Saturday, March 10, 2007


Blessings on you my children...I am visiting the yellowdog and enjoying the fine state of Texas's glorious the 80's...But I will have to bring some rain, yellowdog is jonesing for some your questions..
Buddha Girl wants to know if she will get in some fun-trouble on her next weeks inservice. BG I don't know what inservice is, but I do know my Bad Bad Bad Buddha Girl and I'm pretty sure you will find some way to indulge your trouble making side...I don't see a bail bondsman or your being held by the boys in enjoy...
Scotish Toodler wants to know the one thing that everyone could do to make this a better humans are already standing on the slipperly slope of total distruction and I'm not sure there is much that can be done to correct your mistakes..You humans are selfish. I could think of a hundred different words to discribe you..but selfish is the best one..You don't care about the world you live in or the earth you live on...You have held hands in only one thing and that is to destroy the world around you...But don't give up hope..there is a slim chance that if you each individually treated the world better and the people around you with respect and might make it another 50 years...maybe...
Ms Plane has to much class to sue Libby...but her husband will want revenge of some sort...I think they should wait for the ole' what goes around comes around' to bite them in the ass...cosmic justic is better for your aura than revenge...let me handle them..I play for keeps..
Lauren needs a tactful way to tell a good friend they have dragon breath...Coming to me for tact is pretty funny Lauren...The first thing that comes to my mind is going to him and saying "oh, man.. dragon shit for breakfast..that must suck."..Since you really do need tact..I would say each morning hand them a breath mint...and if they say no thanks..say...'no really, you need this.'...that's as tactful as I can get..
Cheesemeister...ick!..The thought of old folks in thong diapers sent the Goddess to the royal Vomitorium...thanks for THAT visual..

Ruby, Rubyduubie....wants to know if Kim jong il will ever get recognized as the sexiest man of the world...
Holy Odin...yes, he will when he arrives in Hel, which is ruled by the Goddess Hel.)the daughter of Loki)'s cold cold cold in Hel...not like you humans think...if it was supposed to be hot we would just send you to Texas when you die..But when Kim jong il dies(and a death that is soon to be coming)..he will be recognized as the sex symbol he is...he will be in company with the funny guy Hitler, and the father figure Saddam..Hel has all sorts of ways to make the afterlife interesting me...everyone gets 'theirs'...
Cyberoutlaw wants to know if the Goddess would have sex with Bush if it meant he would resign...Goddess doesn't like to be crude...but she wouldn't fuck George Bush with someone else's pussy...let them democrats get him to resign...ick, spit, hack..
Jim...the Goddess isn't quite sure what to do with you are on of the most misbegotten human she has encountered...but to answer all of your questions.
1. You have to be forgivable to be fail..
2. You have to be loveable to be fail..
3. no
4.Teenagers make better sense than you do Jim, grow the fuck up..take responsiblities for your are not a grownup...or an are a spoilt spitefull little man....

Apos: not in the way he would like....but the Goddess does not lie..does not hold back...and for the record..
a spade to the Goddess is not a's a fucking shovel...
Go with the Goddess, my kind, be good, love your enemies, even Jim...


  1. Damn, missed the opportunity to ask a question!
    Uh, Jim....?
    **scratching head**

  2. Now how do I get through a week without a little hunk of wisdom from the Goddess.

  3. Shit, I was going to ask a question this week. I'll have to wait until next week.

  4. thanks for the info. i'll pass it along next time kim asks me over for drinks and a james bond movie.

  5. Jim: the Goddess and I agree on one don't belong here any more..go away...this is final..if you don't go away and stay away I will report you to the people in charge of
    You have wore out your welcome and are standing on my last fucking nerve....GO..........AWAY.....
    carina: maybe next week...every thursday and friday..answers will be given out on Saturday...
    Nitwit: the Goddess is always with you my friend...
    babs: the answer is yes...and no...
    ruby: good luck with that...

  6. Ok, I had no idea at all what this post was about, but I guess that's my fault since I've been so out of the loop lately.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to