Thursday, January 04, 2007


I have been waiting for fucking ever for the computer to slooooooooooowly connect me....what a gigantic pain in the ass. I will be so glad when I get my new computer all hooked up and working from my own little government controlled retirement home...
I may dye my hair purple and start wearing print dresses.....yeah, right. Although the picture of me in a granny flower dress, with apron and my converse tennis shoes would almost be worth it..Nah...maybe overalls....
I was up half the night repacking books. Making stacks of going with me, going to library, going to West Rest Haven, and so far.....they're all going with me...I can't get rid of them..I say I will sell them on line..but somehow feels like I'm trading in child's easier to give them to people I love than to give sell or give them to the library and those old farts...I had forgotten some of the books that I am so fucking weird..I have books that tell you how to find people, old laws, history of Arabia, mandarin chinese, arabic, russian, german, french, etc. dictonaries...why? I have a dictionary for damn near every language....again....why?....I must have had a good reason when I started collecting them...but it slips my mind now...Have tons of books on reflexology, horoscopes, numbers, massages, tai chi,yoga, herbs, new age healing, all sorts of crap...I even have 2 books written by Johnny Carson...(humor books)...I have a collection of the Doonsbury books, Bloom County, I have a Orphan Annie jump rope book...I have books on movies, plays, directors, actors, western heros, scream screen ladies,etc..WHY?....I need to get a life and get rid of some of these books...I have the Idiot...and a book by Kafka, Alex Haley, Truman Copote, Somerset Maughm(spelling)..lots of books by H. Allen Smith, Jack Paar, Jack Douglas and one called Tomorrow Has Been Canceled Because Of The Lack of Trained Trumpeters...One called"If You Can't Get Over Me...? How Come You're Not Dead Yet.?"
A play about sex by Harvey Fiendstein..sports books...on the Cowboys, the Green Bay Packers, Detroit Lions, the Dodgers, Yankees, etc...WHY?....If I was to croak tomorrow they would all go to the library..the kids don't want any more books from me...well, the granddaughters would like the Shel Silverstein books...sigh*....
I have a paper doll book for Japs...(Jewish American Princess's) for Elvis Presley..who looks really weird standing there in his briefs...
I need professional help....
I will start moving Saturday....woopee....Library is closed tomorrow and I doubt if I will have time Sat. to come post..we're closed on Sunday and unless I get the computer hooked will be Monday before you hear from me again...that is if I am still able to process thoughts and form sentences....wish me luck....
fuckme till I read braille...


  1. Elvis in his briefs? Oh, post it, post it, pretty please?

  2. Who knows, they could open a wing called the "Jackie Sue Private Collection" at the library. I hope I've got a lot of books when I am more advanced in years...

  3. Blogger is really startin to piss me off...this is the first time that your Jan posts showed up! Nothin but Dec till today???
    Hope all goes well with your move.

  4. My DSL has been slower than dog shit in a blizzard this week too. . . If I wanted dial-up speeds, I wouldn't be paying the $24.95/mo for DSL!!! Fuckers!!

    Damn girl!! Load up the back of the Mazda and start the Jackiesue Bookmobile!!! I'm sure Johnnie Carson would love to know who it was that actually bought his books. . . LOL!!

    I really hope the move goes well. I just wish I could be there to tote and fetch a few things to get you moved in. But, I guess that's why Grandkids have strong young boyfriends. . . LOL!!

    Get yourself hooked up and back online soon!! . . .

    Fuck me 'til I kiss Bill the Cat on the mouth. . .


  5. That's quite a collection you've got there!

    Good luck with the move! :)

  6. I only have about 400 books right now. Almost all fiction or writing books.
    I had over 3000 hardcovers until 1986 when I went to Korea and the first wife never picked up our stuff out of storage. I stayed in Korea for 20 months and she lived with he boyfriend the whole time. I paid rent on an apartment that her girlfriend lived in. They sold the stuff about a month before I got home, so I divorced her ass.
    You be careful moving it can seem like it's never going to end.

    New computer and a good connection sure will make it a lot more fun for the rest of us.

    The people in the apartments have no idea what's coming their way.

    Now I have to survive the weekend without my Jackiesue fix.
    Loved the Daddy gonna eat your fingers email.

  7. I'm too lazy to count my books. Mr. Pink has said for years that he's not moving them any fucking more. But then, he always does.

  8. I have been stuck with using a library computer for almost three years, now. I guess I've gotten used to it. And because of all the snow storms lately in Colorado, the libraries hve been closed, and I've been unable to do shit, which is something I always have to do when my session is done.

  9. SO how 'bout them Cowboys: will we win, or not?!?!?

  10. one of the best things i ever did was dump my books. the library does a way better job of storing and sorting them than i could ever dream of. i only kept a few favorites like vonnegut and heinlein.

  11. I have so so so many books and hubby is pretty "bad" too. Add to that the kids' books and I swear we could almost be our own little library.

    I hate getting rid of books too,, it seems sacreligious.

    Best of luck with the move and settling in.


    Mama Kelly

  12. Oh man...moving sucks! I've moved a bunch of times and books are the worst. Record albums are right up there too. Rip-off artist movers are on my shit list too. I love my books and my old LPs, but I'll be damned if I'm going to move them again. Next time I go, I'm just leaving everything here. I'll buy new stuff when I get there. Good luck!

  13. Anybody know what happened in the Cowboys game?

  14. If I was there I'd help you move. :)

  15. Wishing you all the best with your move JS!

  16. Keep 'em all!!...The minute I get rid of a book,I find that I need to reference something.

  17. Damn, you've got just as varied collection as I do! I hate moving, careful not to hurt your back.


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