Thursday, February 07, 2008


I've been doing much of nothing lately but read..So far I've finished the book I was reading when I got my jackpot of new books...Plus Double Take, which gets 3 stars, Genghis Khan, 3 stars, Cat Dancer which was really good gets 31/2 stars and I also picked up Blasphemy by Douglas Preston and read it and it was 4+stars...I really really really liked it..Read it in 1 day..and it had 414 pages...He usually writes books with Lincoln Child, like Relic, Riptide, Thunderhead, etc..Really good books..This one is really good..Covers everything, God, the Antichrist, Big Bang theory and Wacky Christians... I just started The Name of The Wind and so far it's pretty good...I should be doing a lot more besides reading, but my give a shit button is broke..Although if the little old lady who walks her dogs over here to crap in my yard is fast becoming number one on my shit list..She lives in the apartments where Babs lives and walks her damn dog over here to leave a crap in my yard..I have yet to see her with a plastic bag to pick it up..She seems to think her dog is small and it's no big deal..Well, yes, by Goddess it is a big deal, especially when the little fur ball craps right on the sidewalk leading up to my porch....I don't want to be a bitch about this but I can and I will..If I wanted to clean up dog crap..I'd have my own damn dog..Grumble mumble..
I'm still baking for far I've made 2 pecan pies, 2 batches of brownies, one with nuts one without, Russian Tea cakes, and banana bread..I think I'm going to quit for a's to tempting for me and I don't need the temptation..If I'm going to be tempted I'd druther it be by Antonio Banderas..
Babs was just here to get her West paper. Who ever goes into town on Wed. gets 2 papers and then saves the other a trip to town. She's going to go terrorize the Dollar store..I would go, but that means I would have to leave the warmth and comfort of my cozy little apartment, and don't wanna...
I do have to go to the library later on today and start downloading all the information on the remaining candidates running for President from both parties..My ex-daughter-in-law, Kathy is the activity director at the West Rest Haven(old farts home) and asked me if I would help the old folks by getting information on each candidate so they would know who to vote for..She keeps asking me if I have gotten started on it or if I'm done yet. I told her, the way they are dropping out, it would be better to wait till right before the day I have to come up there which is the 18th of Feb. It will be really hard for me to keep from just telling them to vote for Obama..
West is having a Chili cook off this weekend, which means the entire town will have the sweet smell of chili wafting in the breeze...When they have the BBQ cook off, the aroma is just the best...Between that and the aromas from all the bakeries, West smells the best..That should be our motto...'NO TOWN SMELLS AS GOOD AS WE DO'
or..'WE STINK GOOD'...
Gee, can you tell I am digging for something to post about?...I was going to do a post on this person in Bonham, Texas that had 209 cats and 3 dogs seized, from a home completely over ran with them..The stupid people said 'they started out with 13 cats, but the animals quickly bred.'....Gee...ya think? Thirteen cats that aren't spayed or neutered...and they don't understand how it suddenly became 209?....Then I was going to do a post on the amount of suicides from returning soldiers, but depressed me. A post about the lack of money being sent home from illegal aliens to their families in Mexico, but I really didn't give a shit. There was an article about a furniture company in Great Britain that named a new girls furniture line Lolita. Not knowing that was the name of a sexually precocious preteen in the novel of the same name by Vladimir Nabokov. Don't them folks read?.. I think the thing I found most interesting is that the drug report came back on the death of Heath Ledger and he died of an accidental overdose from Oxycondone, Hydrocodone, Diazepon,Tempazepam,and Alprazalam..Too bad he didn't make as good choices with his life as he did with his career..
Ok...I'm bored so y'all must be yawning and nodding off by now..Hopefully I will come up with something smarter and funnier next time...
I was going to download some pictures but can't get it to work or my spell checker...dumbasses..


  1. God dam woman, you get through some books- Lately it seems to take me ages to get through one!

    I would go out and hand the woman a bag and tell her to take her shit home with her!!

    Mmmmm Banana bread- wish I lived nearer I would be round for some of that!

  2. mmmmm.... Antonio... ~dreamy sigh~

  3. sage:i talked to the manager and she seems to think it's one of the guys that lives in the apts.he lets his dog run loose at night and it's bigger than ann's dog..cause the crap is pretty good sizedfor such a small im going to go kick his ass, lots more fun scaring someone that's bigger me..
    pixie:think im going to try a chocolate cake next..and this book im reading now is going to take me 3 days as it's a big sucker..i just loooove to read..

    buddhagirl:i don't know if babs has gained any weight or not..i know she's happy happy..ha

    kali:yupper...i loves me some antonio...

