Monday, August 18, 2008

1,350th POST

One thousand three hundred and fifty posts..Sonofabitch! Who would have thought I had so much to say?...ha!
I went to work this morning feeling like I didn't have 2 days off..I did a buncha cleaning. I moved 2 book cases, I dusted and lemon oiled all the book cases, put new drawer pulls on my desk, cleaned the kitchen, rearranged all the cupboards so now my spices are where the dishes were. I decided it would work better as I don't need all that space for dishes when it's just me, but I have tons of spices, and baking stuff. I dusted and lemon oiled all the furniture, cleaned the bathroom and all the drawers, which were stuffed with piles of crap..I am becoming a hoarder...I hate throwing away anything. Oh I'll throw away newspapers, magazines, etc. but will hang on to empty pill and vitamin containers as they're just the right size, and I'm sure I could use them for something some day..uh, no I won't. I swept, mopped, and vacuumed the entire house and hauled a nightstand out to the porch to give away. Put together the 2 new bird feeders and fed and watered the birds.Went to the library, a garage sale and watched the Olympics. Plus I read a really great book...Called Broken Window by Jeffery Deaver. Holy shit!...This is a yafta is about data miners. Company that gathers information from the Internet, credit cards, job applications, DMV, voter register, any information gathering company, like yahoo, my space, etc. Then they find out your tethers, people that are connected to you..wife, kids, mother, aunts, cousins, friends, mailman, librarian, boss, husband, etc. It was way scarier than any Stephen King or Dean Koontz book. Plus they were working with the government...The government couldn't run the program because it's against the law...but a private company can...I'm telling you...yafta read it..Now I'm reading a book called Judas Strain by James good.
Babs and I went to have lunch today, we have 5 restaurants here in West and 3 of them were closed..We had tried Czech American so we decide to try Sulak's...Which is more upscale(for West), and we had sausage sandwich's..which were the size of a salad plate. Great bread(I only ate one slice), sausage, lettuce, tomatoes, onions and pickles. Huge sucker..It was great sausage but it was pretty pricey for a sausage sandwich. I think they are more of a dinner restaurant, as the menu was steak dinners etc. It's a pretty little place with a really great little bar but I still like Pizza House the best. We still have to try Leo's, but I'm afraid the stinky people will still be there. It started raining right when Babs and I left Family Dollar to g0 have lunch at 1Pm and it rained up until 8pm or so..lovely..just fucking lovely.
Monday is my favorite TV night...First the Closer and then Saving Grace. Well, there's Sunday night too with Mad Men.
I can't wait till 24, ER, Boston Legal, and Lost comes on. I am really enjoying the Olympics, but jeez, water polo, oars, and archery?....I don't think so...Michael Phelps is fantastic, the girls softball team rocks, the girls basketball and beach volley ball are just out of this world.I'm really proud of all of them, no matter if they win, place or show.
Well, I have to go get my body armor on, I have decided to try and give Annie a bath tonight...cross your fingers, I think this is going to hurt...


  1. Holy Shit!..I feel like an animal abuser..she got her bath, I got one small scratch, but you have never heard such pitiful meow's in your life..she meowed constantly the whole time...just one little pitiful meow after another..I dried her off and then she booked...Ihave her laying on the heating pad right now..she acts like I beat her with a stick...this better help my allergies or I'm really going to feel bad...

  2. That is a lot of posts but you're still going strong. Congrats.

  3. Congratulations on the huge number of posts. Well done with bathtime for kitty.
    Currently reading 'The Memory Keeper's Daughter' Kim Edwards

  4. I never count my posts. It would be too embarrassing.
    Hero’s starts in a few days. That and Eureka are the only new shows I watch except The Daily Show and Cobert Report.
    Watching women’s beach volleyball from last night U.S. is spanking Brazil so far.
    Waiting to watch the Gymnastics if I can stay awake.
    Scantily clad ladies playing with balls Oh My...


    Makes my sad lil 200 posts look weak. :)

    You always make me hungry when you go out to eat and describe the goods.

    Good luck with the bathing!

