Friday, August 01, 2008


The West Rodeo is this weekend..and they are having the parade tomorrow, starting at 11am..I'm thinking of going...see if I can drag Babs out of the apt to go with me..It's going to be in the mid 100's, and not sure she wants to leave a nice cool apt. to see a bunch of Westites on horses. I haven't been to the Rodeo parade since the time Chris Archer and I commandeered 2 horses that were parked in front of the Capital Bar and rode them (drunk...well, we were drunk, I'm pretty sure the horses were sober) to Wolf's, when Wolf's was on the outskirts of town. I stayed with the horses while Chris went in and got us some beers to drink on the way back..When we showed back up we had some very unhappy cowboys who had come out to discover that two drunks had kidnapped their horses to go for a ride. Lucky for us they didn't bip us upside the head and ride over us with the horsies...
I'm pissed, I forgot all about the All Star Barbecue Shootout at the West KC grounds last weekend..They were cooking steaks with baked potatoes and salad for $10, plus selling the BBQ that was left over from the contest..Dang!...I'll have to settle for The Bold Springs Baptist Church's hamburgers the 4th of August. They are also making lasagna, chicken spaghetti, garlic bread salad and desert. I can't tell you how good their food is..Almost enough to make me become a Baptist...............yeah, right!
I also found out that the minister to the Bold Springs Baptist Church is lily white...Lily white from England. Which is pretty unusual considering the Bold Springs is the oldest black Baptist Church in West. Well, it's the only black church in West, Baptist or otherwise..He comes in the store all the time and is pretty funny..I get a kick out of his stories..he's married to a black lady, maybe that's how he got the job...
Tokio Store is having live music, food and a small auction tonight BBQ sandwich plates $5 a plate.

The Church of the Assumption has scheduled its annual Feast Day Festival for Aug. 10 at the West KC grounds. A fried chicken and sausage dinner with all the trimmings is to begin at 11am. Adult plates and plates to go are $7 and children's plates are $5. There will be playground equipment and fun games .There will also be horseshoe pitching, a country store, silent auction and bingo. A raffle featuring 38 prizes is also planned.
The West W.E. Electric team won the state championship in the TTAS Coach Pitch Girls Tournament last week in Holland.(Texas not the country). They finished the season with a 26-1 record.
The West Library is seeking eggshells for fund-raiser. Henrietta did it every year and we are continuing to do it..I save all my eggs and cartons and take them up there every week. They fill them full of confetti and sell them at Westfest and the money goes to the library. Every year Henrietta would rope me into stuffing eggshells with confetti, I always acted like I had better things to do, but really enjoyed it..Miss ole Henrietta..But Nancy is doing a fantastic job at the library. We are getting a lot more patrons in and I actually have to get on a list to read certain books..
They are holding a benefit for Doug Snokhous of Leroy, Texas which is just down the road from us. It will be on August 17 at Tours Hall. The benefit is to include a fried chicken and sausage dinner and there will also be an auction, raffle and silent auction. Doug is uninsured and is currently receiving treatment for cancer. Another reason why I love my little town. When some one needs help, the entire town pitches in..I have some books I might donate for the silent auction. I donated some children's books for a auction for a baby that they are raising money for. I used to get drunk with ole Doug, so I'd like to do what I can.
OOh, West Food Mart has fresh lean ground beef on sale for $1.69 lb. and Boston Butt Roast for $1.49 lb. Blue Bell is on sale too, but I can't think about that...sigh*
If you're interesting in buying in West, by Goddess, Texas you can get 63 acres of land, with new fencing, improved pasture with coastal, and nice stock tank for $2,900 an acre.
Nice brick home on the corner of Reagan and Oak. Home has 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, wood floors, and antique french double doors, dining room and breakfast room, old fashioned cellar and fenced back yard..all for the grand price of $99,900.
Here's a 2bedroom, 2 bath, appliances, built-in flat screen TV, green house, storage building and above ground pool for $95,500. The Village Bakery is still for sale as is the Leroy Store with house for $135,000.

