Monday, April 21, 2008


Charles Edward Davis, 76, of Kailua-Kona, died April 15 at Kona Community Hospital. Born March 13, 1932, in Prescott, Ariz., he was an industrial engineer in the computer electronics industry.
Monday, April 21, 2008 8:20 AM HST

For those that have been with me from the beginning here will remember 1974...that's when Jack died, I met Chuck, went on trial found not guilty and Chuck became one of the most important people in my life..he was my lover for a long time but my friend for ever. Which is why when he asked me to marry him I said no..I knew if we got married it would last 3 years tops, and if we didn't we would be friends for ever...and I was right..So he went back to his wife and we remained friends...I don't know how to explain to you how important he was to me...from the time we met he was my strength to go through what I had to go to..I'm not sure I could have gotten through it with out him..I had my Daddy and he was everything to me, but those times when he couldn't be there..Chuck was...for me, for my kids..I left Roswell after the trial and moved to Calif. to be near him. Chuck had been sober for about 10 years when I met him, and how he put up with me drinking is beyond me..but he did..calmly serenely and with an abundance of humor..We rode his motor cycle all over, went to private Karate lessons to stay in shape and then went to Marie Calendars for pie afterward. He called me Tiger. Things went haywire(mostly my drinking) and I moved back to Texas. He followed me back to Texas..after a while I told him it wasn't going to work..His job was in Calif. and we would come home on the weekends after eating in restaurants all week and I had been working at the Lodges, cooking all week..He wanted home cooked meals and I wanted to go out for dinner. He went back to Calif. But we never gave up on each other...He got me a job at Paramount Studio..I moved back to Calif. Hollywood sucks...I got caught up in the writers strike, plus wouldn't fuck my boss at Paramount and he gave me a pink slip.. So after a while I went back to Texas ...I saw him once again when I was in Southern Calif. working for the book company...He and Mojo and I went out and had lunch, talked over old times and it was great..I may not have ever seen him again..but I talked to him on the phone all the time..He moved to Hawaii, he sent me my first computer, and the most beautiful flowers for my birthday every year...His health became bad and he was on dialysis 4 hours at a time 3 days a week..I offered my kidney but I have hepatitis so couldn't. I always sent him silly emails for him to read while he was sitting in the hospital for all those hours...he said it made it much easier with laughter provided by the Tiger.. The last infection he got did him in..He was 76, but always in my heart and mind he will be the dashing tall gentleman, with tinted sunglasses, riding off in the sunset on his motor cycle.
i have tried to cry every since i got the email from Barb, Chuck's wife telling me he had passed away..but i stop myself each time as i don't want to cry when i think about him. i want to remember him with with laughter...which is why i will follow this post with a update on what's going on with me, babs and ole west, texas..


  1. Awwwww I wish I could hold you in my arms and wash away your sorrow. I'm sorry you lost someone so special to you. Your memories are beautiful. If there is anything I can do let me know. I love you JackieSue. I will burn some sage and sing some prayers for you. hugs.

  2. Oh I am sorry for your loss. It is good to remember all the good times. One big HUG for you!...

  3. Sounds like he lived a life - not everyone can say that. Thoughts...

  4. That was beautiful.So many great memories, so many good times. It's friends like this that make our lives special. So sorry for your loss.

  5. ahh Jac... i'm so sorry for your loss but it sounds like the two of you truly enriched each other's lives. Made me all weepy reading this post and then i smiled at the end because i could see him too - going off on his bike.
    Big hugs for you and thanks so much for sharing the memories.

  6. chuck sounds like he had the power and knowledge of an arcanist. a kvothe to your denna.

  7. We all grieve in our own ways and I refuse to judge those that don't seem to be.

    Sounds like you have had a very interesting life, what little I know about it.

  8. how sweet it is we get to meet every once and a while one who can always make us smile.

    power to you, ydg. i'm so sorry that you lost this once-in-a-lifetime friend.

  9. Jesus had two daddies? Maybe, it was a rocking party that night.

  10. mcraven:chuck believed that when you died you went to a higher plane and were allowed to work on being a better person.i dont think he has much work to do
    sage:almost all of it was good..driving down the coast hight way at night with my hand inside his pants and him trying to keep from wrecking..both of us laughing our asses off..
    ottm:he had a wonderful life and wonderful family and many many friends..
    jan:i know my life is better for having him in my life..especially during the dark times after jack's death..
    kali:he gave me a tshirt once that said happyness is a tight pussy and there was a drunk kitty in a champagne glass...that was chuck...all serious gray suit on the outside..and a funny raunchy man on the inside..
    bp:thanks my friend..that was a perfect response..
    bbc:interesting life?..yeah, i guess you could call it that..thanks
    unokhan:yeah, he was the most special person i ever knew..
    bbc:well god was his father and so was looks like a 2 daddy family to me..ha

  11. I'm so sorry, Jackiesue......

    I'll be thinking of you.

  12. Good memories, those are the best. Sounds like a really cool guy, and I got a bit more of a glimpse into your colorful life, thanks.
    Take care.

  13. I'm so sorry Jackiesue. It sounds like he was someone who made everyone's life he touched better.
    As usual I don't know what to say.

  14. I love the way you describe your amazing friendship with Chuck. Losing him must be just awful. I like the teeshirt. I'm sorry for your loss xo

  15. Jackiesue, I'm really sorry to hear about Chuck passing away. You'll always have the love and good times that you shared with him, and you'll also have the love of your family and friends, including me. I hope you're doing okay.

  16. I am so sorry for your loss. He sounds like he was an amazing person and a wonderful friend.

  17. What an awesome eulogy for such a cool guy! Man, you guys have had some adventures! You are lucky to have had each other. I guess we rent our friends... we don't get to keep them, and it's hard to say goodbye when it's time to go. I guess the trick is to hold onto the memories and let go of the grief (when it's time.) Not always the easiest thing when someone's been with you through thick and thin, huh?


  18. Candles lit for him, his family, and for you.

    May he be remembered and loved forever.

  19. I remember reading your story about him awhile back. I am sorry your special friend is gone. But it sounds like he really lived which is more than many can say. And I am glad you are trying to remember him with laughter, to celebrate his life. You can cry and still celebrate him too.

  20. He died in a fantastic place, at least there's that.

  21. nan:he was special in more ways than one...i want one more chat with him damnit..
    fairy princess:just what i needed...chuck would have loved it..
    rebecca:oh man, do i have some great memories...that's the greatest part of it all..the memories..
    bratprince:he will always be remembered by his family and friends, and he had them in abundance..
    woozie:and he really did love it there..

  22. I'm sorry for your loss JackieSue, if there's anything I can do for you, let me know.

  23. Sorry JS, the more you told about him, the better I liked him.

  24. Tough to lose a friend like that. My condolences.
    In spite of my ex husband being a world class idiot in some ways, he's been a solid friend in others. Which is why I haven't killed him yet.
    A solid friend is irreplaceable. I know that people like Chuck are always with their friends in some way, even when they can't be there physically any more.

  25. aw jac.............I am so sorry. So very sorry. It hurts to lose a friend... but this one? A friend/ lover? I am so damned sorry.


  26. Very moving, I am sorry to hear about this loss. I like the thinking that went into your decision to not marry him; I believe I'll end up taking a similar path with a certain someone I've been talking to for some time now. Take care.


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