Friday, December 09, 2016

freezing my ass off Friday

 actually it's 37, wind chill 27..fuck.



  1. Hahahaha! "75 degrees in Texas" made me laugh. It was -30 here last night with windchill of -40. Thanks, polar vortex!

    The Anne Frank story is very on point in today's America. And speaking of truth, so glad to see the Bloom County Picayune is back! LOL @ non-white Santa and bad news about Jesus too.

  2. Always educational, always entertaining.

  3. hey, it got down to 28 degrees here..but then it's going to be 71 middle of the
    and so glad Bloom County is bringing everyone back.
    I lives to entertain.

  4. Another great selection - I have always said that the best way to undermine Trump is to make fun of him. But it is hard - scary hard.
    the Ol'Buzzard


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