Sunday, January 18, 2009


I made up a new word...Instead of calling people dickhead, or asshole..I now call them Buttroy. Don't ask me where it came from, it just popped into my head and thought it would make a great word..Ya bunch of Buttroys..Doesn't it have a certain ring to it? Examples of a Buttroy?...The guy Obama picked to give the prayer at his inauguration. He's for sure a Buttroy. The person at the drive thru that doesn't give you enough napkins or mustard for your corn dog. Yup..Buttroy. The cop that gives you a ticket for going 3 miles over the limit?...Buttroy. The little old lady who cuts in front of you in the grocery line with 37 items in the 20 times or less lane...uh huh...Buttroy. The guy that tries to pick you up in the bar by saying:"If I told you you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me." Redneck motherfucking Buttroy. You get the point.
The other thing I want to post about is the terrific gift I got from Elizabeth...she's from Pittsburgh..she's a happy camper today...He
r team is going to the Super Bowl. My team is staying home and picking dingle berry's off their Buttroy asses. Anyhow the gift..It's a terrific book...The title of the book?...Good-bye Bush. It is a parody of the children's book Good-night Moon. It is hysterical. I laughed snickered and giggled all the way through it. Trust me..yafta get yourself a copy. I am in return sending her a book she will love since she's a Pittsburgh Steeler fan. You all know I am doing the happy dance cause the Eagles lost. But my happiness is tainted by the fact that my friend Anne who loves her Eagles like I love my Cowboys is hurting. That takes a lot of the joy out of it.damnit.
Did I tell you that Tom is no longer working for Family Dollar? Don't know the details...he could have finally got tired of being jerked around and told them to take the job and shove it. Or they fired him because he was pissy about being moved from our store to another crap store that needed to be fixed again. He is the fixer. I know he was really pissed about it. I hate it what ever the reason as he was one of the hardest workers I have ever worked with and he deserves to be treated a lot better than they treated him. Buttroys.
My toe is the same. My cough is nearly gone, but then it does that as long as I take the cough syrup..Which is still giving me weird but wonderful dreams. I dream of my Daddy, my dog Bill and a few friends that have passed over. Dreaming of off the dead people and dead dogs is eerie..Keep thinking maybe they are coming to get me..Well, go the fuck away..I'm not ready yet. My Bush clock is still ticking...
Did I tell you that my rent went down from $151 to $120...If I had stayed working it would have gone up to $306..Buttroys.
Hows a sister expected to get a head?...Went to see Nancy Saturday and she was so excited that I would be able to work for her as there are some workshops she wants to go to and now she can go. I had thought about working at the senior center next door to the library, but being around all those old folks makes me nervous. They all smell like fixi-dent and hemorrhoid cream.Plus their fingers look like bird talons. Clutching the plastic knife and fork all bend over their food shoveling it in faster than you can put it on their plate. I swear if you made the wrong move toward them they'd flay you alive with their plastic knife. Plus it smells like school cafeteria food, and there is a memory lane I'd rather not go down thank you very much.
I lost another 7 pounds...I know weigh......185...from 255, or something like that..I forget..or least I'm trying to..I just know I was a fat Buttroy. Now I'm a chubby Buttroy. Pretty soon I'll be tits and elbows ..won't that be great.
I'm so excited about Tuesday I don't know if I should spit or go blind.I've watched everything they have shown on TV about him. Listening to the African-Americans talk about him just makes me weep. Especially the Tuskegee Airmen. wow..Plus I can't wait to see what Michelle is going to wear. And there will be people in the White House we can be proud of for a change.
welp....I am going to go finish reading my Jeffery Deaver's a good-un..y'all come back and see me now..ya'hea


  1. Buttroy - loving it!!! Am gonna use it too and I can think of many people who will get called it. Woo hoo on the weight loss - how have you done it? Go on if you tell me you ate less and exercised moer I'll call you......I mean its common sense isnt it so why is it so bloody hard to do!!

  2. I'm in awe over your weight loss. Good going - and hard work too.

    May you continue to avoid all the Buttroys aiming for you...

  3. my favorite dreams include dead dogs.

    i seem to recall some guy saying "keep the dream alive"

  4. Tuesday night, I'm going down to the Green Frog Inn and drink a round for our new President...They're all Democrats there, and none of us can stand Dubya - We got that in common!

  5. I have got to get a copy of Goodnight Bush! Love it!

    And I love your new word, Buttroy!

    I have to agree that Obama made a poor decision when he picked the Buttroy he did to give the opening prayer. Maybe he just wants to make him feel cheap for the way he tried to undermine Obama during the debate with McCain at the Saddleback ranch. Notice I said TRIED.

    Only 13 more hours! YIPPEE!!!

  6. Even the Canerdians are excited about the Goodbye of Bush and the arrival of Obama! WOOHOO!

    I love your take on senior's homes. Me? I take one look in the watery droopy eyes of a senior and I start bawling. I want to take them home with me. I'm nuts. That's also why I avoid pet stores now.

  7. Ok, I've officially set a timer to remind me to get my ass to your blog and witness what will happen when the countdown-clock-till-the-gargantuan-prick-is-gone has reached its end! :o)

    Good times (maybe I should get a life?)

