Thursday, August 14, 2008


No Quarter Radio -- Live Internet Talk
with Larry Johnson and the gang at No Quarter USA. CALL-IN NUMBER: (347) 677-0792

Hidden Agenda with Bud White
Date / Time: 8/14/2008 9:00 PM ET
Call-in Number: (347) 677-0792

Thursday 8/14 at 9pm ET. Bud's guest tonight: James Lee Burke. He's been called "the Faulkner of crime fiction." James Lee Burke's novels are more than just brilliantly-plotted thrillers; they're lyrical explorations of the American soul. He's won the Edgar Award twice, been nominated for a Pulitzer, and seen three of his books made into films (the latest, In The Electric Mist With Confederate Dead, is due out this year and stars Tommy Lee Jones as Cajun detective Dave Robicheaux.) Now he's back on the bestseller list with Swan Peak, the 17th book in the Robicheaux series.

don't know if you can click on this and go there or if you have to copy paste..I'm going to try and listen to it..depends on who's on the Olympics...but it's my man James Lee Burke..
any of you that read his books on my recommendation, let me know how you liked them..


  1. I haven't had time to read any of his books yet, but just wait until this winter...

  2. I haven't had time to read any of his books yet, but just wait until this winter...

  3. I miss all the fun working nights.
    I haven't gotten any of his books yet but hope to soon.
    Gonna watch last night gymnastics now. All those girls in tights...

  4. your blog that listed all his book were they in order?
    where are the pictures of the mushrooms? lol

  5. Hey... how are ya? Is this what you have been reading lately? Did you ever read Iris Johansen? She writes crime thillers.. I like them, mostly.
    I am going to miss all the reading time when I go back to work. I picked up six books yesterday from the bargain table at B&N ..all about 1.25 or so. Yay me!

    Hope all is well with you...

  6. rudegirl:you wont be sorry..
    nit:the girls were fantastic last night..although beating a 12 year old is not so tough...them nasty chinese putting up 12-13 year old girls when they are supposed to be 16..nitty yafta read you some james'll thank me for it..
    jane:yup they are in the order they were written..I know there is a reason why you asked about the mushrooms, but becuase i have short term memory loss.WHAT? I don't remember why..ha..
    kath:yeah, i have a iris johnasen now to read, but reading a jeffery deavers book right now..will stop by and say howdy..

  7. why rasslin?

    canadians do way better in phony baloney scripted sports.

  8. That's so cool! I know how much you love him! :)

  9. Oh I hope you listened and got through and talked to him and told him to make you a charactor in his next book.

  10. And I missed it! (Pounds head on desk) Knew I turned the computer off too early last night.

    I heard the official Chinese news agency described one of the girls as being 13 a year ago, and then this spring referred to her as 14 -- but now those reports have been buried. The IOC is saying they have to believe whatever's on the passports.

    I'm not a real big fan of gymnastics to begin with -- most people have no clue how many girls end up permanently disabled with bad backs before they're in their 20s thanks to gymnastics injuries in their teens, not to mention weirdness with eating disorders when girls who showed early promise then hit a growth spurt -- so don't see what the Chinese are doing as being much worse than what every other country does in some way. They're all exploiting kids. Gymnastics at the summer games; figure skating at the winter -- the stars for both tend to be teenage girls.

  11. Almost forgot -- I bought The Tin Roof Blowdown last weekend, but haven't had a chance to start it yet. When I do, I'll let you know what I think.

  12. billy:im surprised the canadians didn't do better..but you usually kick our asses in winter olympics..they have rassling in the olympics...just not the fixed kind..ha
    bigPissy:just wish i could have heard it..the sound sucked, none of us could hear him, except for his laugh...dang he has such a great laugh...i chatted with some fans for a while but since i couldn't hear anything i went back to the olympics..
    sage:hey, maybe I could write him,(i have before and he always answers or pam does) and ask him to name a character in one of his books after me...a girlfriend for clete.ha
    nan:i agree, there is something wrong with little girls starting gymnastics at the age of 6 and making their body's look so deformed...thenthey have their period and grow boobs and bam, they're out...sad ..
    but it is great to watch the basket ball, volleyball, swimmers, etc.
    nan:oh tinroof blow down was a good one..but then they all are..
    woozie:blue who?

  13. Well, darn, I missed it (JLB)! Did you catch it???

  14. you know the mushroom caps the life guards are wearing at the pool haha

  15. nah, couldnt hear him, but got to talk to some fans..
    ohhh, those mushrooms..hahahahah


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