  4. I've been attacking the book stacks around my apartment as well. Last two days off, I've ripped through one and am about halfway through a second. Unfortunately I've got so much to get caught up on that the ones that have yet to be read seem to stare at me at every available angle, taunting me with their uncreased spines and pristine dust jackets. Fuckers....

  5. We had an annoying owner on our block who walked her dog to my neighbor's house to crap twice a day. My neighbor bagged it all up for two days, rang her doorbell, and said, You dropped this. And let it all fall out on the woman's porch. Oops.

    I am lacking that sort of nerve, but the annoying woman has never walked by here again.

    What do you read like 2000 words a minute?

  6. I can't remember if I told you but I found this site that will be perfect for sending the shit sharer a little thank you.

    That will teach him a lesson.

    I'm still reading Duma Key when I'm not reading everything on the net. Kings book Blaze just came out in paperback and I'm going to that next.

    You do understand that if you lay off baking Babs is going to go through withdrawal. That could be dangerous for the local bakeries.

  7. bush couldn't prove wmd but you can prove dog shit, time for some shock and awe.

    big pharma killed heath!

    and they did it feckin legally!

  8. Books love books.

    I hope you can teach that dog owner some responsibility! Kick ass granny!

  9. I live in an acreage subdivision where everyone owns a big dog (except me!) They all wander and shit everwhere, which drives me insane, since I make my dog stay in our yard. They are irresponsible owners and they piss me off with their shitting dogs.

    I'm halfway through a book that has totally lost me and I'm downright depressed about it.

  10. the rev:yeah, i sweari can hear the books calling my name..reading 'the name of the wind' and oh,'s terrific..its a yafta..
    jan:found out it's another the crap i have found is much to big for that tiny dog..if i catch it running lose im going to snag it and take it to his owner with some rough idea of what he and the dogs ass will look like if i catch it craping in my yard again...i don't know how fast i read..i have always read fast though...even when i was a kid..
    nitwit:what a great idea..but he's not worth that much to buy shit..ill just leave him some of my own..
    i hear good things about duma
    key and want to read it..
    if babs starts to go thru withdrawl from my baking at least she has plenty of bakery's to choose from..think we have 5 of them...
    billy:yeah, the dea's after the big pharma that wrote him all the scripts...
    i'd love to do some shock and awe on that dog owner is frank...he's going to know the true meaning of frank when i catch him and his dog..
    lost;oh too..i do love my books...they are truly my best friends...
    rox:being a dog owner is a lot of responsibility and some owners just don't get it..think they should have to pass a test to own a dog..
    put the book down, wait a few months and then try it again..sometimes it works..

  11. You could bake up Antonio Banderas instead! :)
    Yep, I can handle the withdrawals. maybe that way I can terrorize the bakeries instead of the dollar stores. They told me I can't make any more returns at Family Dollar for awhile, so I didn't buy anything to return. HA!
    I say be a bitch. Or start shitting in her yard and see how she likes it.

  12. You know what used to get me crazy furious? When my daughter was in elementary school, she and everybody else at the school walked to and from every day. People used to let their dogs shit on the school grounds. No kid's feet were unsullied. You'd see big piles, like they might have come from a rhino instead of a dog. Who lets their dog shit in front of an elementary school? I'll bet both of my daughters stepped in it at least once a year.

    I hold the unpopular opinion that if you don't own 30 acres of land you shouldn't own a dog.

    As for Heath Ledger, WFT? I'd like to see one of us common folks get hold of that many joy caps!

    I envy your reading prowess, Granny. Some time this year I hope you'll be reading a book by A.J. Johnson, aka The Merlin of Berkeley Springs

  13. Kudos to you for reading all you can on the remaining candidates.

    I tried to suggest that on my blog one election year and my family (not jus blogger buds) but yes, my family, jumped all over me because I was trying to say don't stick to one party, educate yourself, etc. In general, just offering up advice without being biased. Man, some of them (my fam) are dirty and it completely vexes me... ;)

    All that baking is makin me hungry...munchieeees :)

  14. I dream of TIME, time with which to be able to read, dream, gaze at the ocean (not that I live by the ocean - ha ha) and just have no schedule at all. I don't know when that day will come. How come your eyes don't go out with all that reading you do?

  15. babs:i wondered how they were going to react to you bringing back all those pictures...ha
    anne:yeah, who else but a rich movie star could get so many drs. to give you so many drugs?
    I hope to be reading your book very very soon..
    tina:yeah, i give myownself munchies with all the baking..ha
    tsduff:i don't know how i can read so much and not have it burn my eyeballs up..often it does make my eyes water after a while...

  16. Reading, eating, Antonio Bandaras, what fun. All I've got in the medicine cabinet, is stinking Tylenol and Tums. Not much fun.


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