Friday, January 16, 2009


I wonder what will happen to my Bush clock that is counting down the days left in office for the asshole. Does it self destruct? Start counting down Obama's day? Or just remain at oooo hours.? Guess we'll find out..
Figure everyone one is going to be doing stuff this I am going to post some lolcats...I found the website for them and some of them just crack me up...didn't even go stumbling for stuff just doing the animals...have a great weekend. My foot is a tad better, my cough is better thanks to the super duper cough syrup, and I'm getting bored with sitting home feeling sorry for myself...So will go to the library tomorrow and see if Nancy would like some help. Keep me out of trouble. Maybe.


  1. Thanks for the laugh, these are hilarious and the captions so. glad your feeling better too. Be careful - the Bush clock probably explodes!!

  2. I'm going to miss your Bush rants. I hope you don't mellow out now that he is going to be your neighbor.

  3. lily:yup, im thinking it will blow my computer up when it runs down.
    jan:he's been my neighbor for 8 fecking years..even went to see the movie farenheight 9-11 at crawford...almost got into a tussle with a bunch of baylor yuppies screaming 4 more years.

  4. The clock is gonna tick down to zero and then say; got-ya!

  5. Oh, and usually timers like that start counting up in days, or they say something like "times up".

  6. Love the "cuk cheeseburger" kitty! so cute!!

    I'm looking on the bright side of the Bush countdown ticker... I think that when it hits all zeros a stripper will spring from it and do a little dance... I'll be here to check it out - see if I'm right! ;o)

    So glad you're feeling better.. keep it up!

  7. (but really I don't care what the countdown clock does - it just gives me giddy shivers thinking that it's almost over!!!!)

  8. rainy:that would make me weep.
    elizabeth:as long as he's gone i damn near dont care what happens.
    wendy:i blogrolled it..i love it..thanks i didn't know about it..
    yeah, my problem is i think im 35 instead of 65 and every now and then the old body has to kick my ass to remind me.
    I also have to figure out how to get it off once the clock clicks off..
    pom:i like the one where he drank the coffee.ha and the cook your own cheezebuga the dog says what could go wrong he says.
    cracks me up.yeah, me too...just go away george..just go away.

  9. Well, supposedly his "farewell address" was aWol's last public appearance until Tuesday when he actually officially leaves.

    I think my favorite is the cat with the coffee.

  10. I heard about some waxing/salon sort of place either in DC or Chicago that is offering a special for Inauguration Day. They are calling the special "Say Goodbye to Bush!"

  11. As much as I hate Bush, I have to admit I'm gonna miss him. Who else are we gonna hate on now? And now we all need to find someone else to laugh at. The endless Bush jokes were the best thing about his presidency!

  12. Maybe the countdown clock will self-destruct when it hits zero. I hope it doesn't make my blog or yours disappear.

    I like the bears and also the "cook your own cheeseburger the dog says."

    There are endless choices on who to make fun of when aWol leaves. Any one of the idjits still spouting the NeverRightWingNut talking points. When aWol leaves he doesn't have to go away mad, just fucking go away!!!!

  13. I love lol cats! I have one sprawled on me which is making typing a real challenge.

    Did you quit?

  14. Jackie Sue, I started reading your blog because of your rants about George W. I truly believe the only reason I made it through the last couple of years was because of you and another blogger, Hil at Old Broad Speaks, who used to rant about Bush and his cronies. (Unfortunately, she quit blogging about a year ago.) It was so nice to find other people who felt the same and weren't afraid to say so!

    LOL cats is so funny! There's even a LOL cats book based on the blog. I hope you have a wonderful weekend -- enjoy it because Tuesday is going to be a new beginning for all of us. HOORAY!

  15. About the countdown clocks, it seems they will stop at 12:01AM on the 20th, not 12:01PM when Obama will be swore in.

  16. Ooooh I love the kitties - almost makes me want to get another one - ALMOST.

    The thought of having yet another mouth to feed and butt to pseudo wipe stops that urge.

    I'm glad the cough is getting better - what about the footsie? If you go to help our at the library - DO IT SITTING DOWN.

  17. Republicans already have an Obama Countdown Clock on the wall of their fallout shelter.

  18. Hilarious! Thanks darlin' for the laughs! any and all things "cats" turn my soul right over ... As for the countdown clock, Bush's "midnight" can't come fast enough. I sneer and snarl whenever i see that nasty little sphincter-face ...

    Granny ... thank you for lighting a candle for me ...

  19. I love it when you have thee funny things..they bring big smiles to my face.

  20. nan:he's at camp david crying into his pillow, 'why doesn't anyone like me'...
    josh:thanks for the link to cracked me up.
    yankeegirl:going to miss lettermans important presidential speeches and watching bush fuck his up..
    kulkuri:we'll always have biden..he's good for a laugh.
    rox;yeah, annie likes to do that to..yup..I quit..sigh*
    rudegirl:oh im sure i'll find something to bitch and rant's my nature.yeah, i love those lolcats...crack me up.
    kulkuri:so it just stops? that's it?...huh!
    buddhagirl:im sure the dr will do some work on my feetess and i'll be able to do some standing..can't sit on my ass all day long although i have tried to do it..ha
    Woozie:i was flipping thru and hit fox news..judas priest all the whining and bitching and bad mouthing was making me sick..bastids.
    jalyia:your on my permanent prayer list as of now.
    sage:glad to put a smile on your face..

  21. Those were great! very funny! Glad to hear you are feeling better! I am hanging in there...


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