Monday, February 27, 2006


One of the great things about your ass draggin' (or it is in the case of my ass) you can also dust the floor while it's draggin..kind of a two for one deal..I finally went to the laundry....and I am whipped...My back is killing me, my feet hurt and I am generally feeling like I have been hauled behind a pickup truck down a gravel road. Laundy sucks..blows and bites...But I am going to put on clean sheets, take a shower and do the Tabu dusting spraying again.. That will keep Rocky away....every time I use Tabu, he sneezes...would be only fitting that my cat is alergic to me...hahahahh...
I'm still reading double tap by Martini and don't know if it is me or the book...but just can't get with it..kinda sorta boring....but will plow through....
While I was in town waiting for my laundry to dry I went to our local used shit store..
Caritas....I have some small wooden tables that I want to refinsh and decopauge(sp).so bought some children's books with great art work...were .25 a peice..will cut the pictures out and paste them on crackled of Narnia, Winnie the Pooh, and one with just pretty art work...babies in nests kind of thing. Give me something to do when the weather is nice like this..
I am going to crawl over to the chair and rest my weary ass......but at least I accomplished something today....
fuckme till I'm folded and put away.


  1. Used shit stores are awesome... it's where I've found almost, well, all of my furniture... I like blond formica from the fifties and old kitchen stuff. Plus those places always have 8-track tapes I can use in my truck. Screw iPods... I like buying 8-tracks for 25 cents.

  2. Yeah!! You tackled the laundry monster!!!!

    I think MR. BYG is in over his head and doesn't realize it...

  3. The used shit store has been one of the fastest growing stores around here. Lotta people need money to pay for luxuries like heat and food. :)
    I need a vacation where it's warm.

  4. I HATE laundry and I have so much right now I don't know if I can fit it in the car! That idea of the tables and the book art is awesome!! I hope you can post photos when you have finished!!!

  5. Laundry. Ugh. Mine needs to be done. Come do it.
    I used to love browsing through second hand stores and could find really neat things cheap. Rest.

  6. "laundry sucks, bites and blows" I like that - hafta remember that one :)

    Can you send over some Texas sunshine please? We've got masses of snow here. Brrrrrr.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to