Sunday, February 17, 2008


and other shit.......

A license plate bearing only the number "1" sold for $14 million at a charity auction Saturday in the United Arab Emrates....Saeed Khouri a member of a very wealthy A bu Dhabi family has many cars but doesn't know which one will wear the plate..But he wanted the number 1 as he wanted everyone to know that he is prosperous and doing well in his real estate business..He will also be known as the '1' asshole..They have this auction every year and all total there were 90 plates auctioned off for $24 million..What are they going to do with this money?..They donate it to a rehab clinic/hospital for people that are injured in traffic accidents.

what can I say?.......fuckity fuck fuck fuck..

Now you know where part of your gas money is going..

"That's just like a communist country. They won't give threaten you or anything. One day they just come in your house and kick you out."

---Thieu Nguyen, a Vietnamese immigrant in Plano, Texas, on his Home-owners Association's threat to place a lien on his house because he painted his fence green.(Dallas Morning News)...The price you pay for living in a gated community...

and my very personal favorite....

"The image of the Catholic Lent must be polished. The fact that we use a Muslim term is related to the fact that Ramadan is a better-known concept among young people than Lent.".Martin van der Kull, Dutch Catholic leader, on the church's decision to rebrand Lent as "Christian Ramadan."..(Daily Telegraph)

(using whiny Bush voice) It's's really be a Christian."

This one makes my ass itch...

"I will vote for the candidate i think can do the best job in America-Whether that candidate is a Republican or Democrat or an independent."...Colin Powell, secretary of state under George Bush.

If you hadn't blown all your credibility when you got up in front of the world and said 'Yup....they have wmd and we're fucked" speech, we might actually care what you have to say..So up until you get on TV and tell the world, you lied, you were forced to lie or you just didn't have the balls to stand up and say 'nope, this is bullshit.' one gives a fuck what you think...At least I don't....and this is my blog and that's all that counts..


  1. shoot. i woulda made that sheik dude a license plate that says number 1 for half that amount. Edged it in gold plating even.

  2. Sure glad to know our gas money isn't being wasted on something frivolous in Saudi Arabia.

  3. Maybe those Arabs should invest more money into driver training so they wouldn't need so much for accident victims. Then again the more they spend on that and ridiculously expensive cars and buildings the less they will have to finance terrorists and religious police.

    Colin Powell lost all credibility when he spoke at the U.N. His opinion matters less to me than the Gumps.

    I have never understood why anyone would buy a house and then give control of it to a bunch of idiots who are offended by the slightest show of individualism.

    Now let me see, The Muslim extremists in control now have sent assassination teams to avenge cartoons. What do you suppose they will do to someone who borrows the name of one of their holiest religious observances and attach it to a hated Christian observance? Could they really be that stupid?
    Oh wait, they are Priests after all.

  4. Don't get me started on The Muslim World. I try to be ecumenical, but I just ... can't ... when I see reportage from these mysoginistic cesspools.

    And HOA's are evil. Thank goodness we moved from Virginia suburbia and its HOA's to the West Virginia boonies. I'd far rather have busted-down trailers for neighbors than cookie cutter neighborhoods. Even if we move to my parents' house in town, I can still put out 100 pink flamingoes in the lawn and no one can say shit.

  5. I like the 2 Girls 1 Cup license plate better


    I plan to make it my license plate.

  6. 5 bucks says powell votes for the black guy.

  7. License plates? Waste of money?

    Why dont those of you that like to talk about the wealthy wasting money take a look at how you spend your means? We are all rich by someone elses standards and we dont want anyone else judging us by their standards. There are many outsatnding Muslims, I am not one. I live in Naples florida and work in Dubai. I see that many people are quick to judge the rest of the world they have never seen. People are peopel wherever they are, black, white, yellow....christian, muslim or atheist.
    In america the majority of what we hear is negative and that is what our government wants us to think. get out, travel, talk to someone you don't know, open your mind and you will find there are more good people in any one country than you knew.

  8. You tell em girl. (I come from a long line of license tag makers, it's a family vocation.)

  9. I feel bad for Colin Powell. His credibility and reputation have been ruined because of George Bush and Dick Cheney. Heck, sometimes I even feel sorry for John Ashcroft, the former attorney general. I don't think they had any idea what they were getting themselves into until it was too late.

  10. jan:i know ..lets all go to A bu Dhabi and have multiple car accidents..
    nit:yah, I thought this was a pretty good selection of bitches..i covered all the marjor saudis, politics,home owners association and is good..
    pink flamingos' now there's a good yard decoration for ya...don't you know that they would have a heart attack with a few pink birdies in the front yard..
    woozie:maybe i should get a 2bz1bottle plate...
    billy:no bet ..your always right..
    sage:the ass itch will stay as long as the white house is under seige by the rebublicans..
    calling colpowell a dick is giving a dick a bad name..
    locruiser:how i spend my means mean my means of $746 a month??lets see, it goes on rent, electric,insurance, loan payment,gas/upkeep for my white charger,telephone,cable,my Dallas morning news paper bill,and groceries..hich generally leaves me about $40 at the end of the if i see the chance to smack down some rich asshole for spending $14 million for a license plate, when so much of my $746 goes for gas in my little truck, I think I'm intitled...nice speech though...enjoy your job in ole Saudi...
    christi:good trade, ha..
    HMHH:I don't feel sorry for any of is about choices..making the right one and doing the right thing..and they are not little lost boys in the woods, they knew the truth, just choose to go with the flow...

  11. Hell, I get pissed having to pay $26 a year for my stupid license plate! I guess I should quit whining.


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