Saturday, October 28, 2006


Republican baptism...They are bringing the prisoners to Jesus...of course if they happen to die in the process it must mean their hearts wern't in the right place and they going to burn in hell in the first place.Forest Gump and 'Dick' seem to think that waterboarding is some sort of water sport and it is needed to put prisoners on the path to glory..Telling names of fellow believers is just a part of Jesus's plan to convert them all to harm intended..It's not like they are nailing them to a cross or burning them at the stake..If they think it's torture when the CIA hold them under water till their lungs burst and they die,that's their problem.Dick and Bush know that it's just part of the process of getting them right with the Lord..Remember..Jeus saves...and if you hadn't been a nasty ole Muslim then Jesus would have saved you from drowning..It matters not a whit that it's a proven fact that torturing people doesn't get to the truth,that they will tell you what you want to hear..and especially if they don't happen to know jackshit..But who cares about about the truth...they didn't need it when they made up a pack of lies to fool the Americans to get us into this who cares if the information they get from prisoners is true or not? Surely not ole Dick and Dickhead..(tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber)..
whip me, dunk me,fuckme till I write bad checks. for some good news...I'm a fucking genius...yup....I got my high speed internet thingy in the mail...with the distructions...called my friend David and he said..."Hell, my ex-wife wanted me to help her put her's in and I couldn't do it.." I thought wait a minute jackiesue...if you don't need a dick to change sparkplugs and change the oil in the don't need a dick to hook this little fucker up....and I didn't..I put it together in record speed..(bows and waits for ya'll to throw money)(still waiting)Now if I could just get rid of this fucking zombie, so I could enjoy it like I'm suppopsed to...I would be a happy mother fucker...But on the lighter new pussy is a dowser...I woke up in middle of night and went to pee and heard water running..thought's poruing out side..about an hour later when I went outside to go take Sara (David's daughter) to school...there was no when I got back I had to pee again(I drink lots of tea) and Annie followed me into the bathroom to check out the haps, she went right to the sink and started scratching and sniffing and scratching and sniffing...I thought what the fuck??So dabbed daintily at my crotch and pulled up jeans and walked over, leaned down to see what she was digging at..and could hear the water running through the tub and the floor...she found my water leak for me..Didn't know I had a after getting the water turned off and plumber called..I am now back in more leak..The first thing the plumber said was:Where's Nate?....oh man..that smarted...had to tell him Nate met a truck bigger and toughter than he was...He said Nate was the best and biggest Pit he had ever seen.The first time he came Nate was about 8 months old(weighed about 70 lbs) and he followed him all over the house and thought he was most interesting...the second time he came Nate was about 2 years old and weighed 110 lbs. and followed him all over the place but it was because he was making sure he didn't hurt anyone..he was really in protector mode..but didn't bark or growl...or do anything tht would be considered threating..just very alert and aware of everything he did...Damn..I miss ole Nate...
also if you aren't doing anything major this evening go to WSM-620-am radio station and listen to James Hand..(my old boyfriend)he sang today at the Grand Ole Opry...(I know he must be so excited)and is host tonight at the Midnight Jamboree on the radio...Now that is big..local boy was on the Opry and now is hosting the Midnight dang...
fuckme till I yodel.... I CANT DOWNLOAD PICTURES..HELP!


  1. Sadly,the character of a nation can be judged by the way it treats its prisoners.I'd like to believe that torture isn't one of our traits.

  2. Transparent lies, too!

    Good thing that you found the leak before it started raising balloons in the floor boards.

  3. Now, that's one of the funniest blog entry beginnings I've seen....

  4. WATERBOARDING! How 16th century!

  5. ..we don't torture...fuckers..
    babs:when i was looking for pictures for waterboarding..they kept showing either torture pictures or surfboards..maybe that's why bush says we don't torture..he thinks it's something you do on big waves in hawaii..dipshit..
    cyberoutlaw:they lie ..they lie..the lie....
    yea, could hear me singing..'how high's the water mama...4 feet high and rising son.' proud of that one..i love having great headlines.
    Sue:so is their thinking..
    ruby rocks:yes, me too..that fucking smirk...please goddess...just one gigantic bip..wipe that smirk off his face..

  6. Damn Girl, you can yodel? I would love to hear you. :) You are the best.

  7. Republican baptism...ain't that the truth...ugh.
    Yay for Annie, that was a cute description!

  8. you are so funny! if this shit weren't so depressing it would be even funnier.

  9. lauren:queen annie is turning in to the greatest little kitty..picky about what she eats..but a great little cat..
    nancy:well, some people might call it yodeling..some people may call it the most horrible noise they have ever heard..
    Carina; loving the kitty..and she likes to snuggle..

  10. Republican baptism, LOL. Actually, waterboarding is the updated version of witch dunking. If the victim drowns, then he/she wasn't a witch after all. Oops, my bad. If the victim survives, then he/she is a witch and must be tortured some more.

  11. Tom: yeah since they stole that from salem, surprised they didnt steal the burning at the stake also..dipshits

  12. dawn marie: actually i thought it was pretty funny too..i find myself very humorous..ha

  13. Ohhhhh Jackie Sue... Let me quote a snippet of your blog back to you; see if you can guess where my mind went with this:

    "But on the lighter new pussy is a dowser...I woke up in middle of night and went to pee and heard water running..."

    I was laughing my ass off until I realized you were talking about your cat. Then I laughed even more.

  14. Excellent post. It's not torture, it's "aggressive interrogation" according to the right-wing spin-masters...
    What a crock!!!

  15. josh:you rascal you...i have got to start proof reading my post before i hit print..ha
    galt; ain't it the truth...they make my stomach turn...


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