Thursday, March 30, 2006


Another reason why I love my little paper...I had forgot about Daylight Savings coming up...
Lots of exciting stuff in the West News....Two organizations are planning fund-raisers for our Parish Center for St. Mary's Catholic Church of the Assumption. West KJT Society 31 is sponsoring a chicken barbecue and bake sale this Saturday and Sunday at St. Mary's School cafeteria. Whole chickens are $6 each and half chicken is $3.. The Monsignor George Doskocil Forth Degree Knights of Columbus Assembly 2391 is sponsoring a fried fish dinner with all the trimmings at St. Joseph's Hall in West. prices...
West Boy Scouts are collecting aluminum cans to raise money. West Band Booster's are having a garage sale in the West Community Center Sat. Proceeds from the sale will be used to help fund a future band trip.
Purple Heart Chapter plans a saturday meeting..There will be an election of officers during the meeting..(says something about a town of less than 2,000 that they have enough purple heart members to hold meetings and elect officers...)
This is really really crappy....A historic scrapbook was stolen from the West Library. It belonged to James Allen West, grandson of Thomas M. West for whom the city was named. The scrapbook was a collection of news events gathered by J. A. West, who died in the 1960's..Including was newspaper and magazine clippings with information on various events and people during that era. Also information on the city, pictures of businesses, churches and people in the city and McLennan county.
I haven't talked to Henrietta yet, but I bet she is fit to be tied....
Trade days will be the weekend of April 8th and 9th...will be held at the fair grounds...I will go check it out and see what I can find in the somebody else's used shit department..
West Middle school won first place in District 8-AAA UIL One Act Play compettion. The performed the play The Merry Regiment of Women.
We had one birth...Dylan Drake Lednicky ..7lbs. 4 oz. He has 2 older brothers...Derek and Deven......We had one marriage..Vicky Holtz and Jared Brim...Twins Keith and Wesley celebrated their 16 birthday. Along with Amanda who turned 16 also....and someone named Punkin is celebrating her 30th birthday..picture of her when she was about 6. Jacob Barton celbebrated his 2nd birthday with all his grandparents present. We had 6 deaths...all of them at least 70 years old except for Brandi Svacina who was 23 and died of a brain tumor..She was single mother of a 2 year old boy Zacharee Gage Svacina....this is one of those really sad deals....she was a super sweet girl, good mother and way to young to die...
50 years ago there was a bit of advice in the West News...'When a man points a gun at you, knock him down. Don't stop to look if it is loaded, but knock him down and don't be at all particular what you do it with. If there is to be a coroner's inquest, let it be over the other fellow..he won't be missed...
Now that is funny..
Lady Trojan baseball team is undefeated in District...Trojans begin 8-AAA action with Glen Rose, Venus with wins...The Nick Muska Memorial Baseball, Softball tournament is this week-end..Hope it doesn't get rained out..
Immaculate home on 2 acres, fireplace,4 bedrooms, great floor plan. $218,900.
Builders home on 2 acres with 3 car garage separate shop, large living room, $149,900.
Some one is looking for good homes for 2 labs, plus a home for a 7-week old Great Pyrenees/Golden Retriever mix..
There are 12 garage sales scheduled for this weekend...mostly just on on Sunday they are all in church...really....('cept me...I will be at the Church of the Great Oval)
JCDA to sponser annual Community Easter Egg Hunt.Junior Catholic Daughters Court 829 of West is sponsoring its free community-wide Easter egg Hunt frm 10am to noon april 15th at the West Community Center. The hunt is to be offered to 4 different age categories. The first hunt for children ages 0-2 is to begin at 10:15am followed by a hunt for children ages 3-4 at 10:40am. The next hunt for ages 5 and K-First graders begins at 11:05am with the last hunt for children in grades second to third is to begin at 11:30am. Pictures with the Easter Bunny are to be taken and there will also be a bake sale and children's games. All proceeds are to be donated to the West Volunteer Ambulance Association..
Well, that is the news in my little village for the week......It' an easy life...but someone's got to live it..


  1. OMG Jackie, when was the last time I visited you???You've fixed the place up and everything, wow I love it! I've seen that picture of the Mother Gaia Goddess, isn't She beautiful. I look more like the other Goddess before her...but the first Mother Goddess looked just like us regular folks. You've seen the one with a round head looks like there's beads wrapped around it, big belly, big buzoomba's, big belly and big legs? Now that's the one that reminds me of wehat I look like :D Then I look down to see what else I missed and there are all these pictures of you and yours, and beloved pets *sniff* Your grandchildren are so precious, and your kids, and wow! were you a looker in your younger days (wern't we all way back when, huh?) Well I thought my sister's waist was small, hers was 23 inches but you have her beat by 5". She is the same age you are now. She kept her figure a hell of a lot better than I did. Well, now that I've caught up a little I'll go read your post....Beautiful Blog, Denise and Sooner did you up right proud. If it wasn't for Denise and all you guys that know how to do such, I'd still be blogging away on Blogger's old stale templates! Love&hugz, Linda

  2. I got one question, will there be hushpuppies included in all the trimmings for the fish-fry? Ya know I had to ask. Also it is a crying shame when a young girl of 23 passes leaving a baby behind. Thanks again for another report of West (By Gawd) Texas...PS I can't believe somebody had the nerve to steal a historic scrap-book from your library..I hope they get it back And when they find out who did it they need to really punish him. It's not right to steal a towns just isn't right..keep me posted

  3. I saw it on the calendar and moaned. I like the one where we get an extra hour of sleep in the fall.

    So, did Rocky leave all that blank space at the bottom of your post drooling over my cat?

  4. I hate this time change too. I only get one day off at a time and they steal an hour of it, and what for... so there can be more daylight to keep me awake.
    I was wondering about the space at the end myself.
    Got my west news fix so I can now go and get ready for work. Yuk!
    Have a good night I know I won't. :)

  5. I so want to come and go to Czech days or whatever in September!!! Thank you for always reporting all the news of West!!! And super bad karma to those who stole the historical West documents!!! I hope the Goddess hounds them until they return them!!!!


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to