Monday, July 28, 2008


I came home from work today and found this waiting for me on the porch. This is the 2nd gift from my friend Unokhan in Baton Rouge. A couple of weeks before he sent me a Caroline Herring CD titled Lantana. I had never heard of her before but she's terrific and I play it often..I'm knee deep in a good book right now, but as soon as I finish it I'm starting on People's History of the United States. It's a big one so it will take me a while, but think I'm going to really enjoy this. I love American History and this book starts in 1492 and ends up with us bent over a desk and being screwed by George W. Bush...well, maybe not exactly like that, but you get the drift..

thanks again rock~


  1. My son the history buff has that book. He really enjoys it.

  2. If ever you are short of History we have loads to spare, not all good though, lol

  3. I remember the last gift I got in the mail. It came from some strange lady in Texas. It's always nice to be thought of.
    I wonder which version of US history it will be.

  4. You seriously make me wish I had time to pleasure read.

    I totally dig up on reading about any kind of history.... So you may actually win this one that's coming up.

    Book on tape/CD is always better with me since I seem to be driving alllll the time.

  5. I look forward to your review. I just placed my order with Amazon for the first 2 James Lee Burke books.

    I hope I like them even 1/2 as much as you do. They is no greater pleasure than a good read. Well almost no greater pleasure...

  6. That is an awesome surprise! I am happy when I get monthly bills in my mail.

  7. lily:i can't wait to get started on it..
    oetm:i love your history,my favorite is the tudor years..ole henry and his wives..
    nitwit:i like to send gifts...getting them's good my pee wee cd..
    i'll let you know their version..
    csd:I cant imagine not reading every day..i'd cry.
    raspootin:i garantee you won't be sorry..he's the best.
    lic:i get all sorts of sweet and terrific things ...lucky me..
    angel:yup it was a lovely surprise

  8. That bent-over-a-desk description is actually quite accurate.

  9. awww that is awesome :)

    man....coulda done without that George and desk image LOL

  10. Nice! Yay for you!

  11. I read that some years before but if Zinn has added thoughts on the current administration I need to read it again!

  12. Oh yay, Howard Zinn! That's history that should be taught in schools instead of that crap they put in the textbooks. You'll love it.


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