Monday, July 21, 2008


I took my library books back to the Library and asked Nancy if we had some new 'stuff'...and she said I have some I've been holding for you....Let me tell you folks, I'm happier than a hog in shit. The new James Lee Burke book is in...Swan Peak. Then to add icing on my cake of bliss, Lee Child's Nothing To Lose and David Baldacci's The Whole Truth. I cannot tell you the joy that is in my heart..So if you don't see me around for a few days, it's because my nose is going to be buried in my new books..Plus The Closer and Saving Grace is back on and Mad Men starts Sunday. I watched the Mad Men Marathon Sunday, all 13 shows...I didn't think that I'd like it as it didn't seem like something I would like...boy was I wrong..It's's wonderful, fantastic and just some of the best TV out there..So things will be dull here and probably won't be posting till I'm through reading my books..unless something exciting happens over my bumper sticker...or Forest Gump fucks up again ...sigh*....I love the smell of new James Lee Burke books...


  1. Putting word bubbles in pictures of Jesus is awesome. Like lolcats, but with gawd.

  2. I need to spend a day with my face in a book!

  3. speakin o books--

    "Items not yet shipped:
    Shipping estimate: July 11, 2008 - July 28, 2008"

    amazon appears to be fumbling this one...

  4. Someone asked me what I'd do if I had a day to myself.


    I'm so jealous of you right now! Enjoy!

  5. I need to read again, I think I forgot how.

  6. My sister was telling me about Mad Men on Sunday (too late to see the marathon) but I ordered the first season through Block Buster. Don't think that I will get through it in time to do the second season on Sunday.

    Check out Lincoln Child & Douglas Preston's Pendergrass series. The first book in the series is Relic. I really enjoyed the whole series!

    The separate books that they have written are all good reads to.

  7. woozie:that one cracked me up...
    rox:If I couldn't read, I'd have to die.
    nitwit:Yeah, it's nice to have first choice...lucky for the rest of them I read fast..
    so far no outraged christian has accosted me..but they're slow around here...they'll catch on pretty soon...
    unokhan:i wondered where it had gotten to..
    allan:i know..pretty funny..
    buddha:when you come for westfest, i'll let you read and i'll take care of robert for you..
    lic:oh you must find a good book and just enjoy..
    raspootin':you'll really like mad's great characters, great stories and love the 50's story line..
    I've read all of them, one of my favorite series..and because of me, the library has all of them..

  8. I love David Baldacci. What a great story teller. Actually, that cartoon is quite in line with the Christian faith... I found it very funny!

  9. BRB took me a second!

    How nice to have a librarian who sets asides books for you.

  10. Oh we will miss you dearly...but you read books really fast. I really need to read again. I have a great trashy lesbian book on my night stand....I need to read it.

  11. I've loved every book you've recommended, even harassed the library to get several they hadn't heard of. They are not real fond of you.

  12. LOL! I love the smell of a Burke book in the morning. It smells like....victory :) I just picked up Swan Peak over the weekend, and so far it doesn't look like I'll be disappointed. I doubt that you will be either!

  13. Why does Jesus care about the British Railways Board?

  14. tsduff:yeah, he's one of my favorites, along with david silva,michael connelly,james lee burke,lee child.
    cotw:I check out and read more books than anyone in town..have read over 10,000 books in 13 years...
    sage:yup, im almost finished with james lee, my
    jan:I'm glad i haven't steered you wrong on any of these days im going to make a list of authors and book that i recommend..ahh, they'll get over it..ha
    cyberoutlaw:where the hell have you been?..I have been missing you...and your great stories...come back come back..'
    oh yes, it's good..I am almost finished with it already...he's my favorite..
    tex:jesus cares about everything...except republicans..they're such assholes about being religious..

  15. I've got a stack of books beside the bed and when I crawl between the sheets I read until I can't keep my eyes open, the only downside is sometimes I read until time to get up because there's not a good place to stop in the whole darn book!

  16. Nothing better than a stack of library books and a day to read 'em! That's money in the bank of the soul, for me. Have fun.

  17. I love Mad Men, it really is some brilliant TV!

    Enjoy your new books!

  18. I got so sick of reading whilst in school that I rarely read anything but blogs anymore.

    However, I'm addicted to Burn Notice, Weeds and In Plain Sight.
    TV junkie in the making over here.

  19. I hadn't read one of his books in a long time. You should give me a list of your top five -- in case I come across them.


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