Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I would love to say I started believing in the Goddess because I was led to her by some dramatic event in my life, or some one said 'hey, why don't you believe in the Goddess, it's cool.'...nah...nothing like that..I started out being very suspicious of religion at an early age..I was pretty much left to my own when it came to religion..neither of my parents were church goers..although both of them had parents that went to church..well, my Daddy's daddy(Daddy Red) didn't..He was a Baptist, but he was against the church that my grandmother,(Big Mama) went to..I wish I could remember which was which...but I can't..but one was a 'hard shell' and one was 'foot washing'...I swear this is true..and which ever one Daddy Red was..Big Mama was the other..and they twain never ever met..even when he was in the hospital and wasn't expected to live..he forbid Big Mama's preacher from coming into his hospital room...Big Mama is the one that first called me a pagan..this was when I was just a kid..and she also called me a papist...I had no idea what that meant..My Mother said it was because she was a Catholic and Big Mama was a Baptist and they believed differently...I thought, Damn....I wanna be one of them...just to piss Big Mama off...even as a kid I knew she didn't like me like she did the rest of the cousins...first of all she wasn't allowed to spank me...that really pissed her off...My Mother said you whip her....I whip you....I was a tad spoilt...So when I was 12 I started taking catechism to be a Catholic...Oh man..did I have a field day....The Priest was an Air Force Catholic Chaplin...Father Cornelius....I argued each and every step of the way..where I earned the nick name from him...Varmint.. (hmmm. I just looked that up in the dictionary.means a person or animal that is troublesome.yup..that's me...)anyhow..(this may be a long story)...I was his first convert and only I got solitary lessons...and I made him earn his pay...I would come straight from the swimming pool, hair wet, shorts, barefooted...and ready to bring him to his knees, as the crap he was feeding me I wasn't buying...Putting a seed in Mary's ear so she would get pregnant with Jesus and have a virgin birth...(hey, it was 1955 or '56...Poor Father)...I didn't buy the dying, raising from the dead 3 days later,I didn't believe in the virgin birth...I didn't believe any of it...but I wanted to be a Catholic so I could piss Big Mama I went along with the baptised and took my first holy Communion...and couldn't wait to go to Mesquite and tell Big Mama I was a real paptist now...It's hard to make a 4'6" 200lb. woman blow up like a frog..but it can be done...because I did she was pissed...Daddy asked me later if I could have chosen any religion what would it have been....I thought for a moment and said'anyone that would make Big Mama mad'...Daddy got up until I decided that I didn't believe in anything...I was a Catholic.
But by the time my kids were 10 years or so..I was pretty much
an athiest...then at some point I decided I was an agnostic, as I wasn't smart enought to know for sure...Then by the time my Daddy died I was fed up with with it all...Then one day...after Daddy had died...I was drunk, crying, swearing at what ever God that was listening...and then it dawned on me...There was no God and no one was listening..and other than my male had ever listened to me or did a mother fucking thing for why the fuck was I worrying about a God...I had put myself in the wrong hands...No male God was going to listen to my prayers
and no male God was in My I started reading about fema
le Gods.....Goddess's..if you will....and found out that mankind started out worshiping a Goddess, mainly because they knew that women brought forth life...and they hadn't figured out that them having sex with us led to that things were jake for along time...fertility Goddess's were worshiped
then the men got smart and figured out that the women couldn't give life with out that tiny little dick of theirs.
(I'm assuming
that they were small as we all were a lot smaller then.)But Goddess's were still worshipped...right up until Christianity came about...Then they not only wiped out female Goddess's they stole our pagan holidays and used them for their own, they wanted to make it a male dominated religion so they either made the women in their religion moms or ho's..and as far as I'm concerned we have been fucked every since...The female Goddess's may have required an occasional human sacrifice to help with the crops but at least they didn't require us to go out and kill in her name..All the Goddess wanted was fertile animals, fertile crops and fertile females...she didn't want us to kill for her..she just wanted peace and it sounded good to I thought..'it can't be any worse than what I have going for me now.'
When I think of 'the Goddess'...I don't think of some slim, big bus
ted long haired beauty flitting around with a little wand..I picture a mother...a 6' foot tall mother with huge breasts that have nursed and fed us all and a big belly from bringing the world into being.I'm not sure she is your Goddess, I don't know that she answers prayers because if she does have this job, she is pretty busy cleaning up after Bush and his crew.. and doesn't have time to except thanks from actors singers and sports people getting bogus awards.I don't know if she is Goddess to all women or all men...or to the entire world...I know she is Goddess to me and if she doesn't answer my prayers I at least think she knows I'm here and keeps my ass out of trouble as much as she can..
So......there you have it...and if you are listening to me Goddess...protect and keep my friends safe. Because if their God is the same God that Bush has...they are in big ass trouble...awoman...(by the way you can click on goddess worship on my blog roll...I'm not recruiting..just thought it would be interesting to you.)


