Tuesday, January 29, 2008


There is good news and there is bad news...I always like to get the bad news first..and that is..my truck is broke..and Vincent is supposed to be fixing it(we think it's the starter)..but haven't heard from him and the truck is still sitting in the parking lot of Ace Auto Parts, where she so politely decided to quit..Babs and I are making bets on how long it will take him to at least call..So far she is seems to know him better than me..I keep thinking he will pull up in the truck and say 'tada'...she seems to think he is on a bender...sigh*...fuckity fuck fuck.....fuck!
The only good part of that is that Jenny needs me to go with her to her new duplex and hang up her mail box,fix her door bell, remove some decals off the door and put up some new numbers...and since the truck is 'awol' she will have to come and get me and bring me home..Oh and I also have to go with her to her mom's house and fix her couch..It has a rip and some tears along the seam and as I am Jackie of all trades I am the one who gets to fix her stuff...
Now for the really really good news...Babs and I went to the library today and Nancy informed me that a bunch of new books came in and I went ape shit...I was making 'ooh, oooh ohh' noises..purring and stoking the books like some pervert...I actually said :'I love the smell of new books' and sniffed the pages ...In taking them off the 'new books' shelf I ran across the book by the Cunt, with the title if Democrats had any brains they'd be republicans...I think I forgot where I was as I said 'I'm going to slap that bitch'...and when everyone started to laugh, I said.."Did I say that out loud?"...Still laughing everyone assured me that yes, I said it out loud, but it was ok..nothing I said surprised them much anymore..
Nancy's going 'this is a public library Jackie'...but she was laughing too..I got 11 fucking books...11......10 of them spanking new...and I'm so excited that I'm giddy..I got home and usually there will be one that stands out and will go right to it..but this time I couldn't figure out which one to start in on first...I even called Nancy and told her I was having a nervous breakdown, that I didn't know which book to read first..so she looked at my list and said I should start on The Cat Dancers first as it wasn't a new one and was one that I had asked for because it was in a series and I had read all the rest..so I am..and it's good..Here is a list of the books...and some of them are on 3 or 4 lists of best book for the year..
The Cat Dancers by P.T. Deuermann,Tree of Smoke by Denis Johnson, Last Known Victim by Erica Spindler,
Genghis-Birth of an Empire by Conn Iggulden,Double Take by Catherine Coulter,Finn by Jon Clinch(it's about Huckleberry Finn's Daddy),The Name of The Wind by Patric Rothfuss(really supposed to be a terrific book),The God of Animals by Aryn Kyle,The Spellman Files by Lisa Lutz,Crawfish Mountain by Ken Wells, and Jamestown by Mathew Sharpe.
Ahhh, life is good...now if only my truck was fixed..
If you don't hear from me for the next 3-4 days..it's because my nose is going to be pressed into the thighs of my sweet smelling new books...I will be dancing with the cats, checking out victims,working with the FBI,learning some history about Temujin, the son of a khan and just generally having a wonderful time..
I love books...and I really do love the smell of new books..don't know if it's the ink or the pulp or just the thought of all that excitement going on between the pages...
I'll be glad to give a review of each book in case anyone wants to check them out...
Fuckme till I smell like a new book....


  1. Lucky..well sorta not the truck. But to have a shit load of books is cool I love to read. I would be freakin if I had 11 books though to much pressure. Hey you have a cat right? Every cat I have ever had loves to smell to my books and rub their cheeks on it...sorta weird.

  2. Actually, you said something along the lines of "killing that bitch." That's why I said there were witnesses to what you said.

    I didn't say Vince was on a bender! Now if you call him and tell him you hid a 12 pack under the hood.... well... he might just get around to looking at the truck sooner.

  3. Thanks for the list. I have copied, pasted and printed it. My trips to the library are dictated by the interest span of a seven year old. He chooses his books (it's easy--there are hundreds of them) and then he's ready to go. I've been just grabbing something from new arrivals and I've read some pretty bad ones.

  4. New books are almost as smellerific as old records. Mmm....good.

  5. sage: yup annie loves to rub against my stacks of books...maybe they like the smell of books too..
    babs:oh no...you had to have misheard..as i never say i wanna or gonna kill someone..not with my track record..hey, i never thought of that..that's a good idea..a 12 pack under the hood...dang..
    jan:some of these are authors i have read before and some i have never read before..so im really excited about them...
    and check out the bluebonnet books on google and find the master list of best childrens books for the past year..then the kids themselves vote on the best ones and are on the bluebonnet list...they are terrific books ..
    allan;yup...records have a great smell too...

