Tuesday, November 21, 2006


This is woman...large...and .....small...
I am a medium....


  1. Ewwwwww! After viewing 34 blogs this morning...this one made me stop and comment. I'd love to steal the image. let me know if you object. I'm at writewize@hotmail.com
    I wont do anything till I hear from you. If it is okay could you send it to me? Thanks.

  2. Oh, btw I am a diabetic too. I tried reading some of the rest of your site but the black background makes it really hard for me to see and read. Have you ever considered changing your background? I might not be the only person who cannot read it.

  3. The 2nd pic makes me glad I'm overweight. Holy crap. And if the chick with the big melons ever decides to have a reduction- I want in line for her leftovers.

  4. Bloody hell - that second one needs to get herself on the outside of a pie quick-smart.

  5. dam that is wayyyyyyyy to skinny...I would rather be heavy...wait a min...I am...Doh!

  6. kay: you are more than welcome to take it..I would send it to you but after I posted it I deleted it and I know that the black back ground is hard on some eyes..I tried to use another back ground but ended up using a lighter shade of yellow..used to be a bright yellow and it was really hard on peoples eyes..I will give it some thought but I am kind of a yellowdog and black girl...but maybe it is time for a change..
    beth:makes you appreciate your own body doesn't it..

    beany:there was a bunch of these pictures of skinny models and I just read where one of them died from anerexia...and they still think they look fat...stupid bitches.
    Ol lady: glad I am a medium..

  7. There is a great deal to say about being a medium.

  8. *vomits while being slightly aroused*



  9. well they are certainly knee knockers huh. how'd you like to see her jogging towards ya...yes I realise she probably don't jog ;)

    the mind can truly be a warped thing...when they look in a mirror and think they are fat...sad.

  10. That first one hurts my eyes....I know the skinny one is photoshopped but those boobs look awfully real!
    Holy christ.

  11. JESUS, you should have a warning!!! I was eating and then the pictures took over and I lost my apetite. It's my favorite food too.

  12. That guy in the bottom picture looks like he's getting ready to karate-chop that twig-chick's left arm off. And it probably *would* come off, too.

  13. Ay Carumba! I thought my jugs were huge - she must permanently walk bent over like that lol

  14. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...GROSS!!!


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to yellowdoggranny@yahoo.com.....