Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Had one of those out of nowhere days today..had to go to Dr. to get blood pressure taken and check up on my meds and while I was there I thought ..what the hell..and gave him the list of my symptoms....He crooked his finger at me and said'come with me'....so I followed him into the 'bloodroom'...and in less than 3 seconds I went from being a fat old broad that pees alot to a fat old broad with diabetes..my magic number was 320...The nurse pricked my finger, said 320 and Dr. said'your a diabetic'..I said wait a fucking minute...that's too fast..lets slow this down some....too late...I had been busted...I wasn't surprised but it's alot different thinking you are and actually hearing the words...So for dinner I had a fruit salad with lemon juice..and watered down juice to drink..can still have my tea and sweet and low...but .......
NO MORE DR.PEPPER... Told Dr. 'well, hell, might as well shoot me now..'He gave me a weeks worth of pills and then I have to go back in a week and get a regular blood test and what ever else...I had mrs. Doctor and the nurses laughing when I said I hadn't drank in 15 years, hadn't smoked in 36 years,and hadn't had sex in 21 years...they were freaking out..Mrs. Dr. said what do you do for fun? and I said'Dr.Pepper and Blue Bell.'So now I have to clean my refrigerator out...and all that pork bbq. Will give Jamie the blue bell in the freezer.Tossing the salad dressings, salt,mayo,etc...Anyone out there that has the same type-2 diabetes...any hints?....fuckity fuck fuck fuck..OH...and I have to exercise too.....yeah...getting up after I fall down, will be my exercise...
fuckme till Im skinny


  1. Wow - that sucks!! You shouldn't drink Dr. Pepper anyways - it has anti-freeze in it!

  2. OMG you poor mother fucker....I feel so bad for you (I'll be right back, I have to go get a Dr.Pepper;)...*I'm sorry that was not called for* A friend of mine had type 2 and she lost some weight and walked and walked and walked....then she didn't have to take any pills and as long as she kept her weight down she could eat and drink anything...so maybe there is hope. How about if you walk to my place...by the time you get here you'll be able to have some Dr. or at least be in need one. Hope all goes well for you :)

  3. Hmmmmm.....sounds like a 2nd opinion may be in order huh?

  4. Bummer!!! Psychic work is hard on the endocrine system. You have to watch for weird stuff like carrots and rice cakes because they raise your blood sugar too fast. I have a friend who is type 2-- just saw him this weekend-- and he eats every five hours and has to work out the glycemic index, etc of his meals. And do the finger tests.

  5. I've known people who really watched their diets, exercised and were eventually taken off their medications.

    I'd probably be lazy and not to a damn thing!

    Good luck with this, Jackie Sue. Sounds like you have the right attitude...already giving your tasty food and drinks away! :)

  6. Awwww...SHIT babe, I wish I could just give you a hug right now. :-( Keep us posted on how things go; in the meantime, my thoughts are all with you.

  7. Sucks don't it? I beat you though, I went in after fasting all night and tested 432. The Nurse was shaking when she gave me a big shot of Insulin.
    A week before in my normal blood test for my other problems they said I should come back in a week because I had slightly high blood sugar.
    The pillsthey put me on were a combinatiom pill that lets you absorb glucose for a while and then shuts it down. They just changed them to a single type I think its called Glucovan but the pills are in the bedroom and The Boss is sleeping.
    I prefer Equal and they have a store brand of it at Wal-Mart that cousts about 1/3rd what Equal costs. They have one for Splenda too.
    Don't get rid of the Dr. Pepper, Yours has real sugar in it and if you get low blood sugar you need somthing sweet pritty quick.
    That's why they changed my pills, I was being over treated. It gets scary waking up with low blood sugar 2 or 3 times a week and having to eat or drink somthing sweet and then a couple of sandwitches.
    I was testing 2 or 3 times a day for awhile but I started to be able to tell without testing to within a few points so I cut back. My fingers were like pin cousions.
    It is true that if you drop some weight it can go away. My doctor has that as the next step but because of my Autoimmune Hepititis I have to see my liver specialest first.
    It's not as bad as it seems though.
    Chin out Tits up! Excuse the spelling, I have something wrong with this system and sometimes it keeps me from cut and paste to my word processor. That's why the last comment was a double.

  8. better still...swim to me and you could probably have a few cans JS. uhm you'd have to bring them with ya, I don't believe we have it here.

