Friday, January 20, 2006


I received an email from the Kinky Kamp alerting me to the fact that Kinky is coming to Waco to meet and greet his supporters. Then from what I can make out he is going to play, I think...not sure..Maybe just make a speech..He will shake hands and kiss babies from 7pm till 8pm and then he will 'take the stage' with Kinky, there is no telling what he will do..But I know one thing, Iam going to corner him and tell him I enjoy the fact that he is a smart ass and pretty fucking funny, but I really want to know what he has planned for Texas. If I am going to waste a vote just so I can vote for him..he better explain his relationship with Forest Gump..and just what the fuck does he plan on doing about the cost of home insurance which is the highest in the united states, what is he going to do about the fact that next to Mississippi we have the worse health care for under privilaged children. I want some damn answers before I waste a vote on him....I will grab that little ole stogie he chews on and cram it up his nose if I don't get some good answers..I'll show him independent...they may not make Jews like him any more(his words) but they don't make grannies like me either...
fuck me till I vote the Green Ticket


  1. I think you're entitled to some answers; just hope they are "real" and not canned, scripted, practiced... vote yer conscious and for whom you think best.. we never know enuff about 'em anyway, just have to "do the best we can."

  2. Go get 'em Jackiesue!!!

    I'm eating a nice bowl of Blue Bell Rocky Road ice cream right now. I've been up all night reading Dom and Sooner's websites. Damn those boys post a lot!

  3. You would make a good reporter. Good questions, maybe not printable in a public media, but good questions. Ask them.

    The uglies have reared their heads here too.

  4. Why don't you run for something? If people like you were in charge of Texas, I might think better of the place.

  5. I'd still vote for the vampyres witch and pagan party.

  6. I am following all of this closely through your posts so I hope you will document all the answers he gives and keep us up to speed!!!


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to