Wednesday, April 16, 2008


shady lane sent these to me..
made my fucking day!


  1. I'll be back!
    I hope I don't hear that from her.
    Nice to know I can trash my house and people still come visit.

  2. Poor Hillary. She hasn't even gotten to how she won the Civil War yet.

  3. Hehe. The one with her as a suicide bomber was best - it's exactly the mindset that she has right now. Are you watching the debate tonight? Or do you have better things to do, like, well, just about anything else?

  4. I say leave her alone....I still like her.

  5. nitwit:don't shoot till you see the whites of their eyes....
    your messy house is part of could i not like it.. too!
    jan:and kilt her a bear when she was only 3..
    bt:oh i think i will watch it untill i get so steamed i want to hurt someone..then will switch it off and listen to my gegorian chants.
    sage:you'll get over it..

  6. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you hit the gregorian chants pretty early tonight? :-)

    I think I was about ready to throw my TV through the window about 20 or so minutes into the debate. I managed to tough it out to the end, but I think I may bust a blood vessel...

  7. Aahaahahahaaaa!!!!

    Oh lord, why did she SAY that?!?!? Did she not think people could smell that bullshit miles away? What credibility could she ever have, now?

  8. was it her of Slick Willy that made that "sniper" comment? Either way i am still voting for I mean her!

  9. Hillary is getting so desperate, it's almost sad. I wish she would have dropped out a long time ago so Obama could keep the momentum going. They should be taking on McCain, not each other!

    I am very, very afraid of what is going to happen in November. Maybe I should start rooting for McCain. It seems like the candidate I always support loses. First, John Kerry. Then, John Edwards. Sigh.

  10. P.S. I still haven't made my mind up about Hillary or Obama. I like both of them, but I don't LOVE either of them. Not like I LOVED John Edwards. Democrats made a HUGE mistake (and perhaps a costly mistake) by snubbing Edwards.

  11. My ex husband is of the opinion that Hillary is actually more of a hawk than McCain. Apparently some people seem to share his opinion! I have to admit to not giving enough of a shit to have researched it much. Honestly, I couldn't bring myself to vote for either of them.

  12. Hey bartender can I have a beer and a couple of shots to throw back with my friends? Have you ever been to Pennsylvania? I have at least driven through the state 6 times....It's beautiful scenery until you get behind the buggy and horse cart of some religious farmer...

  13. i wouldn't want to be you guys if hillary wins. she's almost as vindictive as ....(insert asshole of your choice here)

  14. bt:right after i threw a bunch of shit at my tv..
    rebecca:she didn't have a bunch of credibility with me to begin with..
    bat:I'll bring you over to the obama side yet...
    rudegirl:where's al gore when you really need him..'d make a great obama mama..
    cheesey:hell yes, she vote for the war and has never backed down or said she made a mistake about it...what's that tell ya?
    mcraven:you know that wench has never had a boiler maker before in her downing shots and beer is going to get me to vote for her...
    billy:ahh, she's not going to win...cheaters never win..

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.


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