Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Today was the 60th day of Inky's no drinking..He hasn't had a drink in 60 days...(Anessa is still not smoking, unlike someone else I know who is still smoking away..Babs)I went down to Wolf's and bought him his first beer..But then I had a brilliant(ok, maybe brilliant is a stretch) idea...I would surround my self with empty beer bottles and be laying face down on the bar when he walked in..and Anessa would tell him that I decided to have a beer too and just kept drinking till I passed out...Inky walked up to me and said "somebody throw this drunk out of here." much for brilliant ideas..ha..I had a water, bullshat for a few minutes and then went smoky, to dark, to loud, plus it smelled like stale beer and ass..The bartender reminded me that she remembered me when I drank...she said 'you are the last person I would have thought of that would have quit drinking.
I said why?...She said, you always looked in control...Thought Inky was going to cry he was laughing so hard..He said 'you must have not been in there when she kicked that Yankee in the balls with her little pointy toed cowboy boots, or pinned the guys balls to the bench with her pool cue, or hit Sharon Hardin so hard she knocked Tommy and Diane Porter off their bar stools, or ..."..I said..that's enough Inky, I'm trying to reform..
Babs and I went to Czech-American for lunch today...Chicken fried steak was one of the specials...wasn't so special...but the stewed cabbage was fucking incredible..Babs took my word for it..she's not a fan of cabbage..The only Czech food was, sausage and kraut, chicken and dumplings, stuffed cabbage rolls and ...something else..I forget..But the place hasn't changed an iota since the last time I was in there in 1984...and it was exactly the same as it was in 1954...That's where I used to go to eat during day light hours to sober up..nothing soaks up alcohol like cabbage...
I am gimping around..last night Annie stretched out her paws to kneed on the carpet and hooked my toe right in the crease by the nail on my big toe..bled like a sonofabitch and hurts just as bad...
Found some treasures at yard sale last weekend..Got 2 book cases for $2 each and an old school desk that the top opens up for $3...This gives me 7 bookcases and still need one more..
The Goddess is stocking up on kolaches, sausage and kraut to take back to Valhalla. She has to stop by Philadelphia to get some Cheese Steaks Tim Russett. It will be late tomorrow before she finishes up with all the answers.. This is your last chance till she comes back through here again in about a month...going to go take a shower and get rid of the cigarette and stale beer smell from Wolf's...Jeez, I'm glad I don't do that shit any more..I'm to old to whip any one's ass..or so I keep telling my self...although there are a few asses I'd like to try to kick..


  1. Congrats to Inky and Anessa!

    Remind me never to mess with you.

    Sorry about your toe. :-/

    You got 2 bookcases for $2 each! I am jealous.

  2. 60 days without a drink and then he had a few to celibrate. Glad to hear Anessa is still not smoking but hanging out in a smoky bar is sure to make it hard.
    I'm supprised you didn't spent time in the slammer for assult.
    The one problem with living in a small town for a long time, people remember things about you that your trying to forget.
    Hope you don't get cat scratch

  3. You have people in your life named Inky and Anessa! I love that.

    And good on Inky for hitting 60 days.

  4. whim:well, inky only quit for the 2 months on a bet..supposedly the boss said if he didn't drink he'd give him his paycheck and if inky drank before 2 months he'd give thom his far thom's holding on to his paycheck...
    nitwit:it doesn't seem to bother her being in a smoky bar, she quit good..
    i don't know of many men that would press assault charges agains a woman 5'4 weighing 115 lbs..they'd be to embarassed..besides, they all deserved it..ha
    yeah, im still living down my reputation..other than the bip upside the head of the detroit lions fan last football season i have stayed out of trouble..believe it or not..Im soaking the toe in hy. helps.
    cotw:I also know people named:Snake, Shorty, Pee Wee, Slim,Chief, Chainsaw and Bimbo.

  5. I love a strong drunk woman who isn't afraid to intimidate fools. I'll live vicariously through your historical antics!

    Take care of that damn TOE! Ouchie! Buddha wants to send you one of his bandaids. He doesn't like it when people he loves have ouchies.