    I too have known people who once they altered their diet and took up some regular exercising could then throw their meds away. so there is still a chance that you can sneak in a dr p on special occasions but yeah faark that does suck.

  9. Join the crowd! I'm not on meds but I've been putting off getting my next offical test because I know that's next.

    The Dr. has sent me to class to learn how to eat (they take away all the fun stuff 8-{

    I'm supposed to test my blood sugar every morning before eating but I usually do it a few times a week.

    And I'm supposed to lose AT LEAST 50 pounds............

    I get several free diabetic newsletters, I'll forward them to you and you can sign up if you feel in the mood

  10. My father has diabetes. So, I know all about it. Last christmas, I made an entire christmas dinner for a diabetic, it all tasted good (the stuffing was only fair, because I used no butter.)

    The good news is, your life is not over.

    Thank the makers of the south beach diet. Because of the low carb craze, people with diabetes now have infinate choices in sugar free candies, sugar free foods of all types an good meals that are low in bad carbs that convert to sugar.

    For carbs, like potatoes, try yukon golds instead of regular spuds, they convert to sugar slower. Beer is a no no, but vodka is not so bad in small amounts.

    Also, try to avoid items with maltidol as the top ingreadiant. If you want to find out why, just eat a lot of maltidol and find out. It's not pretty. Use Splenda and try to find items with Splenda used as the sweetener. Tastes better and no nasty "side effects".

    Anyway, hope that helps, even if you are a liberal.

  11. Oh no!! I agree with Mike... I'd get a second opinion...

  12. no doctor pepper SUCKS ... i had to give up all non-diet sodas a while back ... i want to lose the weight before i get diabetes ... and diet dr pepper SUCKS for anyone who has a true dr pepper addiction ... my best substitute now is diet vanilla pepsi ... not the same, but it's good.

    they are also in the process of discovering (they being doctors) that there is a biological reason that the weight and the diabetes go together and it has more to do with biology than with will power and discipline. wish i'd bookmarked that article now ... essentially there's a protein or enzyme or something that's not in the right quantity ... when they get that level corrected, pounds melt off and the diabetes gets under control OR goes away.

  13. Sorry to hear about it. I am chronically hypoglycemic, and there really isn't anything that can be done about it. Sometimes it hits at the worst time. I was walking home from the library and started staggering, people looking at me like How did you get so drunk so early?
    No I won't play "can you top this." Take it seriously and please take care of yourself. Hopefully you're getting treatment before any other of the diabetic effects start in.

  14. Hey, I also post at Ben's. I am sorry to hear this. My Mother inlaw has been diabetic since she was 37, so has had it for 22 years. She does not look after herself at all. The first thing you should do is make an appointment with a dietician. Here is Sask, if you are diagnosed, you automatically get an appointment. You will be amazed by how controlling your diet with keep you healthy, and maybe not need so many pills. Good luck and look after yourself, you are a real character!!
    Ps. I left you a CFL comment 2 threads down!!!

  15. gold glasses: no no no no no....dr.peper is the nectar of the goddess....really.
    old Lady:wench!...i felt bumpy last night sort of depressed and felt sorry for myself...but by this morning i was back to my oh yea, well fuck you to the desease...will take more than this to kick my ass...
    scotish toodler: yeah, i will get busy and learn all the things i need to learn.i will be back in ass kicking condition in no time
    Big Pissy: thanks, it will not be easy but fuck..coulnt be harder than quiting smoking drinkinf and fucking??? or could it?
    PHD: like i said in the email...one of your hugs could send me into a sugar coma...ha
    Babs: i raise you one fuck..fuckity fuck fuck fuck fuck
    nit wit: he gave me actos and go back tues for the full round of tests.
    i have used sweet and low for years..i dont and havent used sugar in my tea or cereal etc.in ovrer 30 years..but will stop with the 3am runs to czech stop for candy bars..
    i am hoping with a change in diet some exercise to lose weight i will be able to keep this help at bay...so that i can have an occasional dr. pepper...bu my blue bell days may be over...although they do have a non fat line and a lite line...thanks for the good advice nw..you my man..
    apos:hmmm. swimming to australia...i can be the new crock person...if i make it past the sharks..
    junebugg:...i know i have to lose...#@*& lbs...it boils down to losing another person..ha
    Jenn: im already addicted to sweet and low...and yukon golds are a great potato..but think for right now i will just cut out a lot of the stuff till i start losing weight and get things on an even scale..
    no bread, no pasta, no rice, no potatoes,no ice cream, dr.Pepper or assorted other bad things for me..thanks for the info..rightwinger..
    mike and normy:nah..i have know for a long time this was the problem..but had binders on and liked to use the term...borderline for as long as i could...was a lie...ha
    mimi: yea all the clues are there..and i knew...just liked being queen of de nile..
    ender: all my weight gain came after i had my hysterectomy and then the series of back surgeries where i was unable to do any exercise for so long...still am hampered by the damaged nerve...fall at the drop of a dime..and i drop a lot of dimes..
    Revjim: thanks for the encouragement..hope you get yours under control..that's got to be hard for you...

