Friday, November 14, 2008

Wanted to clean out my stumble closet and get rid of the last of the political cartoons..I think I got them all.
I will post either tomorrow or Sunday about the Chili Cook a picture of my new shoes Shady Lane sent me for my birthday..along with a picture of my Goddess's, and my 'tada' new hair color. It's not the color of rotten bananas any more..Shady Lane also sent me a 'virgin pin''s a big O....said since I hadn't had sex in 23 years she was sure my cherry had grown back and just like Madonna, 'I'm a virgin, just like the very first time...Like a virgin....oh oh...', twirling her finger over her head, Jackie wanders off into the living room, doing a soft shoe in her brand new spanking black converse....I'm so fucking hot..I touch myself.


  1. Oh,these are ALL good!..You know I'm lovin' the first one.

  2. *LMAO @ that in-a-coma-for-8-years bit*
    Tom Tomorrow fuckin' ROCKS...almost as good as Bloom County.
    TOT: Do you really have a place in West called the "Used Shit Store" or is that your personal euphemism for it?
    If you have an Aldi store, the Persipan Christmas Stollen is in, and fresh!!!

  3. These had me laughing my head off. Love it!

    Good luck in the chili cookoff.

  4. The Onion you can read, before you put it in the chili.

  5. sling: i actually think these were some of the best ones yet.
    ted:no i always call caritas(like salvation army) the used shit store..which is what it is...a store with used shit..ha.
    maineguy:i hope tasting all that chili doesn't do me in.
    rainy:thats a thought.'i read the onion all the time.

  6. I'm goin' theivin'!
    The style I use writing for The Crappy Times and Rattling Bones Undead Musician Magazine was inspired by the Onion, actually.
    The chili thing reminds me, I posted a fine gassy tale on the Hub. I wonder if the guy that got all up in my grill about my disgust with that man of the cloth who refused to give communion to the "sinners" that voted for Obama will get all up in my grill about my fart post. That would be just too...fucking funny!

  7. Someone should tell Palin you’re not supposed to shoot creatures more intelligent that you. What will Rocky the squirrel will do? Dive bomb the Alaska Governors shack? He is a flying squirrel after all.
    Cheesemeister, you should check out the last link on my Stumble post to gain real insight into the life of farts.

  8. Funny as ever JackieSue !! :-)

  9. Loving 'em. Once again, thanks for helping me start the weekend with a good laugh.

  10. i don't think that i'd do the governor's daughter.

  11. So many exploitable stills from that vice presidential debate.

  12. When did that moon thing happen?

    I second the info on chili recipes. Real ones form Texas...

  13. Oh god ...

    You are as evil as I am. I love it!

    *hat tip*

  14. LMAO! The first one was a beauty.

  15. Like the Biden-Palin one. Where did you find one where Palin's youngest daughter wasn't flipping the bird??

    Is your chili with or without beans??

  16. Those are hilarious..hope the chili cook off went well.

  17. I nearly fell out of my chair at the Palin/Biden one... I'm mailing that one to my politically-minded friends.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to