Friday, October 03, 2008


I stole the Yellow Dog's 1,400th post to let you ask more questions..She's passed out on the couch mumbling something about dancing meeces.... what ever...
I'm going to start making this a weekly visit for a while so if you didn't get to ask questions last time, nows your chance. I'm going to go make an old Viking potion to strengthen up the Yellow Dog's blood...she's a weak and puny human and needs a libation that will kick start her ass...Goddess bless you my children, and be on the look out for Loki, he's out and about with his little bag of tricks.


  1. Who would the goddess choose for vp if she were running for prez?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. How does the Goddess avoid catching what YD has when she goes around with one breast exposed like that?

  4. Great Goddess ~
    Your humble Goddess Diva Pastor-esssssss would like to know why she cannot lose poundage without eating right and exercising?
    It's hurting her ego. Exercise is ugly.

  5. Is it true that too much vibrator use will desensitize the beaver?

  6. Planning a trip to Las Vegas
    Who is going to win the Super Bowl?
    I want to win some big bucks

  7. will electric cars have sufficient battery life and distance between charges to replace the evil polluting beasts we currently drive?

  8. I got my cats a 20 pound bag of the nutritionally balanced organic cat food for $20 and they refuse to eat it. They want only the $40 for 20 pounds stuff, or they want Meow Mix, which is $10 for 20 pounds. Why are cats such contrary bastards?

  9. How does the Goddess keep that right breast so perky? On another subject; should I come out of the Democrat closet here in the RED state of Idaho, or protect my life at all costs and stay on the hanger in here? Do you think Sarah Palin stuffs her bra?

  10. Is a wink really as good as a nudge to a braindead politico?

  11. I'm pretty sure Rush Limbaugh is the Anti-Christ.
    Should I be afraid?

  12. At what age is Buddha going to be old enough to spend two weeks in West, TX with his Aunt Grandma Jackie?

  13. What should I ask for for my birthday this year? I don't really need anything and I know people will be all "Oh but you're 40..." so what should I ask for?

  14. My therapist wants me to get out and start dating again. Is this his way of telling me that I just need to get laid?

  15. Is an impatient man or woman a grave diggers friend?

  16. do you have just one breast? not that there's anything wrong with that..

  17. Why don't you destroy all the people that think it would be good to have Palin a heartbeat away from being in charge of America's nuclear weapons?

  18. What would be your ideal cosmic comeupance for Dick Cheney and George Bush?


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to