Tuesday, December 02, 2008


this will have to hold you until I have a brain storm and think of something to write about.


  1. i don't know where you find these, but i love every single one. i really needed a laugh today.

  2. The modern day Joad family has me wetting myself. Steinbeck and Henry Fonda would be so proud. Actually that soggy monologue of Fonda's would have been better text messaging.

  3. As usual, very funny. Love that Sarah Palin/Goodwill one and the left behind one, although I think it's the Religious Right who will be left behind, not the true Christians and others who are compassionate and kind to others. The Religious Right will be in for a surprise on judgment day that is for sure!

    Someone fed that poor giraffe too much fast food. LOL

  4. i plan on liberating a little cannabis later on tonight.

  5. I'm trying to figure out the Praise the Lord card. Is he checking out clothes to wear or what?

  6. rosemary:me too..
    jan:it's soooo TRUE!ha
    rudegirl:yeah, every time i see her she's still dressed up in those clothes..but the republicans think she actually turned them back in...yeah, right..
    billy:you and tex both i bet.
    sage:youre than welcome.
    rainy:i think he can't believe his luck..his pius brother in law is finally gone..

  7. Oh well one of your stumbles is one I was going to use in a blog I'm working on. I like visual aids.
    Quite a few funny ones that hadn't seen yet.
    Gotta get me a booby beer cover.

  8. For a second I couldn't figure out why the girl taking a pee in the grass was funny...and then I saw it. *snort*

  9. And once again you have made my day a better one. And I can hardly await the Rapture!

  10. Another batch of good ones. The Rapture one is good. Free at last!!

  11. I don't get the frisbee one... But the rest are good!

  12. Love them, especially the Jedi squirrels.

  13. nitwit:I gave a boobie cover to my friend mike about 15 years ago..he still has it.
    mrsb:the title for the picture is 'the last poop.'..haha
    willym:now I can hardly wait for the rapture..get rid of all those obnoxious assholes..
    kulkuri:i think the rapture one is the favorite of everyone.
    lic:it kept getting bigger...then it him in the head.it was getting bigger cause it was getting coming right at him and his him in the head...never mind..hah
    nan:i like the luv we haz it..one too..

  14. I iz happy...granny posted more funneze.


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