    to all of you....thanks...thank you so very much...you are much loved....jackie

  16. Sounds exactly like the way my Mom found out about her diabetes and she was pretty pissed too! One good thing I can tell you is there is such a thing as diabetic chocolate and it doesn't taste like shit, doesn't taste great either, but not too awful.

    Take care.

  17. If Dr. Pepper has anti-freeze in it, the stuff tastes damn good, no wonder dogs lick it up off the garage floor. I don't have diabetes but I have been on the diabetic diet before, actually my doctor made me try it.. it isn't as bad once you get used to it. It's just not being able to drink the freaking pop that gets to you after a while. And Sue is right- there are diabetic "sweets" that are pretty damn good. Load up on those.

  18. Ouch, that really sucks. A friend of mine is diabetic, and he keeps it in check by exercising. He's also on a medically-supervised diet for weight loss. But he isn't on any medication.

    Good luck, and maybe a second opinion would be worth it.

  19. Tough break, JS. Like some of the other commenters, I've known some folks who were able to get off the medication once they lost some weight and exercised a bit...

    You could always have Dr. Pepper in pill form.... or jellybean, rather. The Dr. Pepper Jelly Bellies taste uncannily like the real thing. So whenever you're craving a Dr. Pepper, you could just have one or two of those jelly beans.

  20. my husband would say the same thing...regarding the Dr. Pepper

  21. Diet DP is better than no DP at all, I suppose. Good luck on the diet and exercise.

  22. sue...i know there are lots of sugar free, fat free stuff out there...i have some sugar free fat free candy bars and they are what i used when i made the chocolate sandwiches..of course the rasin bread wasnt non fatting, nor was the butter it was fried in nor the powdered sugar that was sprinkled on it...ha
    beth: i have gone 15 years without alcohol but not sure I can make it till Sunday without a dr.pepper.
    Tom:im going to go to our local curves and see how much it cost to join...i think it will be safer for me to walk on the treadmill than the uneven streets of west
    Josh: jelly beans??? they have jelly beans that taste like dr.Pepper??? where the fuck do you get them.? i want some dr.pepper flavored jelly beans....holy shit...will call the mall as it has one of those candy stores with a kabillion kinds of candy in big old jars..damn...thanks josh..cause i gotta get me some of them suckers.
    city mouse:sigh*....dr.pepper...
    i will try a diet dr. pepper tomorrow..i havent had one in ..well, cant even remember how long it's been..at least 20 years..so maybe they have gotten better...i know the diet cherry vanilla sucks bites and blows..
    well i had my first real day of dieting...and have had poached eggs, grilled yellow squash, tuan fish and tomatoe....tea with sweet and low..it's 9:26 and I could eat the ass hole out of a bear...but wont...save that for sat and use tabasco sauce..

  23. ....try the spinach dip..It's quite tasty.

  24. Oh! Bummer.
    My only tip - from a good friend who has type 2...she went on the Atkins strict diet for almost a year and reduced her insulin requirements from really a lot every day to almost zero. Her doctor was amazed. That diet isn't good in the very long run, but she very much restricts her carb intake and eats lots of protein (those pork ribs are fine!) and is much, much better.
    She also lost 100lbs and holding, she was very obese. Oh, she also started going to Curves and says she feels 100% better, it's inexpensive and a fairly easy workout. I can see how much better she looks and acts.
    Yes! Jellybeans! I don't know if you have Meijers stores in TX - great big supermarket/variety stores. They have jelly bean bars, no shit.

  25. I've been gone for a week and yours is the first blog i came to tell you that I have a Dr appointment today but would be back later and what do I find?, damn JS we have the same crap. Did he give you your little kit yet with sticker and lances?

    And exercise will bring your numbers down more so I know you hate it as much as I do so we will hate it together whiloe taking a walk. hehehehe

    Got your card and bracelets, thank you my dear friend and you also have an angel coming to visit you soon.

