Wednesday, November 26, 2008



  1. Actually, God didn't have as much to do with it as steroids.
    Slow roasting is the key: Get one bird, one pan and one oven together at 225 degrees (just above boiling, that's the secret) for about an hour a pound, and it won't matter what she's stuffed with, it'll be awesome...
    Unless of course you fell out of your chair laughing your ass off at online shit the night before, and can't get your damn shoulder to quit hurting...
    Just call me "Lefty" from now on.

  2. My daughter has a poster to take to her grams house, with funny Thanksgiving pics (one has the Sesame Street crew eating a roasted Big Bird, lol!).

    I showed her this one, and it made the poster!

  3. Blame it on chemicals and selective breeding...the Wild Turkey was so awesome it almost became our National Symbol- at least it got good likker named after it.

    Have a wonderful Goddess Gratitude Day!

  4. Spending the day in east Texas, and, this being Texas, we're eating beef. Isn't there a law against eating anything other than red meat in this state?

  5. who knew steroids and chemicals could taste so fecking good...
    i'd rather have a big ole fat juicy rare rib eye...but i'll settle for turkey..and .....pie..

  6. hee hee!

    Cute! :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. God hates turkeys because they allow gay marriage.

  8. After 8 years of turkey a rib eye sounds pretty good!

  9. The Dallas Cowboy steamroller is in full mothaf***in' advizzance!!!24-3 with 4:40 to go in the 2nd...Oooh RAAH!

  10. 34-9 Dallas FINAL...YES!!!
    Ride 'em, Cowboys!

  11. They hunt turkeys here and for some reason they don't wear their pretty orange hats and vests as it pisses the birds off.
    I tried hunting Turkeys once but the guy at the meat department objected to me shooting holes in his freezer cases.

  12. Odd, I can also describe myself with those adjectives.


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