  6. Great find on the bookcases! Inky and Anessa...Good for them!

  7. is it one of those little desks with the seat attached?

    those things bring back nice memories.

  8. You sound like you have so much fun. Except for the stinky bar and the cat injury. My cat nailed me by accident once. I screamed in pain and scared the poor the poor thing. Felt so bad I went searching for him blood and all so I could snuggle with him.

  9. I surely hope I never piss you off when you have on boots.

  10. inky & anessa seem like a good combo, good for each other and good with each other.

    you knew he would most likely make the most of the tableau joke. lol, somebody shouldha taken a pic of that po besotted woman

  11. The Goddess should get her Philly cheesesteaks at Reading Terminal Market. Pat's on South Street is overrated. Actually you can't get a bad cheesesteak anywhere within a 40 mile radius of Philly. But beyond that, forget it.

    I've quit drinking 25 times. It's a good thing I never took up cigarettes.

  12. I wish I coulda seen ya up on the bar like that! Too bad it didn't work.

  13. I knocked my ex- business partner off a bar stool with a well aimed bitch slap 9 years ago. I was so embarrassed that I did it that I paid the bartender Marky- Marc a $90 tip not to gossip about the incident.

    Needless to say the next day I received a ton of calls saying "good for you - ya finally shut the bastard up."

    I still feel embarrassed about it because I would have never done it if I had been sober. Well maybe not; maybe I would have…

    PS Marky Marc refused to give me my $90 bucks back. I should have gone for him next:)

  14. That toe injury has got to be one of the weirder animal related injuries I have ever heard of. Is Annie blameless? or is she bragging today to her little cat friends?

  15. Laying face down surrounded by empty beer bottles, that sounds like a typical morning for me. Sounds like book cases are inflation-proof.

  16. Love the graphic.

    When you're done acquiring bookcases is there going to be any room left in your place for other furniture?

  17. Congrats, to Inky.

    And sorry to hear about Annie snagging your toe. Ouch.

  18. Congrats, to Inky.

    And sorry to hear about Annie snagging your toe. Ouch.

  19. buddha:i think back on some of the things i did and wonder how i kept from getting 'my ass' whipped...toe is much better...
    lic:i love the 2 book cases...still need one more..ha
    billypilgrim:no this one is just the desk..i used to have one with the seats and the granddaughters would fight over who got to sit on gave it away..
    sage:what's the use of living if you can't have you some fun..she was a cuddling fool that night..
    cat:actually you don't want (or anyone) to piss me off even if i'm barefooted..ha
    unokhan:Im not sure, sometimes i think inky would like to run away from home, but then im sure anessa would help pack his bags..they are in it for the long haul..
    anne:i am addicted to everything...but when i got ready to quit..bam...i quit..
    allan;inky said today, he knew there was no way i would drink boy..
    he also had a big head to day from closing the bar down this morning ...stayed till closing..
    raspootin:ive done so many dumb things like that, that there is no way that i could feel bad..i'd feel bad all the time..did find out that it's not necessarily the booze that made me apt to kick some ass...just last winter at wolf's i bipped a detroit lions fan upside the head(didn't know him from adam) for rooting against the cowboys..lordy...stoneass sober...bip right upside the head...
    jan:she had no clue, she was freaked out that i swatted her and she didn't know why...or so she says..
    tex:i've done that more than on one usually did it for me..4 bottles and out like a light..ha..
    thank the goddess, rednecks don't have a use for bookcases..
    nan:it's kind of wall to wall book cases and then the rest of the furniture is stuffed in the corners..ha

  20. Funny that you would lie down amidst all the beer bottles :) You got extra servings of the "funny" gene, didn't you? I love the way you think.

    Kolaches, sausage and cabbage sound divine - truly food for the Gods and Goddesses.

  21. Oh geez, I hope I never get on your bad side...

  22. tsduff:can't go wrong with cabbage...we do have some great food here..
    josh:never ever could get on the bad side of me..

  23. hell i wish i could eat with you on a regular basis!


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