Tuesday, October 24, 2006


This is going to be a post about nothing ..sort of what's been going on the past few days..
First of all, let
s go ahead and get it out of the way...the Cowboys lost to the New York Giants...they actually didn't lose...they got their asses spanked..and spanked badly...or goodly..the team sucked, the'Tuna'sucked, Jerry Jones sucked, the announcers sucked,the referee's sucked, the fans sucked and even the Dallas Cheerleaders thought the team sucked..the station I watched the game on sucked...very fuzzy..Annie sucked cause everytime I screamed 'motherfucker'at the tv set(which was often)..she freaked out and got all saucer eyed on me and ran around the house jumping on the furniture, behind the furniture, under and over the furniture..until she would come back to the bed and lay there panting and giving me dirty looks..I'd scream 'motherfucker' again and it would start all over ....stupid cat.ok..so we have the Cowboys game out of the way...
Went to the library where I
got Deal Souls by Nicolai V. Gogol.So far I know everything I would ever want to know about Russian made carriages for the middle class..I'm sure it will get better.I am reading it along with a book by Mary-Ann Tirone Smith, called The Book of Phoebe...I am liking it alot..it's a chick book...which if you know me at all you know chick books are as important to me as the health of George W. Bush. But I like this one..it starts out with her Granny refering to men of no account as 'shitheels', so what's not to like..
I finally got some religious nut to comment a portion of the bible on one of my posts, naturally the one on gay marriages,
was so pissed it was posted twice...I commented on his post and it wasn't exactly a love note.you can check it out..It struck a nerve with some of my readers...most of you either agreed with me, or just let it go and blew it off(if you will pardon my pun)but this person really got their knickers in a bunch.
I'm glad, g
etting their knickers in a bunch could be a nice experience for them...
Oh, I know ...I had forgotten..but I remembered..I was driving to library and this little ole gray hair, barely could see her o
ver the steering wheel, ran a stop sign and pulled right out in front of me..I had to slam on my brakes to keep from taking her out...I didn't give her the finger or scream'you stupid bitch' or anything I wanted too..she's a little ole gray haired lady...so I just pointed my finger at her...and the little ole gray haired lady who has to be 75-80 years old...gave ME the finger..I burst out laughing...she snapped her head back and drove off like I was the guilty party and she was the offended one...Oh man...I love little ole Czech ladies.
I went to the store tonight as I was having a craving for something that I knew would probably put me into a diabetic coma...I got a carton of creme filed po
pcicles...and then while I was getting ground beef for my meat loaf..the kid behind the meat counter(yes we have an old fashioned meat counter)said they had this new stuff and did I want to buy some..lo and behold..it was chichirronies...pork skins or cracklin's depending on where you live...I checked them out..they were $2.46 for 8ox. they are more expensive than the regular cracklin's but damn they sure are good..not the light airy one's..the tought crack or chip your tooth kind..and they are the perfect snack for me..as a type 2 diabetic..no transfat, 90 calories,but no sugar,and no carbs.
So I get home and pour out a small bowl for my snack..make
some tea with sweet and low...phone rings and David's daughter Sara needs a ride..so I go pick her up and take her home and when I get back..the fucking saucer eyed, psycho bitch cat has sucked all the salt and flavor off my chichirronies and knocked over my tea...and because I found the cracklin's I had put the ice cream back...Sign from the Goddess...stick to sugar free jello...Annie doesn't like jello..no matter what flavor it is..
I'm watching Boston Legal..I am so happy I could giggle..One of my two favorite actors is on the show now..Craig Bierko..I first noticed him in a movie called the 13th Floor and watched it like 8 times...It's a great movie and I recommend it highly...and is even better if you are a little highly..
not that I would know anything about that...
I am mailing out my two hats tomorrow...the cocksucker hat goes to Lauren and Nancy's Bruce gets the Sox ball cap...I feel good...I am hoping they will take pictures of themselves in the hats and post them for us to see...
.......can you tell I'm pumping a dry well here?..I have writers block...yawn..and need a nap...so ..that's all folks.
Fuckme till I have an idea...


  1. Your cat ate the chichironnes?!?!?

    That's too funny!

    Even if all she did was lick the salt off....still funny!


  2. The kitten here has been called Stinky because she farts so much but I'm thinking of renaming her Shitty Kitty because she seems to think the bathmat makes a better litter box than the one Rufus uses.........

  3. Sorry about the Cowboys but at least you have psycho bitch cat to share your misery...and lick your food.

  4. big pissy: she ate the chichirroniies..sucked them dry and ate about 4-5 of them..think she was trying to drink the tea and knocked it over..
    junebugg:she's insane..but will use her liter box..
    jan: yup cowboys will win or lose but she will be there..as long as i feed her..

