Monday, December 24, 2007

.......YA THINK?.......

"And he puzzled and puzzled til his puzzler was sore.Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought,doesn't come from a store.".................................Dr. Seuss


  1. really is that simple isn't it!..Merry Christmas Jackie Sue! :)

  2. merry feckin xmas.

    the thing i want comes from a garden, not a store.

  3. Merry Christmas!
    Billy Pilgrim's picture was talking to me! (Looks at rum bottle, throws it over shoulder)

  4. Helen wanted a couple of candy bars, I got her five of them. That was my total Getmas shopping.

    I'm sure that I will be getting nothing and that is fine with me as I have all I need, except for world peace and that isn't going to happen.

    You know what? Our blogs are a waste of time. But have a peaceful Christmas hon.

  5. Dr. Seuss was Jewish, wasn't he? hehe

    Merry Christmas JS!!

  6. Ho ho ho Merry Christmas

    (not calling you a ho)

  7. Good old Seuss, he knew what it was all about.
    Hoping for a Regime change in 2008..
    Have a good one Granny!!

  8. I hate it when my heart feels two sizes too small. Have a wonderful say JackieSue.

  9. i meant wonderful day, but you can have a wonderful say as well.

  10. WHOSE blog is a waste of time??? Not yours, Granny. All I want for Xmas is to read it!

  11. sling:merry merry to you also my friend..
    billypilgrim:I would send you something from my garden, but don't think you could smoke it..snort*
    tex:he does look like he is saying something very deep and profound doesn't he..and he always does...
    bbc:your blog may be a waste of time, but I don't feel like mine can something be a waste of time that has brought me so many new friends...?
    rocky:roses are redish, violets are blueish, if it wasn't for Jesus, we'd all be Jewish..
    Josh;well, there was an extra ho in there..merry christmas to you also..
    greentea:yeah, all I want for christmas is a president that is content with just blow jobs and not with fucking us all...
    kalibitch:I will have a wonderful day and it is all up to me...
    anne:yeah, want to tell him to speak for himself.not for me...I can't wait to see what your up to next..merry christmas to one and all...

  12. It dosen't?? Hal Itosis, our main pitchman here in the Netherworld, is going to be very upset if that word gets out!

  13. Christmas is all over and nobody gave me a gazillion bucks. Oh well.

  14. cheese:I like the story about the guy who spent thousands to get rid of halitosis and then found out that no one liked him anyhow...
    nitwit:nope, but some one we know won some money...


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