Inky called me this evening to tell me that me and my blog have a fan in town. I freaked out..I didn't think anyone other than Babs and Bubba even read the blog. Inky said she is a school teacher here in West and is a big fan of my blog, that we have a lot in common and she just loves me..Holy Shit!..That's pretty fucking cool. I figured if anyone from town ever found out about my blog they would be storming the store with petitions for me to cease and desist and to leave town. I'm still dissapointed that no one has said anything about my bumper stickers...Tom said "what do you expect from a town where no one gives a shit."...good point..
Anyhow, to my new reader and fellow resident of West, stop by and say howdy at the store and you're more than welcome to leave a comment..
Going to go water the garden, feed and water the birds. I'ts 11pm, but it's cool out and just to hot to do it during the day.
Have a great weekend, Rodeoodiodi, rodeoodiodi, bordering on the insane..hats off to Jerry Jeff Walker..


  1. Jackie, I just love you to pieces! Wish I could make Wests' Rodeo Fests'...but until I can say that five times real fast...I don't see it happening!

    Laughed out loud at your horse rustling...been there, done that. If that ain't country, I'll kiss your ass.

    Doesn't it piss you off to see people with the "cutesy" stores spell country with a "k" "kountry kottage"...I mean, for crying out loud, if you're country, you're country...don't have to seem completely illiterate in the process.

    I'm just sayin'....

  2. right back atcha...
    west rodeo is ok...but the big deal is westfest...go to and czech us out...population of west goes from 2,000 to 30,000 over the labor day used to be much more but the dui's have cut down on the traffic..

  3. Hell's bells, I wish they had some good cheap food like that around this podunk town sometime.
    I have this odd premonition that the "Slammed I Am" picture will show up on the Crappy Times front page in the not too distant future!

  4. I get so hungry reading your blog with all the choices of cholesterol producing food produced by the citizenry. And I'm amazed that the entire West Chamber of Commerce doesn't reprint your blog for all to read.

  5. Woohoo! a fan. I enjoy me some Jerry Jeff, beer, BBQ, live music and drunken revelry on horseback so count me as a fan as well.

  6. Your earlier posts about real estate spurred me to keep track of real estate in West(not to be stalkery, or anything). West is only about an hour drive from my family (just the right distance, lol).

    Fabulous property, for reasonable cost, and in Texas, to boot! All I need now is to win the lottery...

  7. lily white sounds purer than the driven snow, pretty rare for a minister.

  8. Wish I could come to the rodeo, working on getting there for Westfest. Not many motels in West! Came by to see if had noticed that BYG's blog is gone. I am really sad about all of this. Eat some BBQ for me!!! Have fun at the rodeo!!

  9. Lilly White, huh? I think that phrase was coined with me in mind.

    Eastwick is always watching!

  10. Just got Neon Rain from Amazon. have been unable to put it down, except when I have to look up the occasional word(s). doesnt translate swears lol.

  11. lily:we really do have some great sales at our 2 little grocery stores..thank the goddess, cause no one can afford to drive the 15 miles to the house of satan..
    jan:we have some great restuarants and some great dishes...eveyone loves to eat here..
    travis:who doesn't love beer, bbq, jerry jeff and drunken cowboys..?....texas...gotta love us..
    mrsb:cool...come on down, we're fun to watch..
    billy:yeah, i should have rethought that term ha...NO body is lily white anymore..
    toodler:we have the czech inn, and then bellmead and hillsborogh has some motels...junebugg is coming and sooner is coming...and some friends of mine (the bookcases lady and her boyfriend) are supposed to come too..
    linda:oooh that makes me feel great...i knew once someone read him, they'd be hooked...

  12. Lucky you didn't get strung up as a horse thief.
    It looks like you won't have to worry about eating as long as the money holds out.
    I think the houses here are cheaper and nobody has been buying for a couple of years. I have noticed that when economic trouble is coming it seem to get to this area way ahead of other places. The prices are dropping now but who wants to settle in a place that still supports the Gump and will most likly support McCain.
    If the temp's here were in the mid 100's My butt would be roasted too but not at that price, I'm easy but not cheap. :P

  13. I love a feast-fest...Wish I was there.
    I'll have to settle for watching my Colts take apart the Redskins tonight.
    Cowboys doing anything this weekend?

  14. nit:the land prices are cheaper than the houses sometimes..groceries are going up, but both stores continue to have great sales..
    im still amazed them cowboys didn't kick our ass..but by the time we showed up they were so glad to see their horses they couldn't be bothered to whup's going to be 107 tomorrow and heat index past 110...feck!
    ted:hope your team for anyone that is playing the skins or especially the eagles...i hate the eagles...cowboys play next weekend..yippee...

  15. forkitall ydg- now you made me hungry and i just ate!!!

  16. I think West should give you a Good Citizen medal or somethin'...


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to