Friday, September 01, 2006

..............I THING I'M GOING OUT OF MY MIND..............

I was in a hurry when I did the post on 1986 and there were many misspelling's, and wrong countries, and just a really sloppy post..and when opos pointed out to me that I had wrote Australia instead Of Austria...I thought I had fixed it...then today Nancy informs me that it is a double was going to correct it and ended up deleting one of them..naturally the one with all the comments...I need medical help...I was in a hurry because the Cowboy game was coming on and wanted it done so I could watch the game..well, if I had known how the game was going to turn out..I would have double checked my post...stupid cowboys...T.O. Who????? I know, I know it's only preseason..that's what you say when your team loses..I'm starting to get nervous..the last time we won 3 games in preseason..we only won one game that year in regular season...fuckity fuck fuck fuck..The game went into overtime(for preseason..? please) and ended up a tie..mainly cause that over priced fucking kicker couldn't hit my ass...and T.O.??? puuuuuuuleeese...he makes my ass hurt...I have added the Tuna to my prayer list because with T.O. he will need all the help he can get..I know he is ready to blow his stack..with Jerry Jones kissing T.O.'s ass...Seems funny that we won 3 games without him and lose the only game he plays in.....
l, tonight Westfest starts..I will wait awhile and see how bad the traffic is..usually Friday night is the night all the little kids go ...and leave Sat.and Sun. for the drunks.
Because for all my talking about the food, the dancing, enter
tainment, the Polka Mass, the arts and crafts, is allllllll about the pevo....(Czech for beer)If they do like they did last year the paper will tell us how much food was consumed and how much beer was me on this's a lot..
Oh..have to tell you the latest on the dui wreck that killed the mother of 3...Remember I told you the kid was the son of D's ex girlfriend T....well in the paper tells how she and a friend of her sons was arrested also...Get this..
The two boys her son and the friend are drunk on their asses, they are racing down a one lane road...T's son decides to pass h
is buddy to win..and that's when he hits the woman in the other car...before the police get there..he calls mama and she rushes out there and starts removing the beer cooler out of the truck...(there's a dead woman and 3 injured kids in the car and she's removing evidence that will further incrimanate her son).the police catch her and she says she is just getting it out and taking it big deal..till they find it full of beer..and the kid in other car tells them he just got there..this may be a small town but we have some good cops..they figured out that the two were racing, the mother is tampering with evidence and later on assest them both...her for tampering and in jail now with a $5,000 bond..and the other kid for giving a false report to police.He son is still in jail with a $600,000 bond...He has also been arrested several times on drug charges they could enhance his charges and stick it to him good...Remember now 3-4 years ago her other son was killed in truck wreck while drunk....I want to get on my high horse and give big speach about drinking and driving..but I would be such a hypocrit...I drank and drove all the time...nothing I am proud of...matter of fact I'm so embarrased about it and just gratefull to the Goddess for keeping me and other's safe from me all those times..But please do not EVER drink and drive..
ok, enough of that...D is going to come over and take one of my throw away cameras and take pictures of his daughter S.who is dancing in her dance group Sat.night...I will also try and get in and take some pictures but I really don't want to go..ugh...I'll see..will take some of town and traffic clogged streets...want to take a picture of P. at Community Grocery, maybe I and E at Wolf's...I will just take my camera and pop in and get picts...wonder if I need permission to post them on my blog...they may come kick my ass...nah...none of them read this...I huh...Well, going to fix dinner and see what's going on outside...have a great holiday weekend ya'll...


  1. It be quite a season for the Cowboys w/TO in the line up. Purcells vs. TO will be the latest NFL drama . I believe though that the Cowboys will do well this season !

  2. Want to say something mean about the Cowboys, but T.O. he will be my target, "What team needs him?" He needs to find a new career, as a Giants fan I will also pray for the Big Tuna, his personality and TO's will surely bring drama to the NFL

    YDG - Please don't hate me for being a Giants fan, born and raised one and proud of it!!!

    I will keep the family of the DUI in my prayers, and as one who calls herself Wine Girl, I vow not to drink and drive, life is too short and little decisions like that could make it shorter.

    Hope you enjoy your festival, sounds like fun, the American Music Festival was cancelled due to Ernesto, however, HG and I usually stay away because of the drinking not a good thing for kids to see.

    Take Care :)

  3. I drank and drove a lot too, and thank doG I never hurt anyone else during all those stupid times, preach it granny, that is bad mojo!
    Do NOT drink and drive, it is stupid.

  4. holding my tongue about the mother and her would be sweet if the only people who drink and drive kill is themselves...sadly it is not so. with any luck anybody reading/knowing about this tragedy will only reinforce the lesson.

    enjoy the fest if ye get to it!

  5. Oooooooh you'd better go! If I dragged Buddha around my fair three different times this summer for pics of crazy people, you can do the West Festival! I have faith in you.

    As for that useless excuse for a mother who was tampering with the fucking BEER while the mother of the kids was DEAD and her three kids were injured, I think her punishment should be an hour with me. Let your cops know that I'm offering my services free of charge. I'll even bring them some jam.

  6. My Sainted Grandmother used to say,"If your too drunk to walk,then drive!"..
    I've had occasion to rethink that advise..

  7. You should have gone for 2 points Bill.

  8. Westfest Weekend! Whoo-hoo...wish I was driving there instead.

  9. Cowboys have a good defense, we will see if they can get the offense going enough to win the division. have fun.

  10. I want a beer and sausage!
    I haven't driven drunk in 25 years. The last time I had to close one eye to drive the 15 miles home. The next night I got pulled over when I had only had 1 beer. The cop waited across the street until I left the bar. After a half hour and one breathilizer test I heard the cop say "you passed!" like he was suprised. Almost any other night in the last month I would have failed.
    I figured I had used up all my luck that week.
    I get two nights off in a row! Only happens 4 times a year.

  11. Hope you're having a good long weekend Jackie Sue ... we are drenched under the last bits of hurricane Ernesto .. :(

    But does give me the chance to catch up on my reading .. :)


  12. I'm leaving the football stuff alone.

    We had a drunk who raced up our mountain to our hospital with the state police right on his ass.

    He drove up on the lawn and left his car running and his door open while he ran and checked himself into detox.

    He thought they could not arrest him once he was in hospital, wrong, they hand cuffed him read him his rights and gave him a ticket for DUI. Then they checked him in to detox.

    Don't drink and drive is the way to go.

  13. I use to drink and drive a lot, I was lucky nothing went wrong, even if another driver caused an accident, they would have still gotten me for DUI. Now I never drink and drive.

  14. One of these days I'm going to make it to West Fest! I used to do a lot of illegal things and drive but like you the Goddess watched over me. I always heard that the Gods watch over drunks and fools.......

  15. I knew what you meant the first time.

  16. A $600,000 bond means he's got a loooong history. Drinking and driving is one thing that rarely crossed my mind. Drinking and walking is enough of a problem!


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