Monday, January 29, 2007



I have made a decision...I
am going to start bitching again...I like bitching...I like threating to kick people's asses..I like standing up on a soap box and yelling and screaming at people that I think are raving assholes and dipshits.I don't like taking the high road...I like it down here in the dirt, wressling with the 'stupids'....It doesn't even have anything to do with making me feel better...I just like there!..Back your ass against the I come tits and all..
is no rhyme or reason to this list of bitching..just have a stack of articles I have pulled out of my DAM News...and going to start at the top and work my way down to the goes..
NEW MOM..67, SAYS SHE TRICKED CLINIC ABOUT AGE. London a 67-year old woman who is believed to be the world's
oldest new mother told a British newspaper Sunday that she lied to a U.S. fertility clinic--saying she was 55--to get treatment. Carmela Bousada said in her first interview since she gave birth to twin boys Dec.29 that she sold her house in Spain to raise $59,000 to pay for in vitro fertilization at a California clinic. ...
Of all the stupid selfish people...What ego..To think that you are so important and your genes are so much better than anyone else's that you
have to give birth your own self..First of all she's too fucking old...Even if she lives 20 more years..which is doubtful...what kind of health is she going to be in to take care of them babies???? Where is the husband? Is there anyone around to help her take care of them after she croaks?...judas priest....Someone needs to smack that bitch..I'm up for the job..

Two different articles about a week says mercury in fish tested in West, points to industry.
Scientists looking for fish tainted by mercury found them in every fish and every river they sampled across the West, suggesting that in
dustrial pollution generated around the world is probably responsible for at least some of it. The survey of 2,707 fish randomly collected from 626 rivers represents the biggest regional sampling yet of mercury in fish in the west...
DDT levels still high off Los Angeles coast...Fish caught off Los Angeles County's coast still contain high levels of banned DDT decades after a manufacturer dumped tons of it into sewers, creating a toxic plume on the ocean floor...
Fuck! wonder we have such a rise in cancer and autism..fuckity fuc
k fuck fuck! Need I say more..? Someone needs to get to the Bush administration and get across to them..just cause them good ole boys are your fuck buddies...doesn't mean you should allow them to continue to pollute our waterways, air, and land...just for more money to line your already lined pockets...
Oh, I love this one.. the other day in the paper VP Cheney called critic's charges 'hogwash,' and said U.S. will finish the task in Iraq.
Vice President Dick Cheney said Wed. that it was 'hogwash' to suggest President Bush's credibility was on the line because of mistakes made in Iraq.(does this man live on another planet?)
Mr. Cheney acknowledged that the situation in Iraq is very unstable, but he said toppling Saddam Hussein was the right thing to do.(Yeah, how's that working for us so far..asshole)
The VP said passage of Senate resolution opposing Mr. Bush's decision to send
more troops to Iraq would not change the administrations new strategy in Iraq.
"The congress has control over the purse strings. They have the right, obviously, if they want, to cut off funding," Mr. Cheney said.
"But in terms of this effort, the president had made his decision. We've consulted extensively with them. We'll continue to consult with the Congress. But the fact of the matter is we need to get the job done."(in other words, it doesn't matter what you or the rest of the entire fucking planet want..we're doing what we wanna fuckyou.) The VP said the biggest mistak
e the U.S. has made in the war was underestimating the psychological effect Mr. Hussein's regime had on Iraqis..(ya think?)
Today.....He's pissed at GOP Sen.Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, who accused the Bush administration of playing "a ping pong game with American lives" by sending more troops into Iraq."Let's say I believe in Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment:Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow republican," Mr. Cheney said. "But it's very hard sometimes to adhere to that where Chuck Hagel is involved."(you know their in big ass trouble if they are resorting to quoting Ronald McDonald Reagan).
In the interview,Mr. Cheney also said he doesn't spend any time worrying
about how the public or the news media view him. When pressed to react to criticism form people with whom he has worked, Mr. Cheney said: "Well, I'm vice president, and they're not."....(how many people immediately thought of Chevy Chase's 'I'm Chevy Chase and you're not?"...has as much credibility ...)
Well, whoopty fuckingdo..! What a pompous asshole...This is the sort of arrogance that you get from them...Them being the fucking republicans...I have the ball and we will either play the game I wanna play,the way I wanna play it, or I'm taking the ball and going home...
Give me strength...!...Dear Goddess...smite that asshole...
I wish I could have attended the peace march in Washington over the weekend...I have a feeling I would have been arrested...but it would have been worth it...
O. K...I'm done...but it ain't over...I will continue to rant and rave, scream and yell, cuss and throw things at my tv until them fuckers are out of the White House, out of control and give our country back to us... you money grubbing assholes....
fuckme till I'm out of ink..


