did and that Hillary was all for it while Obama was hesitating because one person was against it. What a load of BULLSHIT. The Wing-NutJobs are saying Hillary has bigger balls than Obama. What Morans!!

  7. I'm wondering if the 72 virgins will all get headaches.

    Still giggling over the kick me sign.

  8. too bad the seals didn't make a quick stop and pay the saudi royal family a visit.

  9. I would read one and say that's my favorite - that lasted until I read the next one, which became my favorite! And so on.

  10. Did you see the one where the 72 virgins are all nuns?

  11. Or where there was a mix-up and he gets 72 vegans?

  12. I find quite a few extreme right wings "hyproicrites"

    Coffee is on.

  13. Mr Daisy love love loves the "I kill the guy I'm confused with" and has sent it around to his friends...


  14. So now the right wing-nuts are UPSET that Bin Laden was killed? The hypocrisy of their "concern" really makes my head hurt. I'm going to bed now!
    BTW I <3 the kitties!

  15. right wing wingnuts..suck, bite and blow..


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