Friday, July 18, 2008


Look'it what Shady Lane sent me ...She said I was going to get some thing in a manila envelope and that I would just love it...and boy howdy...I sure do...These two bumper stickers which are immediately going on my little white truck, and this drawing with the profound statement on it..Is she just not the best or what?

Oh, I'm going to piss off some Holier than thou Christians and I can't fucking wait..Life is good!

Thanks rock!
My Goddess can kick your
God's ass...


  1. I may need to wear a bullet proof vest next time I'm riding in your truck!

  2. My Sweetie would LOVE your pagan born again bumper sticker... :)

  3. Gee, all I got is one that says McCain, Bush Two.
    She's got a titty table.
    Off to work. Sigh.

  4. You blaspheme! GAWD will see you burn for your sins!

  5. babs:we can get you a tshirt that says'don't shoot me, I'm a hitchhiker'...
    tsduff:im going to find out where she got them...she lives in austin, texas and they're motto is 'keep austin weird' so im sure she got it there..
    nit:i have a titty table too...don't work too hard..
    woozie:i'd rather burn for these sins than the ones bush is going to burn for..bwhahahahahahaha

  6. Don't you love a little somethin'-somethin' in the mail?

  7. That is so nice of your friend.
    LOL at Babs!!

  8. Shady rocks!

    I'm going downtown with my Mom and sister tomorrow - I may find some more bumperstickers for your truck. I had NO IDEA that you put them on your truck! I know some serious bumper sticker Nazis!

  9. lic:shady has been one of my best friends for 32 years..she always gives great gifts..
    babs is evil like me..
    buddha_girl:of course i put them on my truck..along with my 'we're the deciders' by molly ivens, and my texans for obama sticker..and my black ribbon that says "enough with the ribbons"...'s going to be fun..

  10. I knew someone who was bold enough to wear a born again pagan t-shirt in high school. Which is where I was rumored to be a satan worshiper because I thought socialized medicine seemed not an entirely bad idea and I listened (still do) to bands like Iron Maiden. I was never as bold as he was but I respected him.
    My boring ass blog misses you.

  11. We used to have a bumper sticker that said "Doing my part to piss off the religious right." Never had any one say anything nasty about it, and a whole lot of people asked where they could get one. It's amazing how many like-minded folks you can find sometimes without having to resort to secret hand shakes.

  12. I had a friend who had a T-short with a goddess figure on it and the words "Looks like Venus envy to me." (I've settled for a little peace sign over the brake light).

  13. lily:kids can be so cruel..miss ya too..
    nan:the website that made these bumper stickers have one like that..I'm going to get it later on..want to see what happens with these first..ha..
    citizen:I want to make up a whole line of 'goddess' "What Would The Goddess Do?"

  14. Those bumper stickers are perfect for you. It's like someone was reading your blog and made them...

  15. lol...
    do you have other stickers too?

  16. If Holy Roller Christians were truly secure in their faith, 'pagan' bumperstickers would not bother them at all...since they do get upset over any number of trivial things, I am inclined to believe that their faith is shallow and insecure with weak foundations that are easily disturbed. Just sayin'.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to