Friday, August 08, 2008


Al Gore sends his first born to safety to another planet..


  1. hehe. I think there is a real market for a mag called Bad Housekeeping. I would subscribe just to see what I've been doing.

    I think Jeff deserves his trip to Bali.

  2. I love that "fiscal conservative" one! Right on the money!!! Gee, wonder, how we could go from a 200 billion SURPLUS to 482 in the hole? Hmmm.... If McBush gets in, it will be 882 billion and WWIII!!!

  3. OK, where in the fuck do you find these pics? O_O

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE the fiscal conservatives idjits. Assholes. Talk about wearing blinders ...

  5. I don't want my kids to see that Bad Housekeeping. They already have to many excuses about doing dishes. I still only get about 50% of the stuff like this that you do when I stumble.

  6. I was the featured housekeeper in this month's issue!

  7. Love the last one. Think I've already got a charter subscription -- I wonder if they could use an advice columnist? I know I could write a few feature pieces: "Dust Bunnies as Energy Saving Insulation." "How to protect your privacy by not washing windows."

  8. those are some amazingly unchinese-looking chinese you got there, ydg

  9. i gotta get to that parish hall on tuesdays.

  10. Ah, that last one reminds me of my days in the dorm...

  11. I do so love these posts! Thanks for the laugh. :-)

  12. Don't mind Gadfly, he's just a total retard.

  13. My husband almost peed himself when I read him the "Smee Again" story!

  14. I stole the Bad Housekeeping one for use in the Crappy Times.

  15. Reckon there's some crystal meth recipes in Bad Housekeeping? Got some left over anhydrous behing the house and don't want it to go to waste! Just think the recipe section could be hysterical!

    Crystal meth on a budget.
    Road Kill for two...
    4H goat to kill your kids pet and eat it too!

    You never fail to make me laugh but I have to agree, where DO you find this shit?

  16. YDG: Love the church sign. *L*

    Uno: Perhaps those are just entrants other than the Chinese in the event (You've always had an excellent eye.)

  17. These are great. I especialy like the fiscal conservative cartoon.

  18. jan:I'm a regular writer for the magazine..
    rudegirl:unokhan sent the fiscal one to me in an email..I loved it..
    gaddy;stumble upon..some times people send me stuff in emails..but most of it comes from stumble upon..
    mcb:yupper, it's right on the money.pun intended..
    nit:we must have different interests as this is what I stumble upon..ha..weird shit..
    lily:famous at last..ha
    nan:I think there really is a place for a magazine like that..I'd buy it..
    unokhan:hmm, maybe tourists?..
    billy:only on tuesday?
    josh:i think we all identify with the last one..ha..what does that say about us.?
    whim:i like doing them..don't have to think..ha
    woozie:are you two boys fighting again..? don't make me hurt you two..
    mrsb:I laughed my ass off at that one too..cracked me up..just silly enough to appeal to me..
    bigpissy:i'll have to do more then...
    lily:steal away..I stole it from stumble upon..
    robin:just go to stumble and then fill out the little questionaire and join up...then you start stumbling..but's addictive..
    regailty3:he does have a good eye doesn't he..he's also the one that sent me the fiscal conservative cartoon, which i love..
    ciotw:yeah, it's spot on...

  19. Gran, I hardly ever visit MySpace, I'm pretty much Facebookin it.

    I'm a regular columnist for Bad Housekeeping Magazine. My column, "Help from the Family" details how you can make your house filthier and filthier by asking the husband and kids to pitch in and help.

  20. Thanks for those how to get rid of Zombie instructions. I'm going to go Stumble your blog now :)

  21. Those virgins are hilarious - pretty funny Goddess...


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