  6. Wow 1350 that is amazing. Your cat is going to give you hell for a few days...they don't forget. Poor thing. I bet it took her hours to re-clean herself with her tongue.
    Beach Volleyball rocked last night. Our girls are awesome. Those Brazilians were being bitches to the US team earlier that day. I guess our girls showed them.

  7. "The government couldn't run the program because it's against the law...but a private company can.."

    That isn't fiction. That is what AT&T, Verizon were doing- are STILL doing-and Congress voted to give them immunity from civil lawsuits.

  8. And I thought I had a lot at 880...

  9. So many posts, you make me feel like a slacker. So much cleaning, you make me feel like a slob.

    Are you just one person?

    I love the Olympics, but watching the women's Olympics was like watching paint dry for me.

  10. If you'll clean my house like that, I'll get you a box seat at an Eagles game. And all the health insurance you'll need to get through it.

    I've got cat allergies too. Once I gave my cat Alpha a bath. She clawed a canyon into my arm and wouldn't go into the bathroom for two years after that. Now I just sneeze all the time.

  11. I gave my puss, Bella a bath this weekend as well and she made the same pitiful mewoing noises as well. I felt so bad! She's still not speaking to me. And, oh yeah, she's a 100+ lb. doberman, but still a puss!

    I love the smell of a lemon oiled home~doesn't it make you feel good to see everything all neat and tidy and fresh? Well, doesn't it? I wouldn't know, it's been too long!

    I also made some jalapeno pickle relish~yum. Can you tell I've got jalapenos coming out my ears? (not my ass, well, sometimes...)

    Thassa buncha da massa!

  12. Glad to see you survived bathing the cat. One of mine behaves like yours -- lots of pathetic meowing while standing there shivering -- but the other is one of those beasts that requires multiple humans to get it done. I swear I could have eight hands and Cleo would still manage to fight her way free.

  13. Good heavens - sounds like you are running the cleaning-the-house Olypmics! Where did you come up with all that energy!?

  14. travis:going strong..yeah, i like that ..
    oetm:oh, that's a great book...they made a tv movie out of it too, which was ...fair..
    nitty:i remember when i first started blogging, i'd post 3-4 times a day..i felt i had so much to say and just had to say it..ooh heroes, can't wait..and dexter will be on soon too..i just started watching eureka and i like it alot..
    i knew you'd be watching the girls playing with balls..that's a given.
    catscratch..annie and i both survived..but she's been really affectionate to me..think she thinks she did something bad and i bathed her as punishment..
    sage:you'd think those other countries would know better than to trash talk just fires us up and then we kick their asses..
    allan:im telling you..that book will really really make you rethink a lot of things about the internet..and it's a great mystery too
    lic:ohh they sure do..
    woozie;no one can say im full of shit..cause i got it all out of my system here on my blog.hahahah
    jan:hey, i only clean like that about once a month..oh, i love watching the women, except some of those sports are just too damn boring to watch.
    anne:i don't think there is a insurance company in the world that would insure me a die hard cowboy fan at a eagles game at home..haha
    i think my allergies are a little better..
    robin:i love the smell of my house right now..that lemon oil is pretty damn great smelling..
    jalopena relish? a pico?..i want the recipe for that too..
    nan:mojo(daughter) gave our cat chuck a bath once and he bit her all the way thru her thumb, she still has the scar...annie was pretty good..just sounded so pathetic..

  15. tsduff:like i said..took me 2 days and only do it about once a month..

  16. They should make the very worst criminals watch water polo 24/7.

  17. Congratulations!

    The Olympics this year have been pretty good but I can't believe how much of a "home team advantage" China is reaping. I heard they beaned 5 American batters during a US-China baseball game... but we still won...

  18. Wow, you're really daring to give Annie a bath! YIKES! Even I wouldn't dare try to give my cats a bath, and you know I'm really daring -- I put clothes, hats and other $hit on them and make them ride around in the pet stroller all the time!

  19. Just hearing about your days off made me tired.

    I bathed three cats the other day. Not at the same time - though that would certainly be an adventure. You never saw so much stink eye in one room when it was all over. Sheesh.

    I'll have to check out that JD book when I get done with the batch I just got. Sounds scary!

  20. okay. we know the result os annie's bath is good- but how did it really go!?


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