  1. Welcome back to bitching. We missed you on the low road. No one does it better than you do. Good topics and good sound bitching. when was it you actually STOPPED bitching? :>)

  2. JackieSUe for president! Thats all I got to say on it. :)

  3. jan: good point..I really never QUIT bitching..but I did get side tracked to other posts...
    I just like to bitch..and there is so much to choose from much little time..
    nancy: nancy, yeah...I'm going to run on the 'don't fuck with my country' platform..
    granny: no tiptoeing allowed..please stomp in and stomp out...make your self at home..
    mimi: we have allowed company's to put so much crap into our air, the seas and our waterways..Im surprised that we all don't glow in the dark...

  4. The one thing that has always kept me coming back to your blog is your ability to say it like it is. That is a quality far too few people possess.

    On another note. . . I absolutely lost it when I read your card. That is so touching. You were among the first to accept me for who I am and I'll never forget that. You have no idea how good it makes me feel to know I have friends like you, Denise, Babs, Apos, Donna and so many others.

    When we finally get Apos over here, I'm taking a week off to deliver HUGGSS!! to all of my blog friends. That will be the best gas money I've ever spent. . . Lauren's Summer HUGGSS!! Tour. . . Maybe MTV will be interested. . . NAH!! I can't carry a tune in a dump truck. . .

    Love ya!!!

  5. lauren: hey ..what can i tell you...your just all of us..

  6. Oh good lord I couldn’t think of anything bloody worse, than to become a mother at 67.

    Bet she has a fuck-load of home help.

  7. Yay! Bring on more bitching!!! I loves the bitching I does.

  8. You stopped bitching?
    Remind me to never blink again!
    Love the Cheney illo- I like MY negative attitude and I LOVE yours!

  9. apos:that's part of my bitch...she's single and as far as i could help..but even with help..she's gonna croak in 10 years or so..and what kind of shape is she going to be in to take care of them kids when she's all 'stove up'(texas expression for cant get around good)?????
    carina: i probably never dropped the bitching banner..but seemed like I backed off a litte...maybe not..ha
    beany: and i love bitching...i am da queen....
    fuzzy: i plan on it..
    allan: ok, so maybe i didn't actually QUIT bitching..but I felt like I had eased back some...but it will be full bore again...

  10. Goody! Goody!
    It's been to quite around here lately.
    I think we should have a contest to see who gets a visit from the Secret Service first.
    Cheney has been hiding in a bunker since 9/11. He can't take a chance of being killed until he figures out how to take all the money with him.
    I gotta write something soon or you might start on me. :)

  11. nitty; don't mess with texas bud...that means our chili AND our hamburgers..chili is in that catgory of dr.pepper, where somethings shouldn't be messed diet dr.pepper or vanilla, or berry, and chili should not have beans or green peppers, or tomato's of any kind...I bet i get hauled in by the secret service before you do...and im waiting not so patiently for your next post..
    jblue: thanks sista...I bitch for all that can't.

  12. Cheney has a pacemaker, which is pretty close to having no heart at all. And it shows.

    He refused to even discuss his daughter or her pregnancy.

    Shame and pride are mutually exclusive, Mr. Vice President.

  13. At last, someone else who admits they like bitching! Keep doing it!
    This woman who had the baby at 67 must be out of her fucking mind, and I speak as a person who is certifiably mentally ill! (bipolar disorder.) I'm going to be 42 in two weeks, and if Mr. Perfect suddenly materialized and we decided to make the wonderful beautiful child that would result from our amazing genes, I could still do it but believe me, it would not be something I'd look forward to. I'm getting a lot closer to "grandma" age than to "new mom" age, and when I'm 67, there's no way in this world anyone could convince me to have a baby! Fuck that nonsense!
    At last I have found someone who is crazier than I am--this woman!

  14. cheney is an ass muncher.

    give em hell girl!!!


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