Wednesday, December 31, 2008


How can I tell you how much you all mean to me with out becoming gushy...?...I can't...I love each and everyone of you like your were my own..even if you're close to my age..You entered my heart and grabbed a holt of it, so now you are mine..You have told me about your family and I have told you about mine..I have opened up my heart and told you all my secrets(well except for that dream I keep having about Paul Newman) and you didn't let it scare you came back for more. I have told you about every part of my life year by year and did it to music..and yet, here you still are nearly 3 years later...I'm so grateful...don't know what I'd do without you. I am constantly pissing my family off and they in turn quit speaking to me...but if I've pissed you guys still stayed..and came back for on the cusp of a brand new year I'd like to send you a big ole West, Texas hug...full frontal and with lots of squeezing...each and every one of you make heart...and in the immortal words of Billy Pilgrim...I fucking love you sonsabitches.


  1. Awww haha Love ya right back gal!

    Speaking of Paul uncle is an electrician...a traveling one of sorts...haven't spoken to him in years. Anyway, he told me long ago that he once wired a home for Newman, cool, eh? ;) Anyways...

    Happy New Year lady! I wish you the best of health and happiness and perhaps we shall even get to meet! :)

  2. woozie:yup..and I had his baby...
    wendy:big ole texas titty hugs..ha
    tina:yes we can come down for westfest...labor day weekend..keep the date open..

    also...the goddess has answered everyones questions...down below the birthday wish to babs.

  3. Back atcha Jackiesue.

    May you live as long as you wish
    and love as long as you live.
    Not gonna tell who said that but I did steal it.
    I didn't think 2008 would ever end. That leap second they added made the Bush years almost longer than I could take.

  4. For fucks sakes it ate my comment! Not a good start to the new year if I can't comment! ;o)

    20 more days and this nightmare can officially be over - hope it brings the positive changes we've all set our hearts on.

    I'm a bit frightened to know what a hug with big ol' Texas boobies and big ol' Missouri boobies might look like but I'll always take a hug!

    Warmth and many blessings in 2009! Keep doing what you do and I'll keep reading it!

  5. HA!..I alone can embrace the very T-Shirt that held those bountiful Texas boobs!..I love that stuff.
    Happy New Year ol' friend,and Happy birthday to Babs, my favorite insane lady!

  6. We fucking love you too. Mucho.

    Happy New Year to my favorite Texan. Big ole California boobies can take on the big ole Texas ones - no problem. :)

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  8. We're buggers for punishment I guess!

    All good things to you, yours and the Goddess.

    Baci di Roma


  9. Mucho grande love and hugs backatcha. We're sending plenty of love your way from Virginia.

    Buddha slept almost all night in his bed last night. I think it was part exhaustion and part hard-core mommy love. As we speak, there is a pile of his toys on the front porch. They come in ONCE per day once he's slept in his bed the night before. No sleepie in the bed? No toys back in the house. After a week, the toys are donated to Good Will. Done.

  10. I'm betting that thing with Paul Newman involved lots of dressing...of the salad oil kind.

    Mmmmmmmmm, gotta love that hug!

    Happy New Year to you Granny - may it bring you good health, lots of good times with friends (with and without salad oil) and lots of new adventures!

  11. May the Goddess bring you nothing but blessings and the best of health this coming year. Here's hoping I'll eventually grow up to be half as cool as you Jackie Sue...

    And I'll take that hug any 'ole time!

  12. I love you right back. Thank you for being there for me.Can't say enough.

  13. Happy Fucking New Year!!! Gotta love those full frontal hugs!!

  14. Happy New Year!
    Soon we get to see if our guy can do any good as president. May the force be with him.
    I love you Texas sonsabitches!

  15. Happy New Year. I hope 2009 is a great year for you!

  16. Love you too Jackie brighten my every single day.

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  18. Happy New Year Jackie Sue! I love you too! (But that goddess gets a little pissy sometimes)

  19. Happy New Year! Much love and happiness from east TN.

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  22. big ole texas hugs and best wishes to all of bloging rock!


    Wishing you nothing but the best in 2009. Whoo hoo -- only 19 more days of the worst President ever!!

  24. These blog things are a bitch, aren't they? You start one just for fun and then these people from all over the damn world find you and worm their way into your heart. And then you have more love, and more worry, and more friends, damn it! A hug as big as Texas to you Jackie Sue. Love ya right back.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to