Sunday, January 13, 2008


the lack of trained trumpeters...tomorrow will be canceled..


  1. can trained trumpeters pass block?

  2. Well, you shouldn't have taken him to Mexico!!!

  3. I have this over whelming urge to get a 6-pack of Dublin Dr.Pepper and a half gallon of Blue Bell Rocky Road and eat and drink myself into a coma..

  4. I'm lost, which is not unusual.

  5. Did something bad happen?
    I wondered what that noise was coming from the south west when I was at work.
    Now you can go back to watching the porn on your cable.

  6. Don't have a trumpet but will a kazoo do?

  7. I knew I shoulda taken shiny brass instrument training in music class. There seems to be a need fer them.

  8. If this is about what I think it's about, one of my former students was playing for the other team. He was always an ass with an attitude problem. My sincere apologies.

  9. I know what this is about, and you can go ahead and cancel anything you want if it means a day off work for me. Let's just say that where I live, it was extraordinary to see so many happy people on a shitty rainy Monday.

  10. billypilgrim:nor can they hold on to a pass or go 1 quarter with out commiting several personal fouls...judas priest.
    babs:cowboys lost...sonofabitch
    jan:hey,if I had taken him to mexico he would REALLY have had an excuse for a crappy game.
    goddess:me too!
    rox:ahh, it's just me and my cowboy lost blues..
    nitwit:nah, nothing happened..that's why they lost the f*&%^$*) game..I can't watch makes me giggle.
    buddhagirl;yup..that was me at about 6 or so...and the neighborhood dog Queenie..who was going to be picked up by the pound and I had spent all day trying to hide her and protect her and they took her off any how..this is me letting everyone know I wasn't going to make it easy for them..
    lavender:is right..
    junebugg:would only work if the team was good enough to deserve a kazoo..

    mcraven:yup..fuckity fuck fuck fuck

    apos:abetter need for offense/linemen and receives that can catch the mother fucking football...
    Ok...I'm better now..
    anne:yeah, I'm surprised that Pennsyvania didn't declare it a national holiday...farq!

  11. Heh! I knew it had to be that the Cowboys lost. Wiping grin from face... I mean, I'm terribly sorry JackieSue, those cretins.

  12. Who are the Cowboys?

    *dodges slapping hand*

    tee hee!


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to