Tuesday, March 06, 2007

NANA NANA BOO BOO..................

Stick your head in doo doo...I won an award ...how cool is that..? It's called the Thinking Blogger Award.It is given to blogs that make you think...as in hmmmmm what the fuck?...Well, maybe not exactly like that..but that's my story and I'm sticking to it...
This award was bestowed on me by Sue From Sue Darroch and Mathew Didier's Paranormal Blog. Now I have
to turn around and nominate 5 blogs for the same award...but first..the rules...yasta have rules..
1. If, and only if,you get nominated, write a post with links to the 5 blogs that make you think...
2. Link to this post so that people can find the exact orgin of the meme.(I still don't know what a fucking meme i
3.Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger
Award" with a link to the post that you wrote, here is a silver version and a gold version.
Ok, no
w this was the hard part..picking 5 and only 5 out of my most excellent blog roll...you are all wonderful in your own special way, but the award is for making me think, not necessarily laugh or even enjoy above all others.. Here goes:
1. Kevin my Brite Yeller Gun...Who continues to make me think about friends, family, love, and the fact that same sex marriages are a wonderful thing for some very lucky kids..
2. Babs...yeah, my great friend Babs, who makes me understand the pain and weirdness of mental health..She suffers but still manages to make me laugh while doing so..she rocks my world..
3. Nit Wit, who sends me to the library to check out books he has recommended, and speaks from the heart about so many things..I have professed more than once that I love him, but for some reason he continues to stay put in Ohio and not run to Texas to be by my side..sigh*
4. Ruby Rocks, the proud loving father of a slightly disturbed Pittybull dog..He is another one that sends me chasing after books that he has read and if he read them..by Goddess so should I..
5. Sooner...what can I say about my udder son Sooner. He is warped, twisted, slightly crazy and an Okie...what more could you ask for..
Ok...they said only 5..but I'm sorry I have one more..
6. Apos...who wows me from Australia..soon to be an American citizen, only to discover that George W. Bush's administration has put a stop on the importing of vegamite..
So there they are 6 of the finest bloggers in the whole fucking world..It's still my story and I'm still sticking to it...
fuckme till I think...actually I don't like to think...It gives me a headache...


  1. gee thanks, 5 blogs, links.

    this is going to make my old brain work harder than usual. if my brain was linked to that feckin microsoft "vista" it would shutdown.

  2. Wow, I'm honored! Just to think that lil ole me can make someone think! Whooda thunk? I'll have to do this but may not get the chance till this weekend. Hmm...five, huh? That could be hard.

  3. ruby: i have to admit..this post is up thanks to babs..I didn't have a fecking clue how to do it..even after she told me how to do it...doh!
    byg:you make lots of people think...and all for the good..

  4. Ow. Thinking can sometimes be painful....But. I can and will try really hard, I don't quite understand but I make up my own ruls in life anyway so if I fuck it up then you know who to blame.
    When I imported The Church I accidently imported on a quest too so I don;t know quite what to do about that, For the meantime On a Quest... and The Church are in the same place.
    Clance' (fricking google won't let me put my wordpress here on your blog for some reason.

  5. Ow. Thinking can sometimes be painful....But. I can and will try really hard, I don't quite understand but I make up my own ruls in life anyway so if I fuck it up then you know who to blame.
    When I imported The Church I accidently imported on a quest too so I don;t know quite what to do about that, For the meantime On a Quest... and The Church are in the same place.
    Clance' (fricking google won't let me put my wordpress here on your blog for some reason.

  6. Well, I am deeply honored that you would consider my blog as a "Thinking Blogger" blog, if I as a stranger were to read it I would think "This guy needs a whole team of psychiatric help", and "I hope he is just kidding, it's sorta "BURN IN HELL" funny".

    Now, along with this I must nominate 5 and create links, I will try to attempt this on the weekend, I will do this for you, my freind.

    I can't believe you still read my infrequent blogs. They are for the most part a bunch of bullshit and babbling, all cosmetic drivel.
    But YOU my dear have the verbage to make a well-stated point in your blogs. They have direction and purpose, mine are like a train wreck of sordid images, lol.

    Love ya, Jac, my udder mudder.

  7. Crap! When I did this, I didn't realize I had to post something too.
    What do I win?

  8. Awww..awesome - you deserve it :) Miss ya laughs over on me widdle blog lady ;) Take care!

  9. Aw yowsa...but haha I am exempt from this yes?

  10. The only thing I make people think is What the fuck did he say? I don't know if I understand the rules but if I can't Blind them with brillance I can always baffel them with bullshit.
    Now how can I choose 5 blogs without pissing the others off?

  11. Congrats on the award. I told you you should write a book. Next award....Pulitzer Prize! Just don't forget us little people okay?

  12. Congrats on your award! Now to go check out your links!

  13. clance: double posted on you did it?
    sooner: there is no way you couldn't be on this list..it didn't say your blog made you think of 'good' things..it said just made you think...because if people read your blog they will think' oh fuck' and then laugh their ass off...you da man..
    babs: i thought it would be only fitting that you would have to do 5 blogs after you did all the work on this post..brwahahahahah

    tina:thanks...I will be over..I have been having problems with computer again, and was freezing up..but I deleted so much shit off it, it's working ok now..fucking firefox browser had over 100 things that made it freeze up...see ya soon..
    apos: I know that you have your hands full with the move and all, so if you don't have time to do it...you are exempt..I just wanted people who have not been to see you a chance to meet your witty aussie scube (?) smoking ass...
    Nitwit: don't under estimate yourself...you make me think all the time...the stuff on your side bar alone is worth a look...
    reg:I am still mulling the book idea around..once I figure out a title..I'll go from there..ha
    cyber:yeah, now I have to go check out your's and the rest that was on Sue's list...one of them I really like...


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to yellowdoggranny@yahoo.com.....