Wednesday, May 28, 2008


had to go back and put this one in..I forgot it..thanks babs..geez, we do look like mother and strange..his momma Agnes would laugh her ass off over this...
anessa and jackiesue
my mothers day display with the tacky underwear next to it..hehe..
my tits in the late show online t-shirt with obama stickers.

buddha picture..
my flowers and front porch.

F. U. sign on door.

inky before he shaved and dyed his hair to match me..ha..

inky and anessa


  1. Where's the pic of you and Inky looking like twins and ready to piss off customers?
    Did we survive hell-mart?

  2. ah, it just makes sense u like red flowers......i've been workin on some red daylilies that won't burn in the louisiana heat -- might do well out there in czechotexvakia..

    u sho don't look any sixty damn four yrs old, woman -- i clicked on the pic, took a close look, and you got no wrinkles!

    but anessa loox stoned, hah

  3. there it is...and wanted to tell everyone that "Inky, Frito and Thom" does sound like a comdy group..(that's waht Babs said when she heard me say all of their names together)or an old 60's
    folk band..

  4. GREAT pictures ~love 'em!

    your flowers are SO pretty. :)

  5. Wow, Inky really does look like your son or twin or something in that picture. Didn't you wear the Obama pasties to your caucus?

  6. Mother and Son? Surely you mean Father and Daughter?

  7. Mother and Son? Surely you mean Father and Daughter?

  8. Inky looks a lot better without the face fur. You do look like twins though. My first thought when I saw a picture of Aessa does look like she is stoned. Maybe she's just high on life.
    You never said how well the Underwear sold.
    That Late Show T-shirt is great though you need a wide angle lens whenever you take a picture of that perky rack.
    The Rambo movie was OK. I'm watching Rambo 3 right now. I like Merlin do things backwards.
    Back to work tonight.

  9. uno:I know the name of the flowers but for the life of me can't remember what it's weird..i know i have wrinkles, they just didn't show up..ha..i have a goddess who air brushes my pictures for me..and with never can tell...she probably was stoned..
    bigpissy:well, they are all bloomed out now, but my nasty urchins and wild flowers are blooming and so's my squash, melons, peppers, and 'maters...
    bigtex:no I wore them the next day all over town..ha.. 64 inky is 42...
    nitwit:she probably was stoned...knowing anessa like i do..ha..inky convinced me that the drawers was in bad taste so i took them was right by the candy aisle where the kids like to hang out..ha little toss away camera isn't equipted to handle the tits..i never liked the rambo series..i liked the first one ..sort of..but the rest were, just sly flexing his muscles.every time inky grows the beard his parrot and maccaw go nuts on him..willie and fugly...

  10. Oh great Don't look old enough to be a grandma. Texas must be good for your young looks.

  11. your t-shirt converted me. no more huckabee, obamam all the way.

    (plus i got $7.25 bet on him.)

  12. Great pictures! You and Inky look like you went to the same color technician!

    I think Inky looks better with a beard...and that's saying a lot coming from me because I don't like beards. :)

  13. Is that wine in the racks in the dollar store?

    What the hell?

    If you have single malt scotch in there, I'm moving!


  14. sage:i think the goddess air brushed the photo's..i really do have wrinkles and lines..and the scary part is granddaughters are 21, 21, 19 and 15...that really makes me feel old..ha
    billypilgrim:i knew that would get your vote..i think it's a safe bet..
    rudegirl:we both use the same brand of hair dye and the exact same color..not on purpose..just happened that way.. i like his beard too...
    gaddy:no wine..hell we don't even sell smokes..and our store policy is not to sell lighters to kids under 18..that's thom's doings..which i approve of..not that that will stop them..come on down any how...westfest is just a few months away and i've got 2 people for sure coming..vickie from alabama and sooner from oklahoma..come on down..

  15. I have been SO out of it and missed this post!!!

    You and Inky DO look like you're related. Holy crap.

    Those red flowers in front of your place are GREAT! Let's hear it for rain!

  16. Great pics! You can't have fun without f u. Impressive Obamammaries too.


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