Saturday, July 12, 2008


you can't tell, but the shoes are a deep eggplant color..matched
my top perfectly.
$5 fucking dollars.I was taking all the pictures and kept forgetting to get some one to take pictures of me and the girls with the camera I was using, so will have to wait till I get a copy of them.

these are the 2 green plastic thingies I had full of stuff, plus a huge bag that broke and they put it all in a black garbage bag with a big bow.

My two beautiful granddaughters..Jenny and Jamie.Jamie is the one that got married..Jenny is in no hurry to get married.

the Texas flag, so she'll have something to remind her of where she's from.
Jenny taking pictures.

my stuff for Jamie.

Jamie cutting her cake..this is an exact copy of the one we found on the internet..brown with blue..

the grooms cake was fantastic..chocolate with chocolate icing and chocolate covered strawberries on it..

pardon my crappy photographs.
Thom and Jamie.

Thom and Jenny.

The cakes, the food and the punch was really good.


  1. Awwwwwwwwww! Looks like a great time was had by all! I love the idea of putting the gifts in those totes - I LOVE those totes for so many things in my house. I store all of my out of season clothes in those suckers! Makes it easy to pack away and keep safe!

    And that CAKE! WTF? Beautiful stuff!

  2. The cake was super!...your grand daughters are so beautiful...they must take after you.

  3. Party and presents! I bet the stuff you put together to help them starting out will be remembered long after the stuff less pratical people gave.
    Boy oh boy such big smiles and lots of food.

  4. Lovely photos of a lovely family!

  5. they're beautiful.

    the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

  6. And a good time was had by all ;) If she gets in trouble in Virginia call me!

  7. buddha:those totes are perfect for just about anything..even a laundry hamper. store winter/summer clothes etc. and love that funky green. $4 at family dollar folks..
    jamie and i were on the computer one night till 12:30am looking at cakes..she really did like this one and the cake lady copied it perfectly...chocolate inside too..
    sage:jamie was thrilled with the cake and so was everyone...jenny looks a lot like my daughter maryjo and jamie looks like her mom...but they both have the 'crazy factor' from their grandma..
    nitwit:it really was nice and think jamie got lots of great things.She really seemed thrilled with all the stuff her grandma got her..she kept saying, 'there's so much stuff, there's so much stuff'..ha..
    josh:thanks sweety..I'm really proud of those girls.
    billy:yup,i more ways than's more like the nuts didn't fall far from the tree...
    doralong:it was a good time..and she's going to need all my virginia friends to show her the ropes..after she moves there I will send you all her cell phone and maybe you all can call and welcome her to virginia..

  8. Wonderful pics, beautiful peopleh and phaw on you for not getting your own pic in there woman!

    I am so sorry to hear about your back.. the whole story and the recent pain. It sounds so so bad....please take no chances of doing more harm.

    Sorry I have been so absent. Will try to do better, I promisse. I think of you much more often than I post...

  9. Beautiful children. Obviously Jackiesue DNA spreading far and wide.

  10. I agree: BEAUTIFUL children! :)

    That looks like a great party~love the cake..and all the food looks awesome too! :)

    so glad you're feeling better. :)

  11. Your granddaughters are so beautiful! And I love that cake!

    Can't wait to see pictures of you in your new shoes and outfit!

  12. VERY cool! where'd you have the party? it doesn't look like anyone's house... i LOVE all the pressies!

  13. everything is so beautiful! Your grand-daughters could be models, simply beautiful!


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to