Thursday, December 29, 2005


I have lived here in this house for over 11 years.When it is spring time or nice weather any time of the year I leave the door open. If I decide to go to the library or grocery store.I go get in my truck where I have left it unlocked with the keys in it...and leave..the door still wide open..(what if I shut the door and Rocky wanted in?)...where ever I go in town...I leave the keys in the down..and if I am at the library I usually leave my purse in the car too. I will go store to store and leave my packages on the front seat of the truck or if its something the bed of my truck..I have never had one single thing stolen.If it is winter or cold outside I shut the door...but I dont even have a key if I wanted to lock it.Plus all the locks are so old you could(or at least I could) pick them with a bobby pin. Of course when I hate Nate I never had to worry about anyone getting in the even get to the door...Not that he would actually do anything to them but he weighted 110 lbs. and barked like an insane animal(he got great enjoyment out of scaring the crap out of people)so no one wanted to take a chance..But Rocky's not much of a watch cat..he would probably hold the screen door open for them..
I know that there have been cases of people getting their automobiles broken into and have stuff taken out of it..but in 11 years I haven't lost as much as a pen out of my truck..a cd or money that I keep in the cup holder. I would put $20 worth of ones and quarters there so it made it easier for me to get I have it delivered to the house so no money in the truck...but not because I was worried about anyone stealing it...I know that adventually I will come home and someone will have walked in and removed my tv, computer and autographed picture of Randolph Scott, but until then...the door stays open..even if little nosey kids poke their head in...


  1. i'm glad that you feel so safe in west. i go out and leave the door unlocked all the time. not out of a great sense of security but because the lock doesn't work. i keep meaning to get a new one......
    i'm waiting for the day that i come in and there's no laptop.
    i would have liked to see your dog scare the shit out of people. mean streak, i have.
    i really enjoy your posts. they always pick me up.

  2. I was able to do that for years...didn't worry about my hose or my purse. I always said if someone stoile from me it, they must have need it more than I. Then I moved to Idaho. The land of "if you want something steal it"
    After I was ripped off a couple of times I change my behavior. I can leave anything unloced or ungaraged and I live in a beautiful locked gate community now. With a cop behind me, beside me and across the street from me. Ihate it. Plus every one in the neighborhood are total asshole snobs...Yuk.

  3. Do they stone Yankees there, cuz I might be moving.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to