Thursday, December 07, 2006


In the city that never sleeps at night, you can pretty much get anything delivered to your door..groceries,dry cleaning, Chinese food and ......reefer...
Pot smokers are increasingly ordering takeout marijuana from drug rings that operate with remarkable corporate-style attention to customer satisfaction.
An untold number of otherwise-law-abiding professionals in New York are having their pot delivered to their homes instead of visiting drug dens or hangin out on street, a 37-year-old salesman in Manhattan who can dial a pager number and get a return call from a dispatcher who takes his order for potent strains of marijuana. Within a couple of hours, a well-groomed deliveryman..sometimes a moonlighting actor or chef--arrives at the doorstep of his Manhattan apartment carrying weed neatly packaged in small plastic containers..
Last year an organization called the Cartoon Network got busted.DEA agents arrested 12 people after using wiretaps and surveillance and making under cover buys. Authorities estimated since 1999, the ring made a fortune by deliverying more than a ton of marijuanna, some of it hydroponically the basement of a Cape-Cod style home on 10 acres in Vermont, where an informant reported said that the smell of pot was overpowering..
The dealers, working out of a roving call center, processed 600 hundred orders a day..from Doctors, lawyers, Wall Street traders..even on Christmas, investagators said.
One former customer named Lucia, a 30-year-0ld employee at an entertainment cable network, recalled blatant deals done at the company's Manhattan headquarters. Executives and employees alike would pool their orders as if they were buying lunch together, and then await arrival of a courier.
The cost was $60 for one plastic case holding 2 grams of marijuana, a steep markup, but worth it because of the convience and quality..
The emphasis on customer service and satisfaction was evident at one stash house, where agents found more than 30 pounds of marijuana in plain view, already packaged for holiday deliveries.The packages featured the drug ring's cartoon logo and the greeting, "Happy Holidays From Your Friends at Cartoon."
John Nebel, 'should have been the CEO of a Fortune 500 Company'..said his attorney, Steve Zissou. Instead, Mr. Nebel, who is awaiting trial, could get a minimum of 10 years in federal prison if convicted. Prosecutors also demanding the forfeiture of $22 million in cash, homes, cars, motorcycles,and a boat owned by him and his cohorts.
People who lost their 'connection'.were 'bummed' by the news of Mr. Nebel's bust. But worries that their business might get raided soon evaporated, and other dealers stepped right in, though "their product does not hold up to cartoon"...

We are in the wrong business.....fuckme till I blow smoke rings....

the word for the day is...


  1. Dam...we can't even get pizza delivered to our place...I wonder what they would charge to deliver out here :)Oh never mind, I can't even afford pizza so how the hell could I get that ;)

  2. maan I could really sing the carols if I had a nice scoob happening.

  3. Rotflol! Now I know why I've been having so much trouble with cable lately!

  4. I miss the days when I could smoke and not worry about having to pee in a bottle. "Pee in a bottle", sounds like a good title for a country song, don't you think?

  5. Wow, you really CAN get anything delivered to your door anymore!

  6. Where there is a market need, you can always find an enterprising person to fill it. The risks seem to be great, but so are the rewards. Actors and chefs as delivery people, I love it.

  7. And to think that all this would be dismantled if the government would simply legalize and regulate the distribution of marijuana.

  8. ol lady: i was thinking the same about a buzz at the door..
    apos: ooooh..scary thought apos on scoops singing christmas carols...'do you hear what i hear?'
    cyberoutlaw: be weird to see your local chef at the door with your order of reefer..
    junebugg: great song title..
    i always liked.."if you can't live without me..why aren't you dead yet?"
    byg: ok, lady here's your avon, your chinese food and a pound of pot..
    jan: yeah, even with the bust..someone stepped right back in to fill the need...$22 million in cash..damn...
    josh: no shit...put a federal stamp on it and sell it at 7-11's

  9. I would bet that the number right after the dope delivery would be the pizza delivery. Or maybe an escort service.

  10. Thirty bucks a gram? Wish I had a basement.


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