Saturday, May 10, 2008

MONTI ROCK III.........found at last

Anyone that has read me for any length of time knows that I have asked on more than one occasion....where the fuck is Monti Rock III?......Way back in the stone ages of the 60's and 70's...Monti Rock was the shits...

He would appear on the Merv Griffin show along with Johnny Carson and he was just hysterical..He was the best hair dresser in the world..and he was THE MAN to go to for hair cuts, style and all that went with it...I don't know about the hair cuts etc. as I only saw him on TV as one of the funniest people I had ever seen. I was very 'dumb' back then...and after watching him on some show and just going on about how funny, good-looking and terrific he was, my friend said.."You know he's gay?"...and I in all my wisdom said..."yeah, he makes me happy too."....Even after being told what gay was, it mattered not a smidgen to me...He was funny and a lot better looking that than ole fart Liberace. Then all of a sudden, he just sorta disappeared....for years I was the lost voice in the wilderness..............'Monti Rock...where are you?' one knew..and most didn't give a fuck..they were busy doing drugs and the disco..Life went on, but when I started blogging, I thought for sure someone would know where he Monti...Then I get an e-mail from Shady saying she got a phone call from Monti Rock III. Judas priest, it never occurred to me to ask Lane..Find out she and Monti and some other very cool people were all buds and he's sending her a DVD of his act. His act. Son of a bitch..He's in Las Vegas marrying people and writing for one of the Las Vegas papers..How the fuck did that happen and me not know about I go to his website to send him a love letter and none of his sites work...Shady is still waiting for his DVD and I'm still trying to break into his website so I can leave him a message...But he that was lost is now found...thank you Goddess...
By the way, Shady says that he WAS the best fucking hairstylist in the entire universe..


  1. Gee, I need a hairstylist. I now have the longest hair in the family and need to get it styled. Then I need to get a new baseball bat to fend off the ladies.
    I don't remember ever seeing him but I do know I've seen the two black and white pictures before. Though I can't remember when or where. Must be lost in the haze of my lost youth.
    Gotta go watch Grandson #1 play baseball tonight. It's his last year in Little League and the schedule means I'll miss most of his games again this year.
    I can't find anything with stumbleupon to post about. Guess I'll have to think for myself tonight and put something up.
    Went and saw Iron Man Tuesday night.It was great!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Can you hook me up with him? After the disastrous haircut I got last month, I'm on the look out for someone new! :)

  4. Holy shit! If he *wasn't* the best hairstylist in the universe, I'd be sorely disappointed.

  5. Monti Rock that's someone I have never heard of. So it's off to YouTube I go!

  6. fuk, i got deleted 4 homophobia.

  7. Okay, I did a search on YouTube, and apparently Monti was a member of a group called Disco-Tex & The Sex-O-Lettes, who recorded a couple of tunes which sounded vaguely familiar to me. Then I got sidetracked watching Monty Python clips. Damn you YouTube!

  8. And on a related note:

    Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis
    Isn't it frightfully good to have a dong
    It's swell to have a stiffy
    It's divine to own a dick
    From the tiniest little tadger
    To the world's biggest prick

    So three cheers for your willy or John Thomas
    Hooray for your one-eyed trouser snake
    Your piece of pork, your wife's best friend
    Your Percy or your cock
    You can wrap it up in ribbons
    You can slip it in your sock
    But don't take it out in public
    Or they will put you in the dock
    And you won't come back

  9. Actually, your "Yeah, he makes me happy too," is perfect! Even if you had no idea what you were saying. I mean, finding the things and people that make you happy, and being clear about that, well, it's a pretty good way to organize your life.

    And go granny go for deleting the homophobia! Plenty of that shit around in other places. We don't need it here!

  10. nitwit:watching grandkids play ball is one of the great joys of life..
    hey, i'll cut your hair for ya...i used to get drunk and cut mine all the time...figure since im sober i should be able to do a grand job...monti was on merv and jonny alot..might have seen him then...
    rude girl:i bet he could still give kick ass haircuts..
    josh:shady lane has some great stories to tell about him...and she would still let him cut her hair.
    bigtex:if you find him on utube..let me know..
    bigtex:shady lane may have known about him being in a band...and think i remember something about it..but never saw him play..
    bigtex: monty python rocks...
    elizabeth: and he did make me happy ..and at 64 just knowing he's still around and making people laugh and preforming weddings makes me happy too..
    yeah, you can come here and talk shit about me..but not my friends ..for any reason..

  11. If you'd like something fun with a bit of a crazy twist, my buddy Axe Man was invited to do a meme, and now he'd like me to invite you to do it. You can see Axe Man's meme and the rules here.

  12. Cool story. Happy Mothers Day!

  13. Happy Mothers Day!
    I don't want to get a hair cut; I want to have it styled so it behaves.
    I also don't want to be your Pall Barer though it would be an honor. I would much prefer that I had you in my life until the end.
    Selfish of me I know.

  14. cheesey:dang, i still have another meme im supposed to do...will try, hard to do them with the full time job now..
    bbc:thanks bbc, that's sweet..
    jez:right back atcha...
    nitwit:thank you very much..maybe we can get Monti to come out of retirement and do some hairstyles...I could use one myself..ha...
    i would like nothing better than to be with you till the end....i'll work on it..I have made the granddaughters promise that they will fix my hand so i will be giving the finger from the coffin...that's almost like living for ever..

  15. Seems like when anyone disappears,they end up in Vegas.
    Happy Mother's day Jackie!

  16. Happy Mothers Day cuz. I got to go back to Paris yesterday and visit some more with my aunt Helen. While we were up there, we stopped over at my dad's uncle's house, and I got to see a photo of my great-grandfather and great-grandmother, the first time I had ever seen either of them. That was pretty neat. Then we went out to eat at a Chinese restaurant, and while we were waiting for the joint to open, we sat in the parking lot and listened to my aunt's cassette tape of Jerry Clower. That was pretty...uhm...well, the food was great.

    Hope you had fun down in West with your fambly today.

  17. sling:i have a feeling elvis is there doing an impression of elvis..
    thanks sweety i appreciate it..
    bigtex:it's great to see your relatives ...and glad you got to see pics of the old folks...that's cool...
    jerry clower was really ...well, he was different..ha
    jenny and mojo called...mojo called twice and jenny called while i was at work..i had to work till 6pm, but i must have been wished hapy mothers day by about 3 dozen people..and inky picked roses out of his garden and gave them to me..bless his heart..other than that? sucked..

  18. Hahaha! That is AWESOME!!!! I love cool people, especially finding out that they're doing well years after you've heard from them last.

    Dude, you've got to write a book. Srsly.


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