  1. I've been pretty pagan for a while (like you, my family background was baptist, and I later became Catholic), but I'm really just getting around to Goddess worship. I've never really been comfortable with female authority figures. But I'm finally realizing that the Goddess isn't about authority. She doesn't lay down the law. She just shows us the path, and then laughs in amusement when we go the other way and screw everything up *giggles*. And she waits patiently by the path while we figure things out and finally make our way back. Your right...she's very patient, and she has one hell of a sense of humor.

  2. Thanks for the post..I think lots of us came to the Goddess for the same reasons. We thnk men suck (just kidding) I acknowledge her because it makes sense to. Equal balance light and dark up and know all that jazz. I was raised Baptist too. Catholics were heathen as far as my mom was concerned. She knows better know but I still don't talk to her about the whole pagan goddess thing..some times it gets crowded in the broom closet but I don't mind..I have lots of friends in there with me..

  3. Jackie Sue...I used to think you were simply a cranky albiet good natured old lady.

    I stand corrected.

    You are one miserable old broad.

    The good news is that, while I will continue to be happy, you will die a miserable, unhappy, whining, self involved, Goddess worshipping moron.

    You are living proof that advanced age does not result in greater wisdom.

    Don't bother responding, I won't be back.

  4. wow that brings my list of pissed off people to 3....any more out there? last chance for the night...

  5. awww now JS did you hurt someone's feelings?

    bad, bad JackieSue...c'mere and lemme spank ya, yer "miserable old broad". should add that to yer profile.

    too bloody funny.

  6. Damn Jackie Sue, I turn my back and you're bipping and pissing people off and I missed the show, Damn it all!!!!!!!!

    I'm with you on the Goddess, gotta take a pic of my new statue and post it for ya.

    Ron's stories are starting to sound like male wet dreams instead of facts which wouldn't be so bad if they were billed as fiction.

    We still love ya and try not to hurt him too bad, it ain't worth the effort.

  7. Haha... Ron's bipped. I'm pretty much a Pagan too... I've seen what the Church does to people and it ain't pretty...

  8. Thanks for enlightening me . I often wondered what that statue in your blog was . I though it's something like a Buddha . Far from it . It's a female !

  9. You are awesome Jackie Sue!!! Right now you are #1 on Blog Mad top 10 list.

  10. That has to be the funniest treatise on religion I have ever read. What a talent you have for humor. And then to be able to actually piss someone off on top of it. I am so envious. I have never pissed off anyone on my blog.

  11. ahh thanks guys...i kinda likd pissing ole ron sure there are many more, but so far only 3 have actually stepped up and said im pissed at what you said..don't know what ron's problem..but then i really don't give a fuck..cause im a miserable old broad...
    im with you leo..i like the idea of people being free agents in religion..switch teams..ha..
    jan..if you like i plan on giving lessons on how to piss people charge...

  12. Ron got bipped, not the first nor will he be the last. People, if ya lay out an opinion you will get a reaction, I promise you this.

    The Southern Baptist Religion was jack-hammered into my soul as I grew up. I guess that is why I am so deviant now.
    Forcefed religion sometime results in rebellion, that is why we get along so well.

    I am by no means religious, but I would like to think that I DO know the difference between MY rights and wrongs. I am a good person, and I do the 9 to 5 lemming thing and obey the rules, I conform to the "norm", but I walk that path leaving my OWN footprints in the sand of my staggering journey, just haven't figured out where I am going and why I am worrying about it.

    Goddess, God, it doesn't matter, fact I think I will worship beer and titties this weekend. Come Monday, I can allways worship the duelling gods of timeclock and porcelain god.

    Ya gettin' any rain down there, my udder mudder?

  13. Awesome - I wondered what that meant - I got to read most of it, my iritis is messing with me this evening and the yellow on black was makin me cross-eyed hehehe

    Don't dare change - I like ya the way ya are :)

  14. Fascinating, I've always wondered about the Goddess thing.

    And I hate that I missed the drama of a pissed-off reader as it unfolded. C'est la vie! I'm sure there will be others. ;)

  15. Might be difficult to be a pagan and a papist at the same time, LOL!

    Like the some of the others, I've wondered what the significance of the Goddess was. Thanks for the explanation.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to