Wednesday, September 05, 2007

.......CRY ME A FUCKING RIVER.......

There is a book coming out that supposedly has Bush admitting that he 'can tear up'...that he cries a lot and mostly when he talks to the families of fallen soldiers.. fucking hoo..cry me a river've made 2 countries cry over your fucking blunders driven by greed and ego...How many dead do you have notched on your gun George Porgy made them cry?....
fuckme till I cry...


  1. It's disgusting. Did you hear about some of the other stupid things in the book? Like, how he was calculating how much money he was going to make on speeches after he leaves office.

    Who would pay money to listen to someone that can't even form complete sentences!

  2. The Gump only cries because he is forced to be in the same room with lowly real people and at the thought that there might come a day when he can't keep the billions rolling in for his cronies who will be the ones paying his speaking fees when sanity returns tho the U.S.

  3. oh poor fucking baby!!!

    i wonder how he thinks the families feel when they hear that their sons/husbands/fathers etc. will not be coming home because some self rightious jerkoff decided we needed to go to war.
    i am not generally a political person. i do not watch the news, or read the newspaper, but there was a song by nine inch nails recently released that is about george dubya- it is called
    capitol g
    seems to pretty much sum up the war and the pres.

  4. i'm sure his daddy could take care of the tears.

    i heard there's nothing his daddy can't fix.

  5. He'll be doomed if he ever finds his conscience or has a real genuine moral epiphany. Don't see a very good chance of that happening, though.

  6. Oh! What a beautiful man!

  7. How about the families of the soldiers that were killed in this mess. That is who will be crying for the rest of their lives.

  8. Geez...on TV they are doing the "bomb Iran/no more 9-11" dance. It's like he seems on making the same mistakes twice.
    Of course, if you are an oil company or a defense contractor , Bush's vision of endless war is a rosy dream come was Eisenhowers's nightmare. He was right.


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