Monday, May 05, 2008


This one is especially for ..well, you know who you are..huh Tex and Billy?


  1. I always thought Miss Liberty might need some serious aerobics.

  2. Liberty and David ought to get together :)

    HURRAY - my Gnome made it all the way to California! He is smiling all over those cute little turned up shoes - and will have a bonding experience in the garden this evening with the older Gnome who lives there. I love his Texas accent. You are SO COOL and I feel so special! Thank you Jackie Sue!! I'm tickled pink.

  3. I'd pee my pants if I found a frog in my bag 'o salad! ICK!!!!

  4. That one with the frog in the salad bag has to be a photoshop, surely. I hope?

    I wonder if the site marker sign is a photoshop, too - it would be hilarious if it were a real sign.

  5. okay, go to the hardware store, select some veggie seedlings, stick em in the ground.

    just add water.

  6. Hey!..I have the same retirement program as that guy!

  7. I couldn't pick one favorite! I love the Obama and pig n cow one!

  8. Big Tex, I have a vague memory that those site signs are real -- I've seen them mentioned elsewhere. I could definitely see running off posters with that message and slapping them on empty storefronts in some of the sad little deserted downtowns I've seen across the across the country -- although, of course, no one would ever read them because the only things visiting those downtown areas now are tumbleweeds and lost tourists.

  9. Hey Lady Liberty stole my little snack!

  10. Those are all great! Love the homemade Obama sticker, but I think my favorite is the historic marker.

  11. sage:yeah, that sarcastic hahaha did it for me.
    jan:im surprised she's not smoking reefer too.
    tsduff:yeah, for the gnome..let me know his new name and his history..glad you like was a pleasure..
    bigpissy:would really be bad if you were a vegetarian, couldnt even fry him up for dinner..
    bigtex:you's probaby true..ha
    unokhan:im still waiting for frankie g to rototill..and it to quit raining
    sling:so that means your picking up another job soon huh?
    jez:yeah, sometimes they are all so good, it's hard to pick a favorite
    nan:i figure they are both real...they could sooo be true..
    nitwit:she's got the munchies
    bb:yah, they'rall good..ha..

  12. Omigod, that one with the frog in the salad bag totally freaks me out. I hope it's Photoshop, but I wouldn't be surprised the poor thing got put in the bag. Of course, wouldn't it be DEAD with all the chemicals they spray on our food?


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