  6. so then I'm back and now YOU'RE going to be MIA?

    at least it's for a good reason! :-)

  7. The aliens in the Texas UFOs must have read of your intention to go out hunting for them and disabled your truck. They are tricky fellas.
    Now your going to get eye strain reading all those books and not be able to star gaze. Maybe they arranged the book delivery too.

  8. Sorry to hear about the truck, but at least you got new books!

    I agree 100% with you about that blonde bitch. Her books ought to be burned.

    I need to start checking out books at the library to save money. Books are expensive!

  9. Car trouble? SO irritating, isn't it. and expensive.

    You know, I think going into a library and getting a boatload of books for free is one of the all-time best feelings in the whole wide world. Just makes me feel all safe and happy inside. And it's like stealing, only temporary and legal. Have fun (I know you will).

  10. how many weeks do they give you to read all those books? i have a hard time reading 1 or 2 books in the 4 weeks our library gives me.

    did you take the evelyn woods speed reading course?

  11. Your enthusiasm leaves me breathless - and jealous for new books :) You'll have to tell me how God of Animals turns out.

  12. rocky:oh you know me..ill be baaack!
    nitiwti:ahh, I knew it all along.it's the aliens..
    HMHH:I love my little library, and I fell like my library is my best friend..lets me go any place i want to with my new friends...sigh*
    elizabeth:isn't that the truth, a stadck of new books from the library is just the best feeling...long live libraries..
    billypilgrim:2 weeks...but i can always renew them..but i should be finished with these 11 books way before the 2 weeks are up...i do read fast..
    i let babs read the new james lee burke book tin roof blowdown and i have read about 8 books in that time and she's still reading it..
    tsduff:I will give a run down on each book as they all look so terrific..so far the cat dancers is really good..

  13. aaaah... there's nothing like new books! the smell, the feel, the weight... LOVE it!!!
    reviews would be very welcome!

  14. I know this of which you speak. I still get happyhappy when I look up at my bookshelf and notice I still have about 15 left in the stash of book club books the LFB surprised me with when I first got back. I knew he really reaaally liked me with this gift as he dislikes me when I have my snout stuck in a book when he wants attention.

  15. I love that new book smell too! I need to fill my library bag again...I've been spending way too much time on the internet, I need to crack a book!

  16. If it's your starter, you might be able to coax it home with a couple taps on the starter to get it past the dead spot (Works best on Fords).
    I hate relying on someone else to fix my shit, and carry a limited complement of tools behind the seat for said roadside jams.
    Hope you get the beast back to roaring soon.

  17. angel:i promise a review on each book...wish i could read them all at once..
    apos:that's true love for you..how great is that...
    rox:anyone of the books i mentioned above are worth checking out...and dean koontz's new one is good too..
    ted: just got back from helping him jumps start it..hooked a chain to his ford fairlaine van and it started right up..thinks it might be the wire from celenoid to battery or celenoid to what ever..we're hoping it's not the starter as that could be up to $150...farq.

  18. Oh man, new book smell gets me going... it makes me salivate for some unknown reason. (Probably the binding glue.)

    Between that and new car smell... I wonder if it's the chemicals at play, or if it's partially due to the excitement over the newness.

  19. Yes, the smell of a new book is like no other. I always get giddy when I get a heap of new ones in the mail from Amazon. Nothing compares to opening that box and taking a deep whiff. Ah....

    Good to see someone else stoked about their reading. I've got books stacked right now in the order I have determined to read them in, and I will likely have to go ahead and quit buying them for a while just to get caught up.

  20. hmmm I am going to check out some of those books...

    I HATED HATED HATED... God of Animals

    HATED it..let me know what you think.
    Glad that your vehicle i fixed.

    Sold my car to my son.. got a different one.

    work is worky
    interesting "debate" last night...


  21. Check out James Lee Burke's mystery novels Jackie Sue...

  22. Never burn a book, even a bad one written by a bitch. Some books, like people, exist as an example of how not to be.

    Your reaction to new books is like mine used to be when the "Life" magazine was in the mail.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to yellowdoggranny@yahoo.com.....