  5. "bathmat makes a better litter box than the one Rufus uses" I caught nmy cat digging at the bath mat. I think the carpet confuses him. He hasn't messed it yet.

    you have had a sucky day! I knew when you left the food out your cat would get it, I just knew it! We had a dog that would eat anything left out, and she was well fed. grrr.

    jello is yummy! the salt will give you high blood pressure, so maybe this was good fortune!

  6. arhaahaa at the little old biddy giving it to you. crack me up. gotta love 'em uh. I'll be grinning on that for a few hours...much like yourself was, no doubt. arhaahaa.

  7. Can't help it. I'm laughing!

    MY Giants beat those Cowboys. My HG was in a PISS-ASS mood because of it too! I didn't even rub it in his face. How nice am I?

    The Big Tuna appears to have lost his touch. I think it's time for him to go write his memoirs. It was good while it lasted!

  8. dawn marie:yeah, if i had thought for 1/2 second....i would have known she would get it..she did it with my popcorn..had sprinkled grated cheese on it and she sucked all the cheese off...we used to have a caat that when he would get pissed for one reason or another would crap in who ever he was pissed at shoe..always reminded me of the fat cat in the fabulour furry freak brothers cartoon.
    apos: yeah, everytime i think of it, i crack up laughing..especially remembering the look on her face..that how dare you mess with me...dont you know im old and if i go..im taking someone with me look..haha

  9. i think the cowboys need a quarterback. some people think the quarterback is more important than the wide receiver.(81)

    dead souls doesn't really pick up a lot. if you don't like it at the beginning you probably won't like the middle or the end either.

  10. isn't chicharones high in cholestrol . well that's allright i guess . better die of high blood than diabetes . it's cheaper !

  11. Sowwy bout your team :(

    Hope you have a wondermous rest of the week gal :)

  12. mimi:yea the bible guy hasent been back.he probably erased my comment...putz
    rubyrocks:well, looks like parcells is going with romo...dallas fans are all a twitter..the goddess says becarefull what you wish for.i have been reading the other book, when i get thru with it i will start back on deal souls...
    john:no only thing chichirronies are high in is salt..so i let annie suck all the salt off of it and then i eat them..hah
    tina:we have rain..so it's great here..i love the rain..supposed to come a gully washer tomorrow..

  13. Go, Granny, Go! Love your, out there, in your face blog, particularly thank you for having the guts to nail Bush for his complete, utter incompetence.

  14. sounds like your cat has the same kinda attitude as you :)

  15. Some one ran a red light the other day, I had the green light. I was kind of looking at them when another idiot ran the same light! I guess he figured the guy in front of them knew their colors better. I nearly ran into the second car. I looked back to make sure I wasn't screwing up, I wasn't.

  16. love yer cat!
    I checked out the biblical regurgitation- I bet it's the same dumbfuck that left all the "Hi, love the blog- you can make $900 in your spare time if..." messages.

    Those sort of fuckwads are wholly incapable of independent thought and crtical evaluation- that's why their ONLY defense is "it's in the Bible"

  17. I think "chicharrones" is more or less the Spanish word for pork rinds. Here is a detailed description of how to make them homemade: http://www.rollybrook.com/carnitas-3.htm (WARNING: not for the squeamish)

    Maybe the little old granny was actually the Bible quoter?

  18. I'm right there with you regarding my long time team, the Cowboys. I'm already in my "next year" mode. Damn, I had such hopes for this year. Of course I have felt like that since their Superbowl days. Remember back when? The good old days indeed.

    Have a nice weekend. The Boyz will be on tv here Sunday night. I'll try to watch it but if things get to the point where I feel like crying, game over.

  19. LOL... watch out for little 'ole ladies... I see them in yoga classes and the weight room at my gym and I bet some of them could kick butt if they had to.

    Sorry 'bout the Cowboys... My team, the Colts, seems to be doing pretty decent so far but about the time the last few games roll around they usually slip up... I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

  20. momb:i love being in your face..especially about bushtard..
    ol'lady:she came in with an attitude and it has gotten stronger..she rules..
    bbr:what is it when people screw up in their car and think it's your fault..??? wacko's..
    allan:did he leave my comment on there or did he take it off?
    Josh:yeah, chichironnies is mes'kin for cracklins which is southern for pork rinds..i think i will pass on the recipe..I remember smelling my grandmother cooking chitlins when i was really young..still gag at the thought..
    POP: our boys....?? damn..now we're having to go with romo cause bledsloe is too fucking old...we need offensive line...we need to get which ever qb we have some protection...fuckers..

  21. Should you talk that way in front of an innocent little catty?

  22. I dunno- all saw was his irrelevant bible quotes on your post- his blog is 'not public'. (alfadog something or other...)
    You must've scared him. Poor alfapuppy.

  23. So that was you who almost hit me. hehehe

    For a snack I got dark chocolate covered raisins. Very good, not bad on the sugers if you don't eat the whole bag at one sitting.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to yellowdoggranny@yahoo.com.....