Thursday, June 08, 2006

.......KINKY UPDATE.......

Yes, ole Kinky is back in the news...This past Monday he wasat some dinner in Dallas and he said:"The only thing Rick Perry has done is make George W. Bush look smart." Kinky was accompanied by his loyal Sancho Panza, Little Jewford Shelby.He was at Border's for a book signing..His latest is called Cowboy Logic, a collection of Kinkyisms such as "A happy childhood is the worst possible preparation for life."and "Trust me. I'm a Jew. I'll hire good people." He is still making his cute jokes, ad-libs, and smart ass remarks..He says he sees young voters as key to winning governor's race."If they are old enough to die in Iraq, they're old enough to help fix Texas."He also says:"It's not Kinky Friedman against Rick Perry, it's Kinky against apathy."
Mr. Perry's campaign has predicted Texans won't take Mr. Friedman seriously and mocked the "bobble-head" dolls he peddles to fund his effort. On Wednesday, Mr. Friedman sought to clarify that."They are not bobble-head dolls," he said. "They are talking action figures."
I still am not sure I will vote for him...the fact that he voted for George W. Bush not the first time...but the second time, still bothers the shit out of me...But I don't think Bell the Democrat has a snowballs chance in hell of winning...and that goofy bitch grandma Strayhorn is enough to make the Goddess chew her lip and bite her tongue..
I am making this one short and sweet..don't know if the dipshits in charge of Blogspot have it fixed yet and don't want to waste a good rant just to have them loose it..
fuckme till I comment..


  1. I'm soooo tired of elections. I just want it to be over, they're all crooks anyway else they wouldn't be running for office.

    Blogger has finally allowed me to comment. I was starting to think I had been banned or something.

  2. Yeah, what was up with the comment glitch? I tried two or three times to say something here but finally gave up...

    I wish the best for Kinky... if there was one person like him going for governor in every state, things would be changing very quickly, and probably for the better...

  3. Anyone with a Bush vote on record is suspect with me! Oy! Blogger is starting to act up AGAIN!! How much more can we take!?

    This comment is in no way designed to divert traffic to my blog. The author of this comment assumes no responsibility for the actions of readers of this blog who willfully chooses to click on the link accompanying this comment. The choice is theirs and theirs alone. Thank you.

  4. He voted for Bush? Hmmmm.... that is scary.

  5. It's always so hard to vote. They all talk a good story, then once they're in office it's all gone to shit.

  6. Wasn't Perry the guy in the documentary Bush's Brain? About Roves first deception?

  7. OMG, I'm so glad to be out of Texas politics!

  8. That's the standard fare of most elections: Tweedle-dumb V. Tweedle-DUMBER!
    They must all come from the shallow end of the gene-pool when it comes to brains and ethics. Or maybe they all just need a good strong enema/high-colonic.
    I say we start sending them Castor's Oil when it's getting deep.


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