  8. I'm gonna go with a variation on buttroy and use BushRoy...

    :) Means the same thing but is, like, 10 times worse!

    I always think its a good day when the Eagle lose (despite being from Philly) and its a better day when they loose along with the Cowboys. I guess I just think the massive excitement (mob hysteria) over what was a game is just insanity. I might change my tune if and when the pro teams ever start paying for their own new stadiums... but as long as I'm paying for it, they are Bushroys.

    :) see... I like that word!

    Hope you are feeling better - that cough and black feet thing has me worried (still).

  9. Great job on the weight loss...yipppeeee.
    I love the "buttroy" word it works wonderfully.
    I am sad for Anne about her eagles, I was cheering for them only because of her.

  10. Goodbye Buttroy Bush!
    Congratulations and hoping of better things to come for all, including those of us outside of the US, with the inauguration of Obama.

  11. Buttroy. I've always wondered how words were started. It's exciting to be in on the beginning of such a useful word.

    I always loved Shakespeare's "whoreson." I wonder why we don't use it any more.

  12. I can't believe how low the numbers on your Fucktard clock have gotten! It's exciting to think after tomorrow you won't ever need it again...well, at least until Jeb steals his way into office in order to further plunder the nation.

    What exactly are your weightloss secrets? Was it all the coughing? I heard somewhere that coughing is good for the abs...maybe the Grand Lesbian Sage told me that.

  13. I'm watching everything to. It is an exciting time. I made up a word for people too it is asspainious. Good job on the weight loss my friend. I love you!

  14. Thought when women lost weight, the tits were the first to shrink.

    Buttroy is as good as any other word I guess. I kinda like hemorrhoid for the totally useless like aWol!!

  15. I have to tape the speech tomorrow because I have book club..
    But that's OK.I have goose bumps thinking about noon tomorrow.

    As for your cough..I now have it. whats the syrup you are taking?
    We leave for Las Vegas on Thursday and I don't want to sit on the plane hacking..

  16. It will be interesting to see the spread of Buttroy across the Interwebs now that you have coined it. The Yellowdog Army will take the good word and spread it all over the blogosphere.

  17. internet is fucked! a tech guy is coming by tomorrow between 8am and that means the buttroy will be here at 5till 5so i am at babs sitting on the floor typing this on her coffee table which is neck it will be short..i started having withdrawl from computer about 3pm and jones for you guys.but this is too difficult to do so will hope the buttroy will be here early..did you notice...there is nooooooooooo time left on my lets all run to the white house and throw his ass out..times up..see ya tomorrow..jackie

  18. Goodnight sweetheart, well it's time to go ...


  19. WTF!! I seriously set a timer to come see what happened to your countdown clock and it's already zeroed out??? We were robbed!! Bastards! err.. sorry Buttroys!!

  20. I had to visit your blog today so I could take a look at your George W Bush Days Left in Office countdown and see that it hit 0 days 0 minutes 0 seconds and yell Hell Yes!!!!!!

  21. i love "buttroy", it sounds very fitting!

  22. back in action..and he fixed my fast speed, where it really is fast damn...


    has a nice ring to it..don't it..?

  23. Ahem. Buttroy also translates into "woman who sent my kid a fucking electic guitar which arrived today totally equipped with batteries."

    I thought that thing would be EMPTY and willingly ripped it open only to find it screaming songs at me. I was stunned into silence as IT threw my kid into throes of joy.

    He's completely fallen in love with you again and believes you came from Guitar Heaven. He's got that thing strapped around his body and is dancing all over the place. All of THAT action on top of having PNEUMONIA. Go read your email for a breakdown of THAT freaking diagnosis.

    We love you, Jac!!!

  24. What a day!!! What a great great freaking double great day in America!!!!! Goodnight Bush!!! Good morning Obama.

    You're too sweet. You don't have to send me anything!

  25. Well the Number One and Two Buttroy's are gone from Washington but they sure did smell the place up before they left. Not to mention all the people they left behind to sabotage the changes that need to happen.
    Sucks about Tom but that's the way most bussiness work now. If you are a good worker who makes things better you get crapped on but if your a do nothing Buttroy, (I like that word)you get promoted and paid for doing nothing.
    More library stories! YAHOO!

  26. Obama! Obama!

    Thank God the Bush clock is all zeros!

  27. Bye-bye Buttroy!

    Rent went down? I thought that was against the law of physics...woot!

  28. buddhagirl:oh im so glad he got it and loves sick i was out dumping trash when you called ..i loved hearing his sweet little voice..i want pictures..lots of pictures..and remember teach him to play deep in the heart of texas for me..hahah
    ilove you too.
    elizabeth:you say i dont have to send you anything..but wait till you get what im sending.hahah
    nitty:im going to call tom this week and find out how hes still pissed.
    I love the library stories..can't wait to get started...little buttroys in the making.
    tex:i need to figure out how to take that sucker down...if annie learns how to talk her first human words are going to be 'o...bam...a'...haha
    allan:i know, i really thought it would go up..lucky me..and no more buttroys in the white house.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to