Friday, June 06, 2008


So simple, yet so profound. Words of wisdom from that famous philosopher,Willie Nelson on his 75th birthday:

'I have outlived my dick.'


  1. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Willy is no joke.

    Years and years ago, my parents went to see him in concert. My mom was HIGHER THAN A FUCKING KITE off of all the pot the people were smoking. My Dad bought her a fucking bandana that read:

    If you like my mountains, you'll love my bush.

    I can't believe I just admitted that to the public.

  2. OMG! That's funny....

    and of course Buddha Girl's comment is hilarious! LOL

  3. i met willie once..back in the 70's and he had his nose in a coke spoon and barely said sure that's changed..ha

  4. I didn't think a man could function with a dead dick. Too much blood would rush to the brain and he might even have a coherent thought.

  5. nitwit:i married a guy with a dead dick once..
    unokhan:oh, that was fantastic...i read every word...thanks sooooo much..

  6. LOL, I hope I never come to that realization myself.

  7. My dick will probably outlive me. Which, incidentally, will make things pretty awkward if they go with an open casket...

  8. mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaaa... the poor man!

  9. Hiya, granny, I stopped at West one time on the way to Dallas from Austin and the Czech Festival was going on with Brave Combo doing their thing which included their version of Jimi Hendrixs' Purple Haze as a polka. Gawdamighty! We were stoned to the teeth and got into guzzling cold beer and dancing polkas. I asked an old lady who was all decked out in her ethnic costume if she would dance dragged me out on the dancefloor and we made a spectacle of ourselves, her bein' drunk as Cooter Brown, as they say,and she was a live wire. I never went back and wonder if they still do the Czech Festival, it was a total blast. Its probably a good thing you and I never met becaause we woulda raised some sand I expect.
    Come visit me at Bluewarp, my blog.


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