Thursday, January 05, 2006


The boys basketball team won 4 of 6 games...and are looking good...I was under the impression that we hadn't been hurt by lack of rain as we got it when we needed it...well, we did, but not enough...West received 22.51 inches of rain in 2005 unlike 2004 where we received 48.71 inches..McLennan County has been designated as a primary disaster area and our farmers will get low interest loans...Jan. 10th THE HEART OF TEXAS GRASSROOTS DEMOCRATS will hold ther quarterly meeting at the West community Center which is right next to the library.Everyone is invited to attend as there will be presentations and discussions of current,local, state and national politics.I may haul my ass there and see what they are up to. Wonder if I can talk them into not voting in the primary and vote for Kinky Friedman...bunch of old farts...I'll flash my titties at them and show them my cowboy helmet tattoo...that should be good for one vote for kinky...West had one birth, one engagement, one birthday and 4 deaths...them czech's better get busy making babies..we're falling behind...Still no word from the railroad people..fuckers....There is a great house for sale..3 bedroom, 2 bath, central a/c & heat. nice kitchen and living room.for $39,900..some one has free puppies and looking for a home...I have convienced myself not to get any matter how cute and how great they smell.....I love that puppy I told Jax on his blog...if men smelled like puppies I would fuck them more..
That's it...nothing going on in West at all...I ventured out today ..picked up my free blood pressure meds from Dr. Eisma...and they called in a script for 7 ambien as I had a coupon...tried to give it away but no thought I would give it a try and see if I can get 8 hours of sleep...I can't remember the last time I had 8 hours of sleep...Usually get from 4-6 hours...Went by the library and checked out some books...can't seem to concentrate on the ones I have...was going to go to the store but it was about 5:30 and that is when everyone hits the store and nothing like being in our little store when it is packed...I find myself rotating my head and I am being roped by something. I came home and tried some of the tea that the girls gave me for Christmas....with the cute little sayings on the back...Like The Lotus tea..and it says on the back.."Taso Lotus Decaffeinated Green Tea reincarnates highly prized Chinese green teas in a delicate brew of amazing sublety and power. And thus, life goes on."(Life would go on a lot better if I was drinking this tea on an island in the pacific being catered to my natives dressed only in Niki shoes...)
African Red Bush....(I see so many jokes here, I won't even go for them..will let you do it on comments)..."Some say all human beings descended from a single African primate named Lucy. If it's true, she probably enjoyed taking a break from the kids with a soothing Taso Red Bush tea."(my guess whenLucy (realy native name kwanzamae) was through putting her little rug rats down for bed in the cave that was decorated with the hides from okapi,hippo, and monkey, would douse her self with flea killer and drink what ever was left.)
Have to go to Dave Letterman's web site and read his top 10 list for tonight...pretty funny...
I gathered all my dirty clothes and am prepared to do laundry...about 5 loads...judas priest I hate to do would almost be worth it to adopt a kid just so I could teach it how to do the laundry...
going to take my ambien and see if it works...if you don't see me the rest of the'll know it worked...
fuck me till i snore...oh wait..I already do...


  1. Am wondering if you got some sleep; I've been sleep deprived all week... ugh. I wouldn't be "caught dead" in our neighborhood grocery store at 5:30; can't usually even find a parking spot, gotta circle the lot like a buzzard until somebody leaves, then try to beat somebody else into the slot... nope, not for me. Take care... sweet dreams!

  2. i hope you slept well. that ambien really works for some people. i took it for a while. the only thing i don't understand is that they won't give you a month's supply. they give you, like, seven. so you only get to sleep well seven days out of the month?

  3. Just be glad there are no mystery tomato plants growing in West.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to