    Take care and rememeber sugar bad, veggies good! Green veggies that is. :)

    Have to go now, get my surgery results today, keep your fingers crossed. :)

  26. No worry . You can find lots of sugar free products now on the market from ice cream to chocolates . You can check stores that sells goods for diabetics.

  27. sling:your such a bad boy..heehee
    carina;im checking up on the jelly beans..
    this is weird..i really am not that big of a sweet eater..i have cravings that i will get maybe once a month and think they are alcohol related..and will eat candy and will buy blue bell when it is on sale..but it last for fucking ever..
    im more into fried..fried anything..slap a batter on it and deep fry it and im there...dr pepper is my only continious treat that has sugar..and it has cane sugar..
    so im just going to eat small amts and not eat any sweets even if they are sugar free or diet or dibetic..i will just eat realllllly good for a month and then drink me a dr.pepper...that will work...back to them fucking tuna salads..
    nancy:call me when you get your results..just not at 7:30am...hehe
    john: im more interested in lite fried foods more than i am sugar free anything...sigh*

  28. Diet Dr. Pepper isn't bad. I drink Diet everything these days. There's no sugar to worry about but the Aspertame is probably making me sterile. It seems like Diabetes is something that looms ahead for most of us as we get older, and I'm sure it has something to do with all of that stuff they added to our food in the fifties and sixties when we didn't know any better.

  29. ybeoutlaw:I will try a diet dr.pepper..
    maybe i got diabetes from running behind them ddt trucks at Hickam afb in hawaii.
    leo: h. allen smith quotes...that makes me hot...er..good reading..
    sooner my son:uh what plan do you have with the dr...please..don't hurt him..
    i will need him later when i am skinny..

  30. I posted this at Elvez23's nice blog "When The World is Running Down":

    I have to admire Willie. The only CD of his I have is Stardust, and that isn't even "country"... but I love his voice. And if that trooper loves Willie's voice too, he should realize that decades of dope smoking has probably contributed to that wonderful rough, crackly, mellow, nasal vocal quality and singing style. The trooper should have gotten onto the bus, shared a reefer with the Old Master, then gone on his merry way. Instead, we will probably get a bunch of punitive-minded Republicans trying to put Nelson in jail for using.

    I think it's HIGH time (horrific pun intended) that pot was legalized. I believe that if our government had half a functioning brain cell it would grow pot, and sell it to adults in government shops like some states do with liquor. Think of the money they would make, and they wouldn't have to worry quite as much about druglord dope-producers making so much money. And while they're at it, the government could un-demonize hemp, so we could use it for better-quality paper, clothing and whatever else, as it has many, many uses... Of course the timber industry is a big paper producer and a big GOP supporter in general, so Washington would have to experience a sea change about cannabis/hemp in order for 1) hemp to be more widely used and grown, and 2) people to use marijuana without being punished... but I think it will eventually happen. To me, it makes too much sense NOT to happen.

  31. Shit, that ain't cool. My dad was recently diagnosed with it, as well as many of his brothers, and I've been way too into sodas, so I might not be too far behind you.

    Good thing you caught in a timely fashion, though, and they can take care of it!

  32. Both my parents have developed diabetes, damn it, why couldn't they have given me gorgeous good looks instead. Anyway they are actually healthier than before because they are watching their diets and exercising and all that crap that keeps a person healty. There are a lot of worse diagnoses.

  33. Life is un-fucking-fair. Jan is right though- there are worse things. Lose the sugar, but don't lose the attitude- I think yer sweet-

  34. DENISE: i can think of 32 other things i would rather give up than dr.pepper..im sure its a republican plot...
    snave: thanks for nice words on willie
    brad: im beginning to think every 3rd person has it...
    jan: yeah, it could be cancer or something really terrible...i know that it's not the end of the world..just seems like it when I have to give up d.p.
    allan: oh hell, the attitude will be the last thing to go...long as i have the sense of humor...im fine...

  35. Don't they have to do those special tests for diabetes. Like, you fast and all that? I don't know. It runs in my family, so I'm vaguely aware.... Anyway, maybe you'll get better news once you've had a thorough exam??? Best take care, YDG. Diabetes can be rough on a gal!

  36. I exercise and I'm still fat. It won't make you thin, but even my doctor has to admit that my cardiovascular health kicks ass, especially for a fat middle aged curmudgeon such as I am!


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to yellowdoggranny@yahoo.com.....