Saturday, December 29, 2007

.......ONE QUESTION QUIZ.......

"What is 14" long and hangs in front of an asshole?"

George W. Bush's tie...
I am recycling this..I posted it a year or so back, but thought it was worth repeating...


  1. Don't worry about recycling. Some of us can't remember what we were doing five minutes ago.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Truth. And it was new to me and that's all that matters in my world. (Center of the universe and all that....)

  4. Sorry for the delete, wasn't funny enough for a repeat.

  5. Phew, I thought it was going to be a photo of Tommy Lee's little Tommy.

    /I'll be here all week, tip your waitress!

  6. Funny that you would mention 14". Many years ago I wrote a song with that title.

    14 Inches

  7. jan:huh?
    kalibitch:ahh, i like people who think they are the center of the universe...
    mcraven:i think you liked it the first time around too..
    sonnyboy:yup..funny..but true..
    rox:nah, tommy's little tommy is a 'big' tommy...or so I heard...
    I'll have the veal..

  8. 14 inches, I bet he took something to have it enlarged.
    Doesn't matter though, it is a clip on.

  9. nitwit:yeah, he's such a liar, he'd lie about the length of his tie..

  10. ..looks like it's hangin' pretty limp.

  11. That man is plain frightening. Period.

    I know your ass is watching the Cowboys. Richie's already called me twice to check the score since he's at work. Poor sap!


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