Sunday, September 03, 2006


Friday night Letterman had Al FranKen on his show..I love Al Franken...Al is thinking about running for some political office in his home state of he couldn't accommodate Letterman when he asked for one of his prove to everyone that he wasn't running for office and could tell what ever joke he wanted...Letterman told this joke..I laughed my ass off.
is guy goes to his dr. and he has a bump right in the middle of his forehead(remember this will be bleeped by censors on tv)..and he asks his doctor what the hell it is...the doctor checks it out and says..Well, you have a dick (bleeped) growning out of the middle of your forehead"..and the guy freaks out..'Holy shit, take it off, I don't want to go around with a dick growing out of my forehead.'..and the doctor says I can't,if I try to take it off it will kill's growing right out of your brain.'...the guy says'you mean for the rest of my life I'm going to have to see a dick growing out of my forehead.?'..and the dr. says'no you won't cause the balls will hang down in front of your eyes and you won't see a thing.'
nope Lett
eman isn't running for any office..but he is my hero..


  1. Gives new meaning to the words dick head. :)

  2. Nice assemblage of "unicorns" there, JS.

    I've always wanted a dildo for a hood ornament. Maybe if people looked in their rear-view mirrors and saw that coming, they would clear the way.

  3. I love Al Franken!..and Letterman!..Dickheads,..not so much.

  4. I liked his book Liars, Letterman has always been a class act. If men displayed their dicks on their heads it sure would cut the bragging down to size, and make it esier for women to pick a partner. Of course their wives would always know when they get excitedby some other women. I think I'll keep mine where it is, The Boss has a big butcher knife. :)

  5. Gotta love that Dave.

    I read Lies and the Lying Liars.... Very funny.

  6. I like Franken too. I thought it was ironic how Fox helped him become a bestseller with that